NOVEMBER, 1889.]
sâka of the present inscription, although an interval of 88 years between grandfather and grandson may appear rather long.
Of the localities mentioned in the present inscription, Bhaillasvamin has been already identified with the modern Bhêlsa, a town on the eastern bank of the Bêtwa river, about 34 miles south of Udaypur. The various villages and the district of Bhrimgarika, which is also mentioned in the inscription B., still await identification.
1 Om41 || Om namah Sivaya || Samvat 1229 varshê 142 Vaisakha-sudi 943 Some Ady-êba śr[1]
2 mad-Anahila[p]"take
3 paramamâhêávara-sri-Ajaya[pa]"ladeva-kalyanavijayarajyê tatpadapadm-opajlvl(vi)-ma 4 hâmâtya-sri-Somesvare śrisrikaranâdau samasta-mudra-vyâpârân paripamthayat-i5 ty-êvam kâlô pravarttamânê nijapratapoparjita-sri-Bhaillasvami-mahadvadabaka
6 dala-prabhujyamânê45
ady-êha śri-Udayapurê tên-aiva prabhuna niyuktadaṁda
7 sakėna dhauta-vâsasi paridhâ[ya] parama-dhârmmikêņa [bhû]tva akshayatritiyayugadi
8 parvvani [Mu]hilaandh P34-Anvayê rajaputra-sri-Vilhaṇadêva-putra-paramalok
9 ja-sri-Solanadê va-śrêyasê
10 pathakė patchôpachara-puja-nimittam savrikshamal-akulam Umaratha-grâmaṁ*7 śasanêna 11 chatar-âghâța-samanvitaṁ
[ya]tha 1
12 Asya grâmasya parvvatô Naha-grâmam dakshinatô paschimatô
13 Dêuli-grâmaṁ uttaratô Lakhanaüḍa-gramam-vam vi[su]ddham grâ[mam] [*]
14 Va(ba)hubhir50-vvasudha bhukta rajabhi Sagar-idibhiḥ I bhumis=[ta]
trina-[ja]lasay-opêtam pradattam | Aghatas
Jour. Beng. As. Soc., Vol. XXXI. pp. 111 and 127.
40 From the rubbing.
15 sya tasya tada
phalam II chha II Sva-dattâm para-dattam vasumdharam shashthi(shti)-va16 rsha-sahasrani amêdhyê jayatê krimiḥ II
chha II Madhit51
yasya yasya yada
yo harêta su-mahipatiḥ
41 Expressed by a symbol.
42 This sign of punctuation is superfluous, and has perhaps been struck out already in the original.
43 This figure, for 3, is quite clear in the rubbing; but before it, there is a vertical line, evidently a sign of punctuation, which has been prolonged above the top line of the letters; and after the 3, and partly covering it, there is the sign of visarga.
44 Originally pa; altered to pd.
45 I take the meaning to be:-Bhaillasvami.mahádvadasaka-manale (Linapasakina) prabhujyamine triUdayapuré, i,e.. at Udayapura, which is in the enjoyment of (or governed by) L., (and is situated) in the BhaillasvAmi-mahådvadasaka mandala. Compare, e. g., ante, Vol. VI. p. 210, No 11, 1. 8, and Professor Bhandarkar's Report for 1882-83, p. 223, 1. 21; and, for the similar use of bhukto, ante, Vol. XIV. p. 100, 1. 9.
46 I am not certain that the consonants in these brackets are really ndh; but the way in which the sign for tho vowel & is joined to the consonants appears to show that the akshara does contain the consonant dh.
47 The word gráma is used as a neuter here and below.
48 One would expect to read asya gråmsey-dghita yath 1 pûrvats, &c.
49 Read chatush-kamkata..
5 Metre, Sloka (Anushṭubh), of this verse and of the next.
51 Metre, Sardalavikridita.-On this verse see Hall in Jour. Beng. As. Soc., Vol. XXX. p. 203; Böhtlingk, Indische Sprüche, No. 4831; Bhandarkar, lor, rit. p. 225. In our text, the end of the third Pada, ydvadbhavi bh patir, gives no sense; Böhtlingk (who would seem to have missed the meaning of the verse) has yavad-bhavanbhupatir instead, Bhandarkar's MS. yavad-bhavan bhupaté, and Hall yavanta év-bhavan.