... 133
Allahâbâd District, inscriptions from the, edited
..............33, 308, 309 Altai dialect of Turki, notice of dictionary ... 158 aluna, = aruna, & particular kind of bird ........................
.................. 74, 80 Amarfivati slúpa; proof that the great rail
was erected in or about A. D. 190 ........62, 63 Amarêśvara, an ancient place of pilgrimage
in or near Kaśmir ........... .................. 101 Amar Singh of Pati41A, his coins, 324; -
description of them ....... ................... 336 Åmâyi (P), an ancient village in the Manara
pattald ............. umbakapilika, 'a water-ant'(P)..................74,80 Ambarnath, a temple near Kalyan; the inscription of MÂmvåņi, of Saka-Sarvat
782; examination of the date ............... 94 Ambavadi vishaya, the territory of GuņAr.
nava I. ................................................ 170 arbdvadikd, 'a mango-grove'................303, 308 Ambull pattald, an ancient territorial divi.
sion on the river Daivaha........................ 138 Amir Khan of Koti-Maler, his coins, 329;
- description of them ........ Amõghavarsha, a king mentioned in the
Kalbhavi Jain inscription ................... 310, 312 Amáudatta, an ancestor of the Gangas of
Kalinga ......................... .............. 170 amúra, a Vedic adjective; remarks on its
meaning and connected words .............. 247 Apahilanagara, a form of the ancient name of Anhilwad................
****............. 345 Anahilapataka, the usual ancient name of Anhilwad, 81, 84, 110, 345, 347; - also
Anahillapátaka ............................... 111, 114 Anantavarman, Mahardja (Ganga of Kalinga) 146 Anantavarman, otherwise called Chôdagan
gadêva (Ganga of Kalinga), 164, 165, 171, 175; - mention of him with the paramount titles, 165, 171, 175; - and with the title of Mahardja coupled with them, 171; - he had the title of 'supreme lord of Trikalinga,' 165, 175; - he had sovereignty over the whole of Utkala, 172; - the date of his accession, 164, 171, 175; - the corresponding English date in A. D. 1078,.. 162; - his grants, edited, of Saka-Samvat 1003, 161; – of S.-S.
1040, . . 165; - and of S.-S. 1057............ 172 anda, a Vedic word, its proper sense .........28, 29 Anat, a Babylonian goddess, wife of Anu...... 246 anathika-machha, = anasthika-matysa, 'the boneless fish'
....................... 73, 75, 80 Andha-Yudhishthira, another name of Ya.
dhishthira I................................. 99, 104 Andhra dynasty, the kings of the; remarks
on their chronology ......... ...........62, 63
Anésejjeya-basadi, an ancient Jain temple
at Lakshmeshwar ........... .......... 37 Anhilwåd, or Aphilw&då påţan, or simply
Patan, a town in the Gaikwâr's Dominions ; notes on its history, 81; - mention of it under the ancient names of Anahilanagara, 345; - Aşahilapataka, 81, 84, 110, 345, 347; - and Anahillapataka, 111, 114; - and perhaps of Dharmavarhika ...111, 112,
114 n., 116 animals, Buddhist prohibitions regarding killing, castrating, and marking them, at certain times, 80; - animals helping hero in folktales, 348, 349; - talking in folk.
tales .................... ...... ................ 148, 276 Aniruddhapurt, or Vijaya-Aniruddhapuri, an
ancient town ...................................... 266, 270 anka; forms of this word used in express
ing dates; ankatah, 11, 55, 56, 112, 131,
136, 137, 139, 140; -mike ........ 20, 21, 58, 141 Anna, Chaldean god of the sky................... 246 An-Nasir-li-din-Allah, coin struck in his name 277 Antarvôdf, the Doab, the country between the
Ganges and Jamna.............. .............. 135 Åntroli-Ohh&roli, & village in the Surat
district; the grant of Kakka, of Saka
Samvat 679; examination of the date ...... 55 anubhavane, time or period of office' ......... 36 Anu, the god, denotes primordial chaos, in
the Babylonian religion ....................... 246 anufta, for anita................................273 and n. aphil, an adaptation, in Kanarese, of the
English appeal'................ ............... 359 dptakriya, 'a trusty agent'......................... 176 apärva-Brahmana, 'new Brahmans who have not been fed on a previous occasion, and see ante, Vol. VI. p. 212, note) are
not to be fed again ........................85 and n. Arabic, Dr. Vollers on the grammar of
living, 28; - dialect of Damascus, gram. mar of, 89; - Algerian Dialects, grammar of, 89; - MSS. in Berlin, notice of the Catalogue of, 126; - MSS. in the Berlin Library, 284 ; -version of the Story of St. Mark, 315 ff.; - numerals reversed on Tipa
Sultan's coins .................... ............... 315 Arabs, notice of Dr. Schwarzlose's treatise
on the coins of the ancient ................... 28 Arathaura, ancient name of Athôr............ 178 Archeological Survey of India; notice of
Vol. XXIII., 96; -of Southern India; notice of Dr. Burgess' volume on the Amarivatf and Jagayyapeta Stapas, with the Asöka inscriptions at Jaugada and
Dhauli by Dr. Bühler ............................. 62 Arhat, the Jain; his banner was that of a
bunch of feathers ...... .........313 and n.