MARCH, 1886.)
the sea-shore. There were twelve thousand master, however, soon discovered the boy's of them in the garden, and each was worth talents, and perceiving, also, that he was dili. twelve thousand rupees."
gent in his studies and ambitious, be took special “True, true," remarked the king, "such notice of him and taught him all he could. flowers as these must be from heaven."
He gave him presents of books too, and Then the princess asked her father to send Khariâ soon became very clever and learned, and get some of these flowers for her. Now and the envy of all the other boys. this was a very difficuit request. Nevertheless | One day it happened that as Kharid was the king promised that he would try, and at going on an errand for his master the farmer, once despatched messengers in search of them. he met one of the messengers of the king, who After many days these messengers returned, wished to get some more of the rare and saying that they were quite sure of never being beautiful flowers. “Whence came you P” he able to procure the flowers. However, His asked. “What have you come for? What is Majesty was not going to abandon the search so your name ?" readily. He ordered notices to be sent to the The messenger replied by putting the king's different kingdoms of the world asking if these notice into his hand. Having perused it Kharik flowers were to be met with anywhere, and said, "Give me some money for the expenses promising that he would give his beautiful of the way, and I will obtain the flowers. daughter in marriage to the person, whoever he Go back immediately to your Royal master, and might be, who could procure them for him. tell him to comfort his daughter with these This was done, and years passed without any words, until I appear. Be not afraid that I news of them,
will deceive you." Now in former days there lived in the king's The messenger was much pleased with the country a trader, who was exceedingly wealthy, boy's frank and ready manner; and giving and who, on account of his immense wealth, was him the necessary expenses and a speciallymuch honoured by the common folk. Flattery sealed letter of the king, he hastened back to and adulation had made this trader very proud, -
inform His Majesty of his success. 30 proud that he would never listen to anyone, - Khariá first went and told his mother what not even to the king. This proud man died, he was going to attempt. She begged him not and owing to his not having any brothers or to be so foolish, but he would not hear her. children his whole property reverted to the He then went to tell his master and his teacher, crown. It was a sad day for the trader's wife and taking leave of them, started on his journey. when her husband died. Poor woman; she In two or three days he reached a jungle, was weak and sickly and expecting soon to where a very tall and grand-looking man met have a little child. She knew not what to do. him. Catching hold of the tall man's hands, However, work she must, if she did not wish to he said, "Salám." The man returned the boy's die; and so she went and hired herself to a salúm and asked him who he was, whence he farmer of that country.
came, and whither he was going. The boy In due time her child was born. His lot' told him everything, as he had told his mother was good, and he grew and waxed strong. and master and teacher, and kept nothing back When he was old enough to do some work the from him. Then the grand tall man blessed farmer sent him into the fields to tend the him, prayed for him, and bade him depart in cattle. Day by day he found time, also, to go quest of the flowers. But the boy would not to school with the farmer's children, for he let go his hand until he had told him in what was a good boy and wished to be wise and direction to go. Seeing that the boy was in great. As his mother, being under the suppo- earnest, and was a worthy boy, the grand tall sition that her child had been born under an | man disclosed to him who he was, and how by unlucky star, had not given him a name, his virtue of his great sanctity he could obtain for schoolmates called him Khariâ, because his him whatever he required. “This is what I head was covered with scabs. The school. wanted from you," said Kharia," for I could i... giomat.
Khur in the Kaimiri for the dinosso called roald.bond Gavus).