[JULY, 1889.
since the commencement of the Kaliyuga; and to find the end of Plava (or commencement of Subhakrit), without Bija, we proceed by Table V, B.:
4000 = 1444 106.88412 600 = 216 616.03262 20 = 7 220-53442
9 = 591 714.99049
4629 = 2259 658 4416, i.e. 10th August, A.D. 1474, 10 h. 35.9 m., - end of Plava, or commencement of Subhakrit, without Bija; and, to find the end of Subhaksit without Bija, by adding one year without Bija, -
2259 658-4416
+ 361.0267
2260 019-4683, i.e. 6th August, A.D. 1475, 11 h. 144 m., - end of 'Subhakrit, without Bija.
Similarly, for the end of Plava (or commencement of Subbakpit) with Bije, we have by Table V, C.
4000 = 1444 138-60424 600 = 216 620-79064 20 = 7 220-69302
9 = 591 715-06186
4629 = 2259 695. 1498, i.e. 16th September, A.D. 1474, 3 h. 35-7 m., - end of Plava, or commencement of Subhaksit, with Bija; and, for the end of Subhakrit with Bija, by adding one year with Bija,
2259 695-1498
+ 361.0347
2260 056-1845, i.e. 12th September, A.D. 1475, 4 h. 257 m., - end of 'Subhakrit, with Bija.
Anyone who will take the trouble to calculate, e.g., the commencement of Subhaksit with Bija, by Warren's Tables, will find that, according to them, Subhaksit began 194 days 16 h. 4 m. 38 s. before the commencement of Kaliyuga 4576 expired; while according to my result it began only 192 days, 12 h. 32 m. 6 s. before the same moment, i.e. 2 days, 3 h. 32 m. 32 s. later (Kaliyaga 4576 expired having began, aecording to the Súrya-Siddhanta, 27th March, A.D. 1475, 16 h. 7-8 m.,-though for us this is of no moment whatever). And in the present case, one disadvantage of the rules given in the Kala-Sankalita is that, starting as we must from Vikrama 1531 = Kaliyuga 4575 expired, we do not find the beginning of Subhakțit at all, and that, after we have written out one set of figures and have discovered the uselessness of proceeding any further, we must start a new calculation and write ont another set of figures, with the basis of Kaliyuga 4576 expired.
(b). The year Subhakfit according to the Jyotistattva. Here it must be borne in mind that Subhakrit is the 36th and Plava the 35th year of the cycle, counted from Prabhava inclusive. Starting now from Saka 1396 expired, the year mentioned in the date, we have -
291 = 18 187 and 1996+ 18 = 23% Here the numerator of the second fraction at once shows that, at the commencement of Saka 1396 expired, the last expired year of the cycle was only 34 = Sarvarin; bat (to avoid a fresh start with the basis of 'Saka 1397 expired) we shall nevertheless go on with our calculation, to find the end of 'Sarvarin; to which we shall then add one ordinary Jupiter's year to find the end of Plava (or commencement of Sabhaksit); having found which, we shall add another year