[MAY, 1889.
MISCELLANEA. PROGRESS OF EUROPEAN SCHOLARSHIP Pantusov, under the title Vaslyat-Nama, and also No. XVI.
about a Codex of the same name belonging to the Transactions of the Eastern Section of the Imperial Public Library, and on the TurkoImperial Russian Oriental Society.
Kiehghar translation of Anodr--Suhaili, under (a.) Meeting, Feb. 11, 1888.
the title Asadru'l-Imamiya, also sent to the The Diretor of the Section, Baron V. R. Rosen, Society by N. N. Pantusov. The paper will be reported the speedy appearance of Vols. XII. and printed in the Transtuctions. XV. of the Transactions of the Society, in the 0. E. Lemm read a notice of a Coptio legend first of which is included the fourth part of the on the finding of the Crose by the Princess investigations of V. V. Veniaminov-Zernov about Eudoxia. It will be printed in the Transactions. the Tears of Kasimov, &c.
(e.) The Yarliks of Tuqtamish and Tamir. N. N. Pantusov sent a photograph of some Qutlugh, by W. Radiof. Manchu Inscriptions. He also sent six Persian Being oocupied in editing the Uighur Manuand Turkish documents, relating to durvishes. script Kudatlou-Bilik, the oldest literary monu. One of these is very interesting, as it is a diploma ment of the Turks, the author says he was for holding the office of a Durvdeh.
compelled to study the language of all their V. P. Nalivkin sent some pieces of old pottery. earliest documents to explain the peculiarities of
V. A. Zhukovski read a notice of Persian the Uighar language in comparison with the Cradle Songs.
other Turkish dialects. Among the most valuable (6.) Meeting, March 9, 1888.
of these monuments are the yarliks of the Khans, The Director of the Section, Baron V. R. especially those written in Uighur letters, e. g. the Rosen, spoke a few words in memory of the yarlik of Tuqtamish of A.H. 795, and the yarlik of German Orientalist Fleischer, lately deceased; Tamir-Qutlugh of A.H. 800. I. N. Berezin holds the assembly honoured the departed professor by these yarliks to be specimens of the Uighur rising from their seats.
language. Vambéry considers them to be docu. Professor Guidi of Rome sent, as a present to ments in the Central Asiatic or Jaghatai language, the Society, Coptic Pragments on the Journey of written in Uighur letters. Having compared the the Apostles, Frammenti Copti.
language of these documents with that of the W. W. Radloft showed two interesting yarliks Kudatku-Bilik, the author became convinced that in the Uighur character, received by him not only the characters are entirely Uighur ; in the long ago from Kasan.
language itnell the Uighur elements are found A. V. Komarov made a curious communication to the extent that they have entered into the on the Antiquities of the Trans-Caspian 80-called Jaghatai (Chnghatai] literature. distriot, vis. the ruins of buildings, burgans, The Eastern Turkish or Jaghatal language is and articles found when excavating. An account not the language of Central Asia, as Sultan Babar of this paper will be printed in the Transac. and Vambéry, his latest follower, assure us. It is tions.
just as much an artificial literary language as that (c.) Mooting, April 20, 1888.
of the Usmanli. Having been developed by historiBaron V. R. Rosen made a communication on cal causes, it now serves as a literary language the latest results of the investigation of the Col- for the Eastern Turks who use various dialects lection of Papyri belonging to the Arohduke Its foundation is the literary language of the Rainer.
Uighurs, as developed before the time of Musalman (d.) Meeting, June 2, 1888.
influence and Mongolian incursions. With the Prof. A. Müller, of Königsberg, sent a letter spread of IslAm and its culture, a number of in which he thanked the Society for his election Arabic and Persian words came into the literary as a member, and presented his edition of the language of the Uighurs. In Eastern Turkistan Arabic author, Ibn-Abi-Usaibia.
books appeared in pure Uighur language, but in S. M. Georgievski examined the six Chinese Arabic characters (one of these works, Stories of proolamations which had been sent. Two of the Prophets, by Rabghuzi, was compiled in A.H. them were identical in their contents, and the 710), and works of this sort served as the foundatranslation agreed with the original. He intends tion of the so-called Jaghatat literature. Toto print one of these proolamations in the gether with the disappearance of the races Transactions
speaking an Uighur dialect, there was a revolution V. D. Smirnov made a communication about in the literary language. The greater part of the one of the six manuscripts sent by N. N. purely Uighur words and grammatical forme gare