[APRIL, 1889.
28 days, the difference between both totals. This would, however, necessitate an identical deduction from the 2268 years of the first Taramga (verse 48), which seem to have been one of the bases of Kalhana's chronology. Therefore, it will be necessary to assume the second alternative, that Kalhaņa gained his 'rough' number of 2330 years by disregarding the odd months and days which are found in the totals of the reigns of the third and fourth Taramga. If the extra 10 months and 1 day of the third, and the extra 5 months and 27 days of the fourth Taramga, are left out of consideration, the result of the second series of items will be 1328 years, as it ought to be theoretically according to the first calculation. To sum up, it seems very probable that Kalhaņa placed the end of the reign of Yudhishthira I. and the accession of Pratápaditya I. in Kaliyuga-Samvat 2921 (expired), or B. C. 180.
TRANSLATION, (185) King Gonanda III., who obtained the kingdom at this juncture, caused the processions, sacrifices, &c., to the Nagas to take place just as before. - (186) After this king had restored the rites proclaimed by Nila, the Bhikshus and the detrimental effects of the snow passed altogether away. - (187) Whenever there is a time of need, the good deeds of subjects produce kings who re-organize the far-decayed country. - (188) Those who strive to oppress the people, perish together with their lineage ; but prosperity attends the race of those who will repair the loss. - (189) Having observed this (foreboding) sign at every event (which has happened) in this country, the wise are able to foresee the good or bad luck of future kings. - (190) Pravarasona (I.) and other virtuous and immortal descendants of this (king) who renewed the country, enjoyed this earth for a long time. - (191) This prince (Gonanda III.), who was the first of the race of Gonanda, just as Raghu was the first of the race of Raghu, ruled over the earth for thirty-five years.
(192) The son of Gonanda, called Vibhishana (I.), protected the earth for sixty years, diminished by six years and six months.
(193) There ruled successively Indrajit and Ravana, father and son, for thirty-five and for thirty, and a half years. - (194) The Winga (called) Vatesvara, which Ravans (founded) for the purposes of worship, is (still) resplendent; the colour of its line of dots has been observed to foretell coming events. -(195) That prince gave the whole country of Kasmira to Vatêsvara, whom he had placed in a matha with four halls.
(196) The long-armed Vibhishana II, the son of king Ravana, enjoyed the earth for thirty-five and a half years.
(197) Then Vibhishana's son, called Nara, whose other name was Kimnara, and whose prowess was praised in song by the Kimnaras, became king. -(198) Though (at first) of good conduct, this prince produced a series of great misfortunes, through the bad luck of his subjects, and through the vice of sensuality. -(199) An ascetic (dramana), who dwelt alone in a vihara, which was situated at Kinnaragrama, carried off his (the king's) mistress by the power of magic. -(200) Angry on account of this (act), he (the king) burnt thousands of viharas, and bestowed their villages on Brahmaņs, who resided in the mathas (which were situated in their) midst. - (201, 202) On the bank of the. Vitasta, he built, with the riches which he had acquired by conquering the world, a town, which appeared to be a synonym of “Heaven" and surpassed the town of Kuvera. Its market was full of roads ; its river resplendent with navigation; and its gardens teeming with flowers and fruits. -
18 Here, and in 191, 192, P reads 117, as opposed to the of Cand T. This mistake of the Calcutta Pandita was first rectified by Dr. Bühler, K. B. p. 54. 11 HIT PT.
110 PT. 190 draft T. Pravaraaena was the name of two kings of Kasmir; it is here mentioned As A representative of the restored line of Gonanda III., vie., of the kings from Meghavahana to BalAditya (see Taratinga iii.).
193 ETUP. 195 http. 396 Stor P. ATU PT. 19 : P. ** P; a: CT; read . Instead of ateit, which is also the reading of P, read #19T.