DECEMBER, 1888.)
fortnight of the month Chaitra." And at the Gupta and current Saka years, as well as the end, in line 24, the date is repeated as - true running difference of two hundred and Chaitra di 20 7—"(the month) Chaitra, the forty-two years. But this possibility has been (civil) day 20 (and) 7."
disposed of in my remarks on the date of A. This gives us, for calculation, the Mahd-above. Åsvayuja samvatsara, as current on the | By the mean-sign system, the Maha-Âśvathirteenth tithi or lunar day of the bright yuja samvatsara did not commence till Äśvina fortnight of Chaitra (March-April) in Gupta- sukla 3 of Saka-Samvat 451 current, corresSamvat 209 current. And, on the analogy of ponding to Saturday, the 2nd September, the Verwal inscription of Valabhi-Samrat A.D. 528; and consequently it was not current 945, this should be the case in Gupta-Samvat on the given date. The sasivatsara then cur. 209 + 242 = Saka-Samvat 451 current; in rent was Maha-Bhadrapada, which commenced which year the given tithi corresponds to Sun- on Bhadrapada krishna Il of Saka-Samvat 450, day, the 19th March, A.D. 528.
corresponding to Tuesday, the 7th September, Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit finds (see the Table, Col. A.D. 527. D.) that Jupiter's rising, next before the given
E.-The Bhumara Pillar Inscription. date, took place on Chaitra sukla 12 of the same year, Saka-Samvat 451, corresponding to
The last inscription of this series is the Saturday, the 18th March, A.D. 528; or, by Bhumara pillar inscription of the Mahathe English calendar, on Sunday, the 19th
rajas Hastin and Sarvanatha, Corp. Inser. March ; i.e. at the dawn immediately before
Indic. Vol. III. No. 24, page 110; in wliich the making of the grant." His longitude then
the date (line 7 ff.) is - Mahá-Maghô samvatwas 347° 45'. By both the systems of unequal
Sare Kârttika-masa divasa 10 9,-" in the spaces, he was then in Rêvati; and the sasivat- Maha-Mâgha sarivatsara; the month Karttika; sara which then began, must have been named the (civil) day 10 (and) 9." Mahd-Abvayuja. Jupiter's next following This gives us, for calculation, the Maharising took place on Jyêshtha sokla 3 of Saka- Magha-samvatsara, as current on the nineSarvat 452, corresponding to Thursday, the teenth civil day of the month Kârttika (Octo26th April, A.D. 529; or, by the English ber-November); but the current year of the calendar, on Friday, the 27th April. His Gupta era is not given. The only guide, therelongitude then was 24° 36'. By both the fore, in determining the approximate Gupta year, systems of unequal spaces, he was then in for which the calculations should be made, is the Kțittika; and the saivatsara which then fact that this inscription shews that the Parivrabegan, must have been named Maha-Karttika. jaka Mahúrája Hastin was, at the time of this Therefore, by both the systems of unequal record, contemporaneous with the Maharaja spaces, with the running difference of two Sarvanâtha of Uchchakalpa. For the Mahárája hundred and forty-two years between current Hastin, we have the extreme recorded dates of Gupta and current Saka years, the Maha- Gupta-Samvat 156 and 191 ; while, for the Akvayuja samvatsara was current on the Mahárája Sarvanåtba, we have similarly the given date. And the result gives Saka-Sam- dates of the years 193 and 214; and for his vat 451 current (A.D. 528-29), as the equivalent father, Jayanatha, the latest date of the year of the given current Gupta year.
177, all of which may have to be referred to the As a matter of fact, the Maha-Asvayuja Gapta era. If so, the Maha-Magha smivatsaru sariwatsara was still current on the given date, in question, - on the assumption that what Chaitra sukla 13, in the following year, Saka- shonld be its regular place in the series was Samvat 452; as well as in Saka-Samvat 451, not affected by any omissions and repetitions which is the real equivalent for the given subsequent to the Maha-Vaisakha saivatsara Gupta year. Consequently, this record might which was current on Karttika sukla 3 in be used to support a running difference of two Gupta-Samvat 156,-must be found in or about hundred and forty-three years between current Gupta-Samvat 189 or 201; with a preference in
13 For this same reason, probably, the given date was mencement of a salvat sara is regarded by Hindus as specially selected for making the grant; since, the com- very suspicious occasion.