months, pre-Islamite names for the preserved
by the modern Arabs ........................312, 313 moon-symbols ....................................... 64ff Morbi plate of Jainkadêva; noticed ......... 143n Môurva in the Avesta is Mery ..................... Mudgagiri, the modern Munger, a camp of
Narayanapala .................................. 304, 308 Mudiyandr, older form of the name of Mudya
når, 9.0.......................................... 172, 177 Mudyanar, village in Maisar; its ancient
Sanskrit name was Chad&gråma, 172, 177, the (spurious) grant of Malladêva-Nandivar. man (Bana), of Śaka-Sarinvat 261, edited ... 172ff Muhammad Akbar Khan supersedes Shah
záda Fath Jang ..................................... 292 Maladeva of Gwalior (KachchhapagbAta), had
the birudas of Bhuvanapala and Trailokya- . malla ...............
.................. 35, 42 Mungêr mentioned under the ancient name of
Mudgagiri ...................................... 304, 308 Murundas, an early dynasty, 142;-Vatsaraja,
the lover of Vasavadatta, belonged to this tribe
............. 142n
Nanna, a king who built a temple of P&ráva.
nátha at Vardhamanapura ......... 142 and n naradhipati, 'a chief ruler of men; a king. 223n narapati, apparently an official title........... In Narayanapêla (Palas of Bengal); his Bhagalpur grant, edited .......
................304ff navakarman, 'new buildings' ...................... 309n National Anthem, translated into Sanskrit 47, 363 nazar is the Evil Eye .............................. 322 necklace, effect of charmed, in Indian folklore
..................... note 7, 98 Negapatam; a notice of the Buddhist structure at .............. . . . .
...................2340 nibaddha, assigned' ........................... 107, 140 nirudna of Buddha; & notice of evidence in
support of the Peguan date of B.C. 638 ... 152 Nizâmu'ddaulah Muhammad 'Usman Khan
ruins Shah Shuja'a's cause, 169, 170;-his proceedings with Macnaghten.................. 261 Nrisimhatapansya-Upanishad; notes on vari
ous, readings of the, 69ff, ;-it bad two distinct bdkhds, Bhrigu and Angirasa ..... 71 numerical symbols. inste numerical symbole, instances of the use of...
188, 337, 340, 357 Nydra, commentary on Hêmachandra's
Brihaduritti; names of earlier grammarians mentioned in it .......... ............. 1817
.... 226
ocean, an invocation of the ......... Ogatai, son of Chinghiz Khan, his campaign
in Honan ........................................ 133, 134 Omayyad coins, Dr. Stickel on ................. 843 Osaţika (®), a place in Western India............ 142 Oude Distriot, an inscription from the ......... 10ff owls in Indian folklore ...... ............. 74
... 354
Nagabhata, Maharaja, of the line of Déva
sakti ................................... 107, 110, 141 Nagali or N&mali; an ancient village in the
Dêvahali pattald ................................... 9 Naga Madamme, a serpent goddess in Maisar 259 Nagarjuna, a Bodhisattva; he probably lived towards the end of the second century A.D., 853ff;- he lived in Southern Kosala,
in the time of king So-to-p'o-ho.............. 355 Nagasêna, a Buddhist Bhikshu, author of the
Melindapañho, 353ff;---he flourished about 140 B.C., 353 ;- an account of the Melinda
pañho ........................ Naraváhana, an early king ................... 1421 Narayaņa; various readings from his commentary on the Nrisimhatápantya-Upa.
nishad ...................... Naigamas, interpreters of Vedic quotations and words.........
............... 227 nail-headed' characters; discovery of a new
variety by Bendall ............. nakshatra :Abvint ..................
............. 177 Uttara-Bhadrapad .............................. 110n Nándarja, another name of Menander or. Milan...... ..
**** ................ 364 Nandas, an early dynasty; Katyayana . is
referred by tradition to their time......... 149 Nandi, Nandidurga, a hill in Southern India.
173, 176 Nandivarmacharya, engraver of the grant of Malladêva-Nandivarman ..................... 177
......... 177
....... 288
pddakula, P's tribe of attendants' ........... 45n Padma, an abbreviation of the name of Pad
map la of Gwalior ................................ 42, 46 Padma, one of the engravers of the Sasbahd-ke-dehra inscription of Vikrama
Samvat 1150................ .......................... 46 Padmanatha, a local name of Vishņu at Gwalior, in memory of Padmapala... 35, 41,
44, 45, 46 Padmaple, of GwAlior (Kachchhapaghata)
35, 43, 202 pala, termination of the names of some of the Kachchhapagheta kinge of Gwalior, 35ff;- and of the names of two members
of the family of Devasakti ................... 110 PAlak, a king of Avanti at the time of the
nirudna of Mahavira ........................142, 143n PAlas of Bengal; remarks on their history ... 304 PAli, the Prakrits, the modern Vernaculars, and
Sanskrit; notice of Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar's