DECEMBER, 1886.)
leave. When the prince came to examine the "I have at last found my lost gem, and never painter's work, he said :
again while I live shall I lose it in the forest !" "My Lord, I shall come for my reward on said the prince ; “God has given me back my Your Highness's wedding day. You had lost gem !" better examine the pictures in my absence at The princess only replied by her tears, for the fifteenth ghatiká this afternoon, for that, she could not open her lips. Presently, after the soothsayers told me, is the auspicious the first excitement was over, they questioned ghatiká (hour). Kindly, therefore, do not ex- each other as to their history during this mine them before that time, or I fear evil stars calamitous period, and again wept over their will make you judge ill of my powers of misfortunes. execution."
With Gangabãi by his side, Thâņnji now Gangabai said this to gain time in order to drove to the lacquered mansion, sending word to reach her home before her lord should come to his old father that he had discovered his lost recognize her in the painter. The prince love, and was going to the forest to bring all accepted these new conditions, for the painter's his dear wives to Sivapuri, and that, on the day face exercised a wonderful influence over bim. originally fixed for the wedding, he would be His misfortune in not recovering his lost love, married to them and never to Kurudi! his approaching wedding with one whom he | Alas for Kurudi! No medicines had any hated from the very bottom of his heart, his effect on her. She died on the day before that unfaithfulness to his former wives in agreeing appointed for her wedding, unable to bear up to marry Kurudi,--all these were passing and against her pains, external and internal. For repassing through his mind every moment, as remorse, at the torture she had inflicted on her he waited impatiently for the time when he enemy, overcame her mind before she breathed could examine this work.
her last! At last the hour arrived.. Thâņuji entered to return to the lacquered mansion. The his apartment to look over the paintings, and prince met his other wives and gave them their exclaimed:
lost sister, and returned to Sivapuri, relating "My dear wives are painted here ! Did the stories all the way home, some of the calamities painter ever see them? Ah! my dearest that had befallen him and Gangabâf, owing to Gangabât is dying here ! Most horrible! Oh their having entertained the old woman in wicked enchantress Kurudi! Oh kindly weat- their palace. When they reached Sivapuri, herd Govinda! I shall well repay for your all excepting Kurudi's mother, were happy ou assistance."
the marriage day, on which Thâquji, with the Then like a mad man Thapaji wept and consent of his father, properly married all his laughed, and laughed and wept, till he came to four wives. the end.
After the princesses had thus lived for a "After all my love is living !" exclaimed he, short period with their husband, they heard as he staggered abont the floor, and fell heavily. that their father was dangerously ill. So, His servants, who had been listening to all his accompanied by Thâņuji, they went and visited ravings, at last dared to approach their lord, and him before his death. The father had only flew to his assistance. They took him up and time to bog their pardon before he breathed his brought him round. "My carriage," was all last, leaving his large kingdom to his daughhe said to them; and they at once got it ready.ters. The princesses, remembering the minister's He then drove outside the town to where the kindness to them, gave him their kingdom, and painter bad told him he was living; and there returning home to their husband's country, Gangabul, who had rightly expected her hus- lived with him for many years in peace and band to come to her directly he saw the pictures, prosperity, daring which they did not forget was waiting to receive him. They flew into the kindnesses that Govinda and Gopi had each other's arms.
done to Gangåhái.