(JULY, 1889.
The date having to be referred to the Vikrama era, the possible equivalents would be :
for the northern Vikrama year 1216, current, - Tuesday, 26th August, A.D. 1158; for the northern Vikrama year 1216, expired,
or the southern current year, - Sunday, 16th August, A.D. 1159, when the first
tithi of the bright half ended 1 h. 25 m. after mean sunrise ; and for the southern Vikrama year 1216, expired, - Thursday, 4th August, A.D. 1160.
The true date therefore is Sunday, 16th August, A.D. 1159-; and the year 1216 of the date must accordingly be taken to be the northern expired (or southern current) year.
Of the localities mentioned in the inscription, Kaunambi clearly is the village of Kosam, of which I have spoken above, p. 137; and Shatashadika-ghata I take to be the more ancient name of the Alha-Ghåţ. Pipalsbau P]durga I am unable to identify.
1 Om Samvata(t) 1218 Bhadra-sudi-pratipada Ravau || Dahallya-mahârâjâ2 vi(dhiraja-sri Narasimghadova-vijayarajyê 11 Pipal[0]"[au P]-durgga[sya P]? maha. 3 râpaka-srijAlhaņas-putra-rånaka-srichchhihulasya
Kali-ju(ya)ga4 dharmm-artha[in?] Shatashadika-ghita-[va(ba)]dhana-margga-ta[P]10-Am[v]i(mbi)ka.
dêva kara. 5 pita iti | dharmm-artha-kama-möksha-sadhana(mi?] || Kauss(sa)mvi(mbt)-nikása-11.rau. 6 ti[A]nÂmajati udharitah l Thakura-sri Kamaladharala lishi(khi)tam 111 7 Sûtradhâral3 Kamalasihaḥ Sômê Kôkåsa | Palhana (Da ?]lhaņa 11
D.-Karanbol Stone-Inscription of Jayasimhadeva.
According to a remark in pencil on the back of the rubbing, the stone which bears this inscription was found at Karanbel, now a heap of ruins a few miles from Bhêra-Ghật, near Jabalpur in the Central Provinces; and it was lying at the house of a stone-cutter, when the rubbing was taken. The stone is broken right through in the middle, from top to bottom, but the fracture is so clean that hardly a single akshara has been lost.
The inscription contains 25 lines. The writing covers a space of 3' 6" broad by 1'7" high, and it is well preserved throughout, so that the actual reading of the inscription is hardly anywhere doubtful. The size of the letters is about ". The characters are Någarî, carefully drawn and skilfully engraved. The language is Sanskțit and, excepting the introductory ooh namah Sivaya, the inscription is in verse. A curious grammatical mistake we meet in line 4, where the writer has formed the aorist of kirtayati as achikirttayat; otherwise the inscription is remarkably free from errors, and in respect of orthography I have only to note that b is written by the sign for v everywhere except in vapurbbhir, line 2, abja, line 3, bibhrad, line 5, babhára, line 19, and bibhartti, lines 23 and 24 ; that the rules of samdhi have not been observed in sukhayan=jaganti, line 13, and bhuvanan=viva", line 23; and that for ujjvala we have nejvala, in line 16. • From the rubbing. • Expressed by a symbol.
# This vowel is perhaps d. "This akshara is doubtful. In the rubbing it looks like tri, with vertical line before it, but I am almost certain that in the original there is a conjunct consonant, the second part of which is y.
Perhaps altered to n. . In the original really Chhchi.-One would expect the instrumental caso Chhfhulana.
10 This letter is doubtful. In the rubbing it looks like , and the word intended may be tata; but it may also be tath, or tatra, or tasya. In the following word Amika, the v of the second syllable is very indistinct, but I believe that it is there. The next aksharas, up to iti, are quite distinct. One would expect some case-termination after deva; and for the following kara, kerk
11 I give these words, up to udharitah, as they appear in the rabbing and in the photolithograph. But the third akshara of nila sa may really be ri, and the whole word nivd.si and the vowel of the first akahara of line 6 appears to have been struok out, so that the word following upon nivní would seem to be rauta, for ruta. For the following aksharas I cannot suggest any suitablo meaning or emendation, beyond saying that the oddly shaped d, the socond akshara in line 6, may really be sri.
12 Read "dharéna. 18 Here again, and in some of the following names, the case-terminations have been omitted. Archæol. Survey of India, Vol. IX. p. 96, No. xi. 2 Journal Amer. Or. Soc. Vol. VI. p.517, note g.