(JULY, 1889.
(a) End of Kaliyaga 4870 (6) End of Japiter's
(c) Commencement of current, by Table V, A. year 4926, without Bija, Saka 1311, expired,
by Table V, B.
by Table VI. 4000 = 1461 035.02600 4000 = 1444 106-88412 1000 = 365 258-68055 800 = 292 207.00520 900 = 324 924.04893 30 = 109 577 60416 70 = 25 568 11295 20 = 7220;53442
10 = 3 652.58681 0= 588 463.60240 6 = 590 631-91033 1 = 1749 986-45658 4870 = 2367 27374655; 4926 = 2366 883-37780; 1311 = 2228 475-32810; just as has been found above, pp. 193, 194, and 198, by multiplication and by the addition of the epochs.
The Sankrantis and Solar Months. For those who would wish to use the Tables V. A. and VI. to ascertain the exact end of a solar month or the occasion of a Samkranti, I have added Table VII. which gives the collective numbers of days of the solar months. To give an example for the use of this Table, we will ask : --When did the Uttarayana-sankranti, according to the Súrya-Siddhánta, take place in Vikrama 1234 = Kaliyuga 4278 expired (above, p. 138) ?
By Table V. A, 4000 = 1461 038-02600
200 = 73 051 75130 70 3 25 568.11295
85 591 385.67245 By Table VII., Uttarâyana-saṁkrânti. = 275-65844
sum 2151 316-22114 ; which by Tables I. and II. corresponds to 25th December, A.D. 1177, 5 h. 184 m. Accordingly, in Vikrama 1234 expired, the Uttarậyaņa-samkranti took place, at Ujjain, 5 h. 18.4 m. after mean sunrise of 25th December, A.D. 1177.
An Example for all Rules. To show the working of the above rules, I select a date which is given in Professor Weber's Catalogue of the Berlin Sanskrit MSS, Vol. II. p. 55, and which runs thus:--
Samvat 1531 Sakė 1396 pravarttamînê Subhakrita(n)-nâmni samvatsarô......Karttikabudi 9 Budha-våsari Dhanishthâ-nakshatrê Vriddhi-yôgê Kaulava-karanê ....ie. 'while the (Vikrama) year 1531 (and) the Saka year 1396 is proceeding, in (Jupiter's) year Subhakpit, on the 9th of the bright half of Karttika, on Wednesday, the nakshatra being Dhanishthâ, the yoga Vriddhi, and the karana Kaulava' ....
The corresponding European date (for the Vikrama year 1531 and the Saka year 1396, both expired, notwithstanding the expression pravartamdne in the date), undoubtedly is Wednesday, 19th October, A.D. 1474, when the 9th tithi of the bright half and the karana Kaulava ended 13 h. 15 m.after mean sunrise, and when the moon was in Dhanishthå up to 12 h. 29 m., and the yoga was Vriddhi up to 13 h. 26 m. after mean sunrise. And what concerns us now, is to find the beginning or end, or both, of the year Subhakfit which is mentioned in the date, in accordance with the different rules.
(a). The year Subhakfit according to the Sarya-Siddhanta. To find the commencement of Subhakrit, is equivalent to finding the end of the preceding year Plave, which is the 9th year of the cycle counted from Vijaya (inclusive). We now have :
Vikrama 1531 + 3044 = Kaliyaga 4575; divided by 85 = 532 = 54; 4575 + 54 = 4629; divided by 60 leaves remainder 9.
Accordingly Plava (the 9th year of the cycle, from Vijaya) was the 4629th year of Japiter