[APRIL, 1889.
Wanthalt in the Junagadh State in Kathiâwâd. Dharmavarhiki, Lowever, may possibly be another name of Anhilwad itself. Of the places mentioned in the genealogical passage, Avanti is another name of Ujjain, in Malwa; Sakambhart is supposed to be the modern Sambhar or Sambhar, in the Jaipur State, Rajputânâ (ante, Vol. VIII. p. 59, note 6; and Vol. X. p. 161); the Sapadalaksha country has been identified by Dr. Bhagwanlal Indraji with the region of the Sivalik Hills, in the Pañjab (ante, Vol. X. p. 345); and Kavi is evidently the modern Kavi, in the Broach District.
The date of this record, in lines 1 to 4, is given fully in words and in decimal figures; and the details are Vikrama-Samvat 1266, not distinctly specified either as corrent or as expired, and Simha-Samvat 96; the month Mârga, i.e. Margaśîrsha; the bright fortnight; the fourteenth tithi and civil day; and Gurudina or Thursday. And the English equivalent is to be found in A.D. 1208 or 1209, according as the given Vikrama year, whether referred to the northern or to the southern reckoning of the era, is to be taken as current or as expired. By Prof. K. L. Chhatre's Tables, I find that -
In northern and) southern Vikrama-Samyat 1266, current, Mârgasîrsha sukla 14 ended on Sunday, 23rd November, A.D. 1208, at about 5 ghafís, 58 palas, after mean sunrise, for Aphilwad.
And in (northern and) southern Vikrama-Samvat 1267 current (1266 expired), Margasirsha sukla 14 ended, as required, on Thursday, 12th November, A.D. 1209, at about 22 gh, 31 p. And this, therefore, is the proper English equivalent of the given date.
First Plate. 1 Om Svasti Srimad-Vikrama-nfipa-kal-&tita-samvatsara7-satéshu dvadabasu shata
shashty-adhike. 2 shu laukika" Margga-masasya bukla-paksha-chaturdasyath Guru-dind atre
Amkatoh-pilo sri3 Vikrama-samvat 1286 varshe srl-Simha-samvat 96 varshe laukio Margga
Bu dill 14 Gurdv=syari samvatsara-masa-paksha-dina-våra-pûrvây&m tith&v=ady=ha srimad-Anahilla
patake sama5 sta - râjâvali -virajita - paramabhattara ka - maharaj Adhiraja - param@svara - sri - Malaraja6 déve-pad - Anudhyâta - paramabhattaraka-maharajadhiraja - paramésvara-sri-Chamu-[*)-da
rajadeva7 påd - anadhyâta - paramabhattâraka - maharajadhiraja - paramêsvara - sri - Durlabharaja
déve-pâd-a& nudhyâta paramabhattáraka-maharajadhiraja-param dávara-briBhimadova-pad-Anudhyâta-pa9 ramabhattaraka-maharajadhiraja-paramêsvara-Trailokyamalla-sri- Karnnadeva-påd - anu10 dhyâta-paramabhattaraka-mahârâjâdhiraja-paramèsvar - Åvaṁtinatha - Varvaraka - jishņa
Siddhacha11 kravartti-srimaj-[J*]ayasimhadeva-pâd-ânudhyâta - paramabhattaraka - mabârâjâdhiraja
parame. The 'Banthly, Vanathali, Vanthli, and Wanthali,' of mapa, &c. Indian Atlas, Sheet No. 13, Lat. 21° 28° N.; Long. 70° 22 E.
The expression that is used is analogous to one of constant use for the saka era, on which I have commented, ante, Vol. XVII. p. 119.f.
From the original plates. • Represented by a symbol; so also at the end ; but the symbol there is not the same as bero.
+ This letter, ra, was omitted: and was then inserted above the line, with a mark, which has run into the following ta, to indicate the omission.
. Read shat-shashty. . This word, with the mark attached to it, seems to stand for some woh expression ma laukika-gananaya. 10 Read Amkati-pi.
11 The form that is used here for d, might ordinarily represent th. Almost the same form occurs in the second syllable of dvadasaru, line 1.