...... 114
KAkapur, a place in Kasmir, mentioned under
the ancient name of Khági ....................... 67 Kakka (Rashtrakata of Gujarat); see Antrů.
li-Ohhåróli ............... ..................55 and n. Kalachuri or Chôdi era, the (see also eras);
Dr. Schram's Tables for the conversion of
dates in it....................................... 296, 297 Kalachuris of Chêdi; their Puriņic genes
logy, 215; - they belonged to the lunar race, 215; - and to the Atrêya gótra, 210; - their family mentioned by the name of Kalachuri ......................................215, 219 kalambakam, a class of Tamil poems ........... 258 Kalaturya, a variant for Kalachurya or
Kalachuri............. Kalavali, or Kalavali-Nárpatu, "the Battle.
field," a Tamil historical text, edited ......... 258 Kalbhåvi, a village in the Belgaum District;
apparently its older name was Kummu.
davada, 310; -a Jain inscription, edited 309 Kalhaņa (see Kaśmir, and Rajatarangin, his father's name was Chanpaka, 105 and n.; - extracts from his Rajatarangini, 65, 97; - he wrote a certain part of the
poem in A. D. 1148-49 ........................... 66 Kalhari, ancient name of Kalrt ............... 197 Kalidasa, the poet, mentioned in literary
legends, usually in connection with king Bhoja ................
.... ......................41, 42, 43 Kaligalankusa (Ganga of Kalinga)................ 171 Kallah and Dinnah, new ed. of, 126; - Italian version of ...........
.............288 Kali Nag, story of ............ ............... 318 Kalindi, the river Jamna, mentioned in the
Rajatarangins ............... Kalinga country, the; mention of it in the Ganga grante, in the plural (Kalisigdk), 146, 170, 171; -mention of it ss the Kalinga deda, 176; -mention of it as Trikalinga, the three Kalingas '... 164, 165,
171, 175, 212 Kalinganagara, ancient name of the modern Kalingapatam in the Gaijam District 144,
145, 165, 175 Kaliyuga era; its epoch according to the
Súrya-Siddhanta, in days of the Julian period, and with reference to Ujjain, if reckoned for the apparent Mesha-Samkranti, is 588,4657500 days, 193; – but its vulgar epooh, reckoned for the mean Mêsha-Sankranti, is 588,463-6024 days, 193, 197; - Prof. Kielhorn's method for finding the beginning, taken at the mean Mesha-Sathkranti, of any year of this era, in accordance with the Súrya. Siddhanta, 193; - Dr. Schram's Tables for the conversion of dates in this era...296, 297
kalpadi, a special name of certain tithis ...... 20 KAlrt, « village in Gujarat, mentioned under
the ancient name of Kalhari .................. 177 Kalumalam, an ancient place in the Kongu
or Chêra country ........... ................... 259, 264 kalyao, an abbreviation, in kalyao-froshthio,.
requiring explanation KAmarava I. (Ganga of Kalinga), 170, 171;
he conquered BalAditya, and took possession of the Kalinga countries, 170; -his
capital there was Jant&vura ..................... 170 Kåmârnava II. (Ganga of Kalinga); his capital
was named Nagarą................ ................ 171 Kamârnava III. (Ganga of Kalinga) ............ 171 KÅmårnava or Kamârnavadêva IV. (Ganga of
Kalinga) .............. .................. 164, 171, 175 Kåmår avadêva V. (Ganga of Kalinga)... 164,
171, 175 Kamârnava VI., also called Madhu-Kamar
ņava (Ganga of Kalinga, 163 n., 164, 171,
175; - his wife was VinayamahAdôvi...164, 175 kdmaádstra, 'a work on the art of love;' such
work is attributed to Vasunanda ......98, 104 kamatha, perhaps rendered in Pali by kapha. ta, 'a tortoise ...........
............. 75 Kambali, ancient name of Kambli, a village
in Gujarat.............................................. 178 Kampur, a place in Kasmir, mentioned under
the ancient name of Kanishkapura....... 69, 72 n. Kaņaikka-Irumporai, an early Chôra king who
fought with the Chola Chenkannan ......... 259 Kanakavahini, an ancient river in Kaimir ...68, 71 Kanarese Ballads; No. 4; the Crime and
Death of Sangya....................................... 353 Kanauj, a town in the Farrukhabad Distriet; mentioned under the ancient names of Kanyakubja, 13, 133; - Kanyakubja, 18; - Kanyakubja, 68, 70; - GAdhipura, 13, 18, 132; - and Kusika, 13, 18, 132; -men
tioned as conquered by Jaluuka I. .........68, 70 Katcharasa, a Ganga Mahdmandalesvara. 310, 313 Kanishka (Tarushka or Indo-Scythian), men
tioned by Kalhaņa as a king of Kasmir, and allotted to the Turushka race, 69, 72; - according to Kalhana, he was anterior by two reigns to B. C. 1182; but in all probability the Saka era, commencing A. D.
77, runs from the beginning of his reign ... 65 Kanishkapura, ancient name of the modern
Kampur..........................................69, 72 n. karkata, a word meaning 'boundary'...81 and n. Kantaka vartant, the territory of Vajrahasta
1....................................... ....... .... 171 Kantakotea, an ancient agrahdra in Kasmir 69, 73 kanthikd, 'the necklet (of royalty) .......... 170 Kapalesvari, a goddess ............................... 116 kaphata, perhape = kamatha ........ ...... 75