[DECEMBER, 1889.
tattha nasi jé se caütthé angê samavde ti dhié, tassa, nan ayam atthe ... In angas 1-3 we do not find at the outset any such designation as first second, third angam.
I extract the following from the remainder of the anga. In & 1 repetition of the statements of the third anga in reference to the asterisms addá, chittá, súti being called égatára; further on the saine statements are made about the remaining nakshatras; in $ 7 the 28 nakshatras are divided into four groups, viz. : kittiykiya (Radika) in the East (puvvadáriya), mahliya in the South, anura ndiya in the West, dhani tháiyd in the North. After the sentence kittiyaiydiyd satta nakkhatta puvvudáriyá parn (pannattá) the words pághántaréna abhahiyadiya (A, abhiyaiya BC) are inserted ; 26 whereby, as the schol. explains, abhijit, asvint, pushya, sváti are indicated rather than the names in question. This insertion purposes to put the series of nakshatras, first invented by the Jains and taught especially in upángas 5, 7 (see Ind. Stud. 10, 220, 304) in the place of the old lețittiká series, which still maintained its validity at the time the fourth anga was first composed. 27 The new view had not yet received the authoritative stamp of orthodoxy. [280] We must however here notice that (cf. p. 269) in the third anga 8 7 we find statements completely identical with those in this insertion.-In 18 enumeration of the 18 kinds of writing usual for the bambhi livi (but not so correct as in up. 4 on which account I cite them there);-$18 atthinatthipavayassa puvvassa (this is the fourth púrvam) atthárasa vatthú ;-in § 19 enumeration of the 19 nayajjhayanas, i. e. of the 19 books of anga 6, in kariká form ;-in & 23 enumeration of the 23 styagadajjhayanas, i. e. of those of anga 2;-in 25 enumeration of the 25 ajjh. of anga 1; ayarassa bhagavaô sachúliyáyassa, the maháparinná being mentioned in the ninth place and the wisíhajjhayana being designated outright as " 25th ajjh." The latter is probably the chúliya (see $ 57 and p. 254); the designation as bhagavant is found also in $ 85, cf. also $ 84 ;-in & 36 enumeration of the 36 ajjh. of the uttarajjhayaņa, i.e. of the first múlasutra, and in fact with a few insignificant variations of the names given here; see below- 43 téyálisan kammavivagajhayaņá pan(natta); the names are however not enumerated; accord, to the schol. the 20 ajjh. of the eleventh anga, called vivágasuya are hereby referred to as also the 23 of the second (1) anga. Cf. page 270 in reference to the kammavivågadasâu in ten ajjh. mentioned in anga 3, 10; – § 44 chôálisan ajjhayaņd isibhåsiya dévalógachuyabhásiyá pann(natta); both of these texts, at least under these names, are no longer extant, 34* I have found the dévalogachuyabhásiy mentioned in this place alone; the isibhásiyá however are often mentioned. We have already come across them (see p. 272) in anga 3, 10 as third ajjh. of anga 10 (!) [281] In the Nandi they appear among the anangapavittha texts; the author of the Avasy. nij. confesses that he (2,6) is author of a nijj. to the isibháridi too, and (8, 54), placing them in the second place, describes them together with káliasua, súrapannatti and ditthivda as the four kinds of anuôa (see p. 258); Abhay. however here characterizes them as kálikasrutaviséshabhútáni. Haribhadra on Av. identifies them, on one occasion (2. e) with painna 7, on another (8,5), he calls them uttaradhyayanádini ! See above, p. 259. They appear also in connection with the painnas, embracing 50 (!) ajjh. in the Vidhiprapd, where their connection with the Uttarajjhayana as matántara is also referred to - $ 46 ditthiváyassa nasi chhayálisani mauyapaya (matrikápadání) pari(natta); barbhíé nan livie chháyálisan máuarakkhá (mdurakará BC, perhaps máuakkhard ? mátri + aksho) pain. In reference to the 46 máuy ápaya of anga 12 see below. By the "lékhyavidhau 46 mátrikáksharani" of the Scriptures, are according to the schol., to be understood a to ha, with the addition of ksha, but with the
** Akhyata, I assumed several years ago (Bee Bhag. 1. 410. 2, 251) under the erroneous belief that this form belonged especially to the Stryaprajtapti (800 Ind. Stud. 10, 264) that dhia dhijjai were derived from the root khyå weakened to khi, hi. I should now prefer to regard them as a species of retrogressive formation from the common dhahru (root ah). 25 Thus in A; in BC before.
26 The same case is found $72. 31 The echol, however regards the abhijit series 98 siddhdrhtamatam : he then adds : iha (in the text) tu mataturam abritya krittikddini .. bhanitini chandraprajñaptau tu buhutardni matani darsitani) (Ind. Stud. 10, 285).
3. See however the last but one asteriem note.
29 The Paniniy bikshe counts 68 or 64 varnas and (as is very remarkable)" both for Sanskrit and for Prikrit (!)" See Ind. Stud. 4, 348, 349.