(JUNE, 1889.
2 sm-angarâgasya chchhấya-kri[shņa ta]®nu-chchhavih Asid=Udayano nama
nipalı [a]?3 sadhar-anvayaḥ i abhůd=Valabhida tulyas-tasmåd-Indrava(ba)18 valba)lf | Tatah 4 Nennadovo-bhůd=abhimana-mahôdayaḥ půrņņâm Nannékvar-Akhyd ya-chakar
[r]vv[fi Si ?]vâlayaiḥ il Chandragupto bhuvô gøpta tasya jajõe sut-ottamah | tata[b] 6 ári-Harshagupto-bhaj-ja[gad-dha]ørsha-niva(ba)ndhana[m] | Tasy-ijanisht=shta
ranah 7 Sivagupto mahîpatiḥ dhanur-vvijfång-mukhy8 yah khyâtő VA(68)1A8 rjun-akhyay& Il Syåmâm-asi-latára samkhye ksitvå yah kara-sangin[im] I 9 priyâm-iv-alankaratê matta-matanga-mauktikaih Yasya nirjjitya nirjjitya 10 su-bhritya iva skyakaih (vyaltthitam rajakamiva straiņam-arppayati 11 Smarah 11 Tásya bhțitya [vi]śéshô-sti Nagadêvo dvij-óttamah | Kéśavas-cha 12 kal-dagrở vyagrah sakita-karmmabhiḥ # Tabbyám sambhůya sådhubhyam grihf13 två vitta-vistaraih sarvva-Bripara-vâsibhyo malikêbhyas-Trisûline II Kți14 (tana) -kilvisha-vighnaya kasht-&pat-pratighatine ! parusha-pramůņam dattam [ku]ga15 ma-erak-sha(cha)tushtaya[) Etad- mêdini-nasad-Amod-onmada-shatpada astu 16 Bhatpada-kanthasys Srikanthasy-drchchana-krité [H] Prasastimatanod-étâm vaidya17 ári-Devanandinah sri-Krishộanandi tanayo naya-pranaya-kêtanam 11
Om ! Adoration to Siva ! (L. 1.)-May the hue of the body of Sambha, who covers himself with ashes, guard you, which is darkened as it were by a shadow, encircled as it is by the dark blue lustre of (his) neck!
(L. 2. There was, of the family of the Moon, a prince named Udayang. From him sprang the mighty Indrabala, equal to the destroyerle of Vala. From him sprang the illustrious Nannadeve, the possessorl of self-reliance; who, called Nanna, the lord, '3 filled the earth with temples of the lord) Siva. As his most excellent son, there was born Chandra gupta, a protector of the earth; (and) from him sprang the illustrious Harshagupta, a cause of joy to the world. To him was born the lord of the earth, Sivagupta, fond of war; who, foremost in the knowledge of the bow, is famous under the appellation of Balarjuna ;13 who in battle, holding the dasky creeper-like sword in his hand, decorates it, like a mistress, with the pearls (struck out of the frontal globes) of infuriated elephants; (and) to whom the god of love, like a good adherent, hands over the women-folk, having repeatedly conquered them with (his) arrows, like unto the lawless kings (subdued by his master Sivagupta). -
(L. 11.)-His devoted servant is Någadêve, a distinguished twice-born; and Kebava, highly proficient in the arts (and) zealous in the performance of good deeds. These two good men together have given four garlands of flowers, 14 of the measure of the height of a man, to the bearer of the trident,16 who takes away all sin (and) counteracts misery and misfortune, having obtained them for abundant money from all16 the gardeners dwelling at Sripura. Until the
• These akaharas are almost completely attaoed.
* This akshara is faintly visible, but sufficiently clear to enable me to say that it is fa, and bears no resemblance whatever to the t& in Sir A. Cunningham's photo-sincograph. The second akshara of the following line, too, is distinctly dha, and cannot possibly be read va (or ba). . These akaharas are almost completely effaced. .
This akshara is almost completely effaoed. 11 mahodaya mdmin, a meaning for which the dictionary has no quotation. 13 Or Nannékvara...
13 1.6. the young Arjuna Arjuna was famous as an archer. In connection with the versie in line 15-16, I understand this to mean that they provided funds for always decorating the idol of Bira with foar garlands, or made a payment to that offect to the gardeners of Brpure.
* 1... Siva... * I take the word sarea of the text to refer to mali bhyas.