AUGUST, 1889.)
21 d=[d*Jakshiņāņa ebhir-aghatanail,17 Jalaukuhel-nama-grama[h*) Karttika22 paurnnamasyam udaka-pârv vam pratipaditah [*] Yatô=smad-vansyair-anyai. 23 rævv=agami-npipatibhir=asmad-dayô-numantavyah
pratipalayita24 vyaś=cha [1*] yo vrajñâna=timira-patal-avsita-matih achchhindyâd=achchhidya25 mẫnam vsânumâ(mô a ta sao pañchabhil=mahapatakais=sayuktas=syadeiti [*]
Third Plate; Second Side. 26 Uktam cha bhagavatâ vêda-vyåsena Vyásê na [*] Bahubhir20-v vasudha bhukta 27 râjabhis-Sagar-adibhih yasya yasya yada bhůmistasya tasya 28 tad phalam | Shashtim varsha-sahasr[^*]i svarggé tishthati bhQmi-da[h*] 29 achchhêttach-anumanta chcha(cha) tânyreva narak8 vasêt | Saka-kala30 samvatsara-watoshu s hatchhv21-eka-tri[r]8-Ottar shu likhitam=idam 31 bisana[m] sûndhivigrahika-Naula-likhitam 11
TRANSLATION Om ! Hail ! In the widely spread (and) pleasing glorious Rashtrakața lineage, which has acquired reputation by the preservation of stability, there was a king, the illustrious Durgaraja, by whom, having attained a high position, the two parties (of his friends and his foes) were properly illumined with the widely expanded rising of the excess of (his) glory, which caused the happiness of his people ; just as in the broad (and) charming ocean of milk there was produced the moon, by which, when it has reached the track of the zenith, the two fortnights are irradiated with the wide-reaching rising of the excess of (ils) lustre, which causes the happiness of mankind.
(Line 5.). - His son was the illustrious Govindaraja, who acquired fame by (his) daring in many battles; (and) his self-possessed son (was) that unrivalled one, known as the illustrious Svamikaraja, who never turned back from war (and) who was always) victorious, and whose great manliness is celebrated everywhere in song,
(L. 8.). - Of him there was born a son, the illustrious Nandaraja, highly esteemed by good people, accomplished, handsome, compassionate, free from faults (and thus resembling the moon, free from spots), (but) a very comet boding evil to (his) enemies, fit to be yoked in the front rank) of those whose thoughts are devoted to daring in war, foremost among the haughty, the leader of those whose minds excel in intelligence, (and) & very kalpa-tree to supplicants.
(L. 13.). - And he, - to whom, as if from a strong desire for the choicest of all restingplaces, resort has been made by all the virtuous qualities of an inviting kind, 22 and others also ; who is most kind to Brahmans ; who is a most devout worshipper of the Divine One (Vishạn); (and) who has the other name of the illustrious Yuddhasura, - informs all the Rajas, Sámantas, Vishayapatis, Grániabhôgikas, and others :
(L. 16.) - "Be it known to you that by Us, for the increase of the religious merit of (Our) parents and of Ourself, to Sriprabhachaturveda of the Kautsa götra, the son's son òf Mitrachaturvéda (and) the son of Raktaprabhachaturvôda, on the full-moon day of the month) Karttika, with libations of water there is given the village named JalaAkuhe, [thus specified) by (its) boundaries; (vis.) to the west of the village of) Kinihivattara, to the north of the village of) Pipparika, to the east of the village of) Jaluka, (and) to the south of the village of Arjunagrama.
(L. 22.). — “Wherefore, this) Our gift should be assented to, and should be preserved, by future kings, whether of Our lineage, or others. And whosoever, having a mind covered over by
17 upalakshitah, vifuddhal, or some similar word, has to be supplied here. 18 The third syllable here is rather doubtful; but on the whole I think that was intended. 19 We have here rather an anomalous cheracter, between the single and the double 8. 40 Metre, Blóka (Anushţubh); and in the following verse. n Read shav; and for the following syllable see the introductory remarks. n abhigamika gund; see Corp. Inscr. Indic. Vol. III. p. 169, note 2.