Central India, remarks on the history of, in the Gupta period, 227; - inscriptions from Central India, edited ..................341, 343, 344 Central Provinces, inscriptions from the, edited..179, 209, 211, 213, 214, 218, 230 Châhada, Thakkura; a general of Kumarapâla ******************* .....................343 and n. Châharapalli, ancient name of perhaps Chârôl 177 Châhumana, the name of a lineage or dynasty; an instance in which it is written Châhuyâna, 85; mention of the Mahdmandaléévara Vaijalladêva, of this lineage... 85 Chahuyana, a variant of Chdhumána Chakhdhar, a mound in Kasmir, representing
the ancient Chakradhara.................97, 101 n. Châkivada, an ancient village in the Samvå
vishaya Chakradhara, an ancient Vaishnava temple in Kasmir, now represented by the mound of Chakhdhar.... 97, 101 and n. Chalukyas, Eastern (see also VishnuvardhanaVijayaditya); synchronisms between them and the Western Châlukyas and the Cholas 240 Chalukyas, Western; inscriptions and notes relating to them, 35 to 38, 270, 272; - synchronisms between them and the Eastern Chalukyas and the Cholas... 240 Cham literature, M. Barth on..................... 126 Chamundaraja (Chaulukya)....... 114 Chanakya, notice of Monseur's edition of ...54, 55 Chandanachala, a name of the mountain Potalaka
Chandasarman, Mahdsdindhivigrahika, the Dutaka of the grant of Bhimadeva II. of Simha-Samvat 93 (P). 110 Chandavasana, ancient name of Charâsan......178 Chandella kings; the older form of their
family-name was Chandrêlla, 236, 237; -a later name was Chandrâtrêya .................. 237 Chandracharya, a grammarian; see Mahabha. shya............. ...........69, 73 Chandradêva, a Brahman mentioned in the Rajataramgint in connection with the Någas and the Buddhists ........69, 73
Chandradeva (Gâhaḍavala), 10, 13, 15; - mentioned as acquiring the sovereignty over Kanauj, 13, 15, 18, 132, 133; -a possible mention of him as an incarnation of Brabman, 18 and n.; in the grant of Vikrama-Samvat 1154, he seems to have the title of Mahardja, as well as the paramount titles, 12 n., 13; his grant of V.-S. 1154, confirmed by his son, edited ... Chandragômin is not Chandragôpin Chandragupta, son of Nannadêva (of a branch of the Lunar Race) 180 Chandrakuly&, an ancient river in Kasmir..98, 103
9 52
Chandrâtrêya, a later form of the familyname of the Chandellas Chandrêlla, the older form of the name Chandella ........................................ .....236, 237 Chanpaka, the real form of the name of Kalhana's father 105 and n. Châpôtkata kings; remarks on a MS. giving a history of them................. charana, a sect or sohool studying any particular sakhd of the Vêdas; mention of the Taittiriya charana ........................................................... 369 Charasan, a village in Gujarat, mentioned under the ancient name of Chanḍavasana... 178 Chârôl, a village in Gujarât, perhaps mentioned under the ancient name of Chahara. palli... Chatagêlauâpali, a páṭaka of Dêûpâli 138 chaturmastpaksha, 'the half lunation which follows each full-moon called cháturmást.. 77 chdturmdeya; Buddhist prohibitions regard
ing killing, castrating, and marking animals on certain days in this period.................. 80 Chaudhari Phal, the ancestor of the Phůlkin chiefs of the Pañjab...... 323 Chaulukyas of Aphilwaḍ; some of their inscriptions, 80, 108, 110, 341, 343, 344; remarks on a MS. giving a history of them, 186, 187;-proof that they really did defeat the kings of Målava......341, 342, 345 chauri as an emblem on seals of grants...161, 172 chauvéra, a termination of Brahmans' names, or a title or epithet ....... 369 chavatha in the fiscal term vimśatichhavatha 19n. Chêdi, the Kalachuris of; they belonged to the Atrêya gótra................ 210 Chêdi era, the; see Kalachuri or Chêdi era, and also eras... ...........296, 297 Chembian, a name of Chenkanṇân.. 259, 262, 264, 265 Chenkan, Chenkapmål, or Chenkanṇân, an early Chôla king, who fought with the Chêra Kapaikka-Irumporai...259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 265 Cheramma, apparently the paramount lord of Ravidatta........ 365, 368 chess, Dr. Himly on Oriental 28 chhapana, in Paschima-Chhapana 135 *************** Chhihula, Ranaka, an official or dependant of Narasimhadeva .... 213
Chhittaraja, a Mahámanḍaléévara, mentioned in connection with Mâmvâni............94, 95 Chi-mo-lo, another name of Malakôṭṭa; it is 241 28
equivalent to Tamila....... China, Dr. Himly on chess in Chinese grammar, Georgievski, on, 158; geography, note on a Russian, 282; - Life, Georgievski's principles of, 157, 158;