[APRIL, 1889.
7 gôtrâya Damodara-sata-Govindâya Sahasachana-grâmê våpî-putaké
bhůmi-halavah[do] 1 8 éka sulkêna sahi(ha) såsané pradattâ [ll] Asyas-cha pûrvvatô
vrå (brá)hmana-Dåmô9 dara-satka-vâpi dakshiņató Vekariya-kshetra[m] paschimê maham-Kesa
Second Plate. 10 va-satka-vipi uttarató margah iti chatur-Aghat-Opalakshit !! Bhd11 mimônim-avagamya asmada(d)-vamsa-jairanyair-api bhavi-bhôktsibhiḥ &12 smat-pradattihlo va(dha)rma-dâyô=[ya"]manumamtavyah pålaniyas-cha ||
Uktam cha bhagava13 tá Vyåsena (1) Shavyirli-yvarva12-sahasra (srá)ņi sva(sva)rgê tishta(shtha)ti
bhůmi-dah achchhêtta 14 ch=anumantâ cha tâmny13-áva Dacha(ra)kaṁ vaset II Likhitam-idam
kayastho15 Kámchana-suta-Vatêśvarêņa || Důtako-tra n a(ma)hâsândhivigrahika-sri16 Chamdabarmmah(rmma) 11
Sri-Bhimadovasyalt 11
ABSTRACT OF CONTENTS. After the words "the line of kings (is) as on previous occasions," which refer to the fall genealogy as given in, for instance, No. 176 below, the inscription proceeds to record that: - In the year 08 (line 1), in the month Chaitra, in the bright fortnight, on the civil day 11, and on Sunday, to-day, and here at the famous (city of) Anahilapataka, the Maharajadhirája, the glorious Bhimadeva (II.) (1. 3), informs all the king's servants, and the people, headed by the Brahmans, in the Kachchha mandala, which is being enjoyed by himself:
"Be it known to you (1. 4) that to-day, at the festival of a sankranti (1. 5), having done worship to (Šiva) the divine lord of Bhavani, the father of all things animate and inanimate, one plough (halandha) of land, in the hollow ground below an irrigation-well (vápíputaka), at the village of SahasachAnA (1. 7), is given by this charter, to Govinda, the son of Damodara, of the Vatsa gotru, who came from the locality of Prasannspurs.
"The boundaries of this land (1. 8) are:- On the east, an irrigation-well in the holding (ratka) of the Brûbman Dâmôdara; on the south, the fields of the (the village of) Vokariya ;15 on the west, an irrigation-tank in the holding of the Mahattara, or Mahattama, Kéásva ; and on the north, a road.
"[In lines 11 to 14, the grantor gives an injanction to future rulers, to continue this grant; and quotes one of the customary benedictive and imprecatory verses, which is allotted to the venerable Vyása. And his speech apparently ends with the word vasết, in line 14.1"
Lines 14 to 16 record that the charter was written by the Kayastha Vatêśvara, the son of Kivchana; and that the Dútaka was the Mahásárdhivigrahika Chåndabarman.
And the inscription ends with the words of the glorious Bhimadeva;" referring to his sign-manual, which is sapposed to be attached here. No. 176.-ROYAL Asiatic Society's COPPER-PLATE GRANT OF THE TIME OF BHIMADEVA II.
VIERAMA-SAMVAT 1266, AND SIMHA-SAMVAT 96. This inscription again, which has not previously been published, I edit from the original plates, which I obtained for examination, in 1879, from the Library of the Royal Asiatic
This word, sahaachana-grdmd, was omitted here, and stands below line 0, with marke at both places to indicate its proper position in the Text.
i ex mahattara, or mahattama. Instead of nsing the anusára, the word would more properly have beer written makao. Read aghat upala hahitah.
10 Read pradattt.. 11 Metre, Bloks (Anushtubh). 1: Read chashti-tartha.
13 Read tány.
14 The words ma-hastbuyas are understood here. 15 This villazo-name still exists in the Borath Print of Kehidwad, in the Mahl Kanth State, and in the Viran paum Tóluka of the Ahmada 14 District. Also, the names of Vekra and Vékra exist in Kachchk.