DECEMBER, 1889.)
8. amtagadadasa, 1 suyakh., 10 ajjh. (N omits), 7 (8N) vaggi, 10 (8 N) udla, 10 (8 N) samud14, samk hêjjái payasayasahanskim p. (saya omitted in N, also in Ed.; 2,304,000 Schol.).
9. anuttarovavaiyadasao, 1 suyakh., 10 ajjh. (omitted in N Ed.), 3 vagga, 10 (3N) uddola, 10 (3 N) samold, samkhêjjâim payasayasahasskim p. (saya omitted in N, also in Ed.; 4,608,000 Schol.).
10. panhavagarapani, l suyakh., [45 ajjh. N], 45 uddola, 45 samuddol, sarkhêjjåņi payasa yasa hassari p. (saya omitted in N, also in Ed. ; 9,216,000 Schol.).45
11. vivayasue, [2 suyakh. N], 20 ajjh., 20 uddol, 20 samuola, samkhôjjáim payasayasahasedim p. (saya omitted in AN, also in Ed.; 18,432,000 Schol.)
12. [287] ditthivae, 1 suyakh., 14 puvvâim, samkhijja vatthù, sankhejjâ chala (chulla N) vattků, samkhejja pahudi, s. påhudapähuda, sakhejjâu pâhudiyêu, samkhejjâu pahudiyapåhudiyaa, samkhejjáni payasahassani.
The most remarkable feature of the above is the statement in reference to the number of the words of each aiga. According to Abhayadeve in the scholia, 67 the number of words in the case of angas 1-4, increases continually by half till the eleventh anga is reached; and the Nandi and an anonymous writer thereupon asserts the same with the modification that, instead of angas 1-4, angas 1-5 are said to show this increase. This view is however in direct opposition to the actual facts of the case, for angas 7-11 are the least of all as regards their extent; which is so very small that there can be no thought of “100,000 countable padas,"40" countable" meaning here probably “those that need a special count," "numerous" or "innumerable." If we reckon on the average for each padam three aksharazo and for each grantha (éloka i.e. 32 aksh.), twelve padas, the following is the result of a comparison of the number of these granthas, stated as in the MSS., with the above pada numbers [288].
1. afiga, 2564 gr., i. e. 30,649 padas, instead of 18,000 p. 0 2.. 2800 gr., 27,600 padas,
36,000 3. . . 3750 gr., 45,000 padas,
72,000 4.. 1607 gr., 19,284 padas,
14,000 5. . , 15,750 gr., 189,000 padas,
(988,000 N 6. . ,5,375 gr.," 64,500 padas,
576,000 7. - 812 gr.,
9,744 padas,
[1,152,000] 8.· 890 gr., 10,680 padas,
(2,804,000) 9.. . 192 gr., 2,804 padan,
(4,608,000) 10. . 1300 gr., 15,672 padas,
[9,216,000] 11. . 1816 gr., 16,792 padas,
Drinavatir lakshah shōdaasahaaradhikah.
Aks padakotis chatarasitir lakshAb dvåtrikao cha sahasrápi. 47 Likewise slao Némichandra in the Pravachanasdrôddhara $ 92 v. 726 : padhamat Syarangan atharasacahassapayaparimpath Ovath sésamg&ta vi dogupi dugunappam&path 11
+ N at least has only " thousands."
+ Acoord. to Leumann samkhajja signifies merely an indefinite number that is still to be counted, and not always a large number.
* See Bhagav. 1, 877. This is true in the case of the prose; in verso we must reduce the number somewhat. The preliminary question is of course-What does the author understand by pada? [Malayagiri in the Nandi KH SAYA D. 425 yatrorth palabdhis tat padam.-L.) In this approximation of three aksharas to pada I havo jeokoned the single members of compounds a single word, in so far as the compounds can lay claim to be considered as such.
61 See above, p. 250. The grantha enumeration is of secondary origin in comparison with the pada enumeration.
59° So also in nisithabhishya pedh. 1 (taken from the Ashraniry.). It must, however, be noted that the whore number (18.000) referred to the frat srutaskandha only. Malayagiri saya [Nandi-1 p. 4951: atra DATA Abs yath'Aohare dvad grutaskandhau pabchavinbatir adhyayanani padagréga chishtAdata pada saharli
arhi yad bhanitara nava bambhacharamail afphdrasa paya-sahabad vil i tad viradhyaté; atra hinavabrahmachar yadhyayans-matra evdah Adaka-padasahaarapramina Aohara ukto, 'smins tv adhyayane dvau frutaskandhau patiohaviobatir adhyayanAni Mat samagoay! Acbaraaya parimanam oktam, ashtAdaba pada-sshaardi peab prathama-srutaskandhaays navabrahmacharydhyayanaaya. vichitrêrtha-nibaddhani hi sutrkpi bhavanti, sta era shishAr samyakarthivaramo karpadlingo bhavati nányatha, Oha cha charikrit 1 dl muyakhandh panat fears avhavanini, yanh kyaraq sahiyanna (0) Aydrassa pamanaih bhaniyathatthrasa paya saha sad puna padhama. wakhandhasha navabambhachermayassa pamamath vichitta-attha nibad dhani ya mittari, gurdwaal daithe atth. jdniyavuo thi. This view of the Charmiksit (translated by Malayagiri into Sanskrit) seems to be the more right
w the Digambaras sacribe also 18,000 pude to the Achdro without soknowledging any sooond Brutaskandha te Prof. Peterson's Second Report, p. 184.-L.
# Another statement 6,500 gr., or 4 155 gr.