38 datako-tra S rivallabha-Bappaḥ [1] 'mahabaladhikri(kļi)ta-Masam-Adaśama
likhitam=i[dan] tasy-aiv=anu-88 39 [j]na sa[mn]dbi(dhi)-vigrah-adhikri(kļi)ta-Dévadinnen-êti
TRANSLATION. On! May the orb of the sun, the broad water-lily of the lake-like eastern region, the coral-branch of the ocean of the sky, the newly-Copened) flower of the red Japå of the gods, grant you viotory!
(Line 1.) - Hail! In the race of the Sendraka kings that is free from decay, firmly fashioned and high like mount Mêra, the great fame of which has unfolded itself, (there was) he who obtained victory by the farious'! onslaught of arraygio of troops of four-toothed elephants, he who conquered the crowd of all his foes, he who gained the circle of the earth by the valour of his arms, he whose lotas-feet were scratched by the crowns on the heads of all his bending vassals, he who was endowed with political wisdom, modesty, truthfulness, purity, virtuous behaviour, self-restraint, mercy, liberality, kindliness, glory and wealth, the lord of men (narapatt), the illustrious Bhanubakti.
(L. 6). - His son, who meditated on his father's) feet, (was) he who possessed a fame spotless like the orb of the pure autumnal moon, he who (daily) rose (higher) (udayaván) and had a loyal kingdom (anurakta-nandalah) and thus resembled the sun who (daily) rises (udayavdn) and whose orb is coloured (red in the evening) (anuraktamandalah), he who resembled the tree of Paradise, his wealth being desired and constantly enjoyed by all people, he who took tribute or (their) empire (balirdjya) from all (kings) and thus resembled Janârdana who took the whole kingdom of Bali (balirajya), he whose Fortune was attached to the kingdoms of his foes, the illustrious lord of men (narapatı), Adityasakti.
(L. 9). - His son, who meditates on hís (father's) feet, who is glorious (and) able to protect the earth with his weighty staff-like right arm, whose canopy of glory is more brilliant than the rays of the antumnal moon that stands in the sky from which the water-laden clouds have departed, who is most deep in intellect, whose wealth is being enjoyed by gods, Brahmaņs and his Gurns, who like the son of Bhava repulses his enemies, who like Satti has gained a kingdom, who has the coquettish gait of a most excellent rutting elephant, who like Arjuna is victorious in all battles, who destroys his foes by unceasing acts of bravery and energy, who like Cupid is the joy of the eyes of the courtezans, the illustrious Prithivivallabha-Nikumbhallakakti instructa even all, however they may be connected with him,) (vis.) kings, viceroys, thief-catchers, policemen, messengers, Gamagamikas, regular and irregular soldiers, servants and so forth, BrAhmans, traders and lower provincials and others, rulers of vishayas, heads of rdshfras and of villages, oficials (dyuktaka), Mahattaras, persons in authority (Adhikdrika), and so forth (as followe)
(L. 18). "Be it known to you (that), being convinced of the reference (of donations of Land) to the next world, and having been taught (their) great advantage, I have therefore granted, (confirming the gift) with a libation of water, for the increase of my own and my parents' merit and fame, the village of Balise in the vishaya included in the Abars of Freyanne, for a period equal to the duration of the moon, sun, seas and earth,- (the said village) being to be enjoyed by the donee's) sons, grandsong, and their offspring, together with the bhútavátapratydya, together with the udraiga, (and) together with the taxes payable by non
7 Read mdearmadegat (R)
The syllables dam and je are very faint. » The connexion of samada, furious,' with # word not denoting an animal is most unusual. Probably it should stand before gaja.
# I translate Tha by 'array,' as the author seems to have used it in the sense of uydha.
41 This means, I suppose, that hie Fortuna was not contented with his empire, but desired to possess those of his foes and induced him to conquer them. 49 This name is, of course, corrupt.
15 Probably the Pagis are meant. # I understand bhdmidanarya, with paralók dvdkahatvam and mahartham.