enough of workmen and there was no experience Bulgaria on the Volga occurred in the year 1237. in the technical parts. They therefore returned That the Khans of the Golden Horde did not to the use of foreign money. While there was establish the use of their money in the country 80 much of this the attempt to coin native money immediately after its conquest, is explained from was not stimulated by any need, but was only the the descendants of Changez never destroying the fruit of the ephemeral fancy of royal personages. institutions of a conquered country unless they This is further proved by the fact that, when in were opposed to their intereste. Besides, they the first quarter of the eleventh century the thought only of new conqueste, and being able to importation of foreign money was stopped, gain what they wanted by plunder they had no there was no fresh attempt at coining. Coined need of money. money was exchanged for bars of silver of various 1 Among the Jachi there have been found other kinds, such payments being common at the time. coins, struck in the name of the Khalifa AnIn hoards, besides perfect coins, many such bars are Nasir-li-din-Allah, but with the date A.H. 692 found which have been cut, and sometimes scales 693(=1293-129-4, A.D.), exhibiting a completely are discovered with a balance. Thus we see that inexplicable anachronism. They only resemble money was taken according to the weight of the the previously mentioned coins in having the metal. So matters went on to all appearance till Khalifa's name, and were coined in the Jachf the close of the twelfth century, when a new epoch in the time of Tokhta Khån. Why was the attempt was made to coin real Bulgarian money, Khallfa's name on them, when be had been dead and the issue lasted not only till the end of the already seventeen years P This led Fachu to independent kingdom of great Bulgaria, but even alter his views about these coins and look upon after the conquest of the country by the descend them as Jacht. ants of Changez Khan. These coins are totally P. S. Saveliev, however, the Russian numismadifferent from those of the tenth century. They tist, looks upon these as special coins of the are coined, however, like them, by illiterate work. independent Bulgaria of the Volga, and makes a men. There was thus felt to be a complete want class of their coins before the Mongols. The of good coiners. But still coins were struck in periods he subdivides into (a) Xth century, (b) the great numbers. They bear the name of the end of the XIIth and first quarter of the XIIIth. Khalifa An-Nasir-li-din-Allah, and it is by the These coins only agree in having been coined in years of his reign that we are enabled to tell the names of the 'Abbâsi Khalifas, whose spiritual their date. The coining was protructed even power was reverenced in Bulgaria, when converted after his death. Their transformation into Jachito Islam. But on the first coins, together with coins only occurred in the time of Manga Khan. the names of the Khalifas Mustaff B'illah, Muta He was elected in 1250, whereas the conquest of B'illah and Tai-B'illah, there were also included
1 There had been already an attempt to coin money convenience. The legends contained no record of real among the Mongols in the time of Changes Khan, historical or political facta.
Tiegenhausen). [The above abatraot has much interested In a letter to me the late Mr. Gibbe, a good authority me because I think I can throw light on its subject. A on such subjects, said that the same adaptation of paper will be shortly published in this Journal illustrating anachronistic coins to loool te was the universal role ruy collection of the coins of the modern Panjab Native among the native states in Kachh. Chiefs. All these coins are now in the British Museum. In Burma King Mindôn Min (1852-1878 A.D.) estabThe modern Panjab Native Chiefs who are entitled to coin lished mint, indenting on London and Calcutta for his money are PațiATA, Jind, NAbhA and Maler Kotia. They dies. This was about A.D. 1860, but his earlier coins obtained the right in the last quarter of the XVIIIth all bear date Burmese er 1214 A.D. 1862. All in century. originally from Ahmad SbAb AbdAll (DarrAni) Mandalay tell me that Mindôn Min used the peacock sa Afghan cong beror of Dehll. PatiALA, Jind, and NAbhA are his crest, and his son, Thibo Min (1878-1885 A.D.). wbom Sikhs, Maler-Kols is Afghan. They all coined as inde- the Eogliah deposed, used the lion (or dragon). Bat I have pendent Chiefs, and used the coin of Ahmad Sh Ah of his | lion" coins dated 1214 = A.D. 1852. I am told bys man fourth year, i.es of A.D. 1751, exactly as it stood. From who wo once employed in the mint, that this was because that day to this there has been no change in the die beyond the Burmand would sometimes use the reverse die of one & mark, as the reigning Chiefs special mark or crest. A coin with the obverse die of another! It is also doubtfal gold coin struck for me at the mint at Patials in 1894 in whether the Pañjab abiefs really coined before Sath vat 1820 my presence, bore the date 1751, 1.e. year 4 of Ahmad = A.D. 1763, though their coins bear date A.D. 1751. Shah
The coins of the Buddhist kings of Arakan bore The only attempt to vary the die has been made by NAbba, Muhammadan titles and designations and even the kalima which State dates its coins by the Vikrams Samvat on the long after the country densed to be tributary to the obverse, and uses the couplet adopted by the Sikhs of Muhammadan Kings of Bengal, Phayre's History of Lkhôr in the days of Ahmad Shah. The reverse bears the | Burma, p. 78. The history of the early British coinage in date, "Sanh-jalds 4."
India strongly exhibits the same falsification of facta and I once had set of gold móhare from the Rajput is donoribed by Prinsep as an "unhappy time of mig. (Hindu) State of Jaypur, purporting to have been struck statements as to names, places, and dates :" Ureful Tables, during each year of Bahadur ShAh the last emperor of
Pt. I. p. 4. Debli (1838-1857 A.D.) But Jaypur was at no period of The inferences therefore are (1) that anachronisms are the BabAdur Shab's reign under his nazerainty, but was more rale, not the exception, in the coinage of Minor Oriental under British suzerainty than any other Rajput State. Miuta; (2) by analogy the deductions about the Bulgarian The fact is that the Ras used the Dehli coins al coinage are probably all correct. R. O. TEMPLE.