NOVEMBER, 1886.]
The girl, exceedingly surprised at these nature. I wish to be a faithful wife to your strange words, answered, 'I am not of a son, and to do good to all people.' bad or sanguinary nature. What have you The shikári was very glad to hear this. observed in me, or heard about me, to prompt He thoroughly believed his daughter-in-law's such a question P'
words. How came that half-devoured corpse on | Presently they both dug together round the the river-side the other morning ?" he said. roots of the tree and found the treasure“Why did you laugh and weep just now, and some most valuable stones and riches. In the almost in the same breath P'
excitement of the moment the shikári emWhat! shall I tell you P' she said. Are braced the girl, and begged her to forgive you really supposing me to be a rákshasi for both him and his son for their misapprehenthese reasons ? Is this the cause of my hus. sions concerning her. band, your son's, sudden disappearance ? Is it Most happily they recommenced their jouron this account that you have walked behind ney. It was a beautiful road. The trees made me almost all the way here? What folly ! one long avenue, through which they walked in What wrong is this ! Listen to the truth of the a most grateful shade the whole way; flowers case. On the night of the day that your son of every form and beauty strewed the ground, visited my father's house, the jackals prowled and streams meandered in all directions carryabout the place and made such a noise, ing with them life and strength and gladness. that we both awoke. Their conversation was From one of these streams the shikári, feeling loud and long that night, and no wonder, for thirsty, asked his daughter-in-law to bring him they had seen a corpse floating slowly down some water. She at once obeyed, and as she the river, and on one of the arms of the corpse, stooped down to take the water a frog croaked they said, a beautiful bracelet was fastened. and said, 'In the name of mercy will nobody Understanding their speech I thought that I listen? Within this stream a treasure lies would go down and drag this corpse to land concealed; and therefore the stream is filled and get the bracelet. Look, here it is; and with insects. Who will hear me and take out she showed it to her father-in-law wrapped up the treasure? Thus would the waters be in a dirty piece of cloth. The dead body, I healed and travellers, who drink of it, be beneleft on the river bank. Perhaps the jackals fited; the frogs would be able to enjoy them. came afterwards and devoured it. I did not, selves without hindrance from unpleasant pains you may be sure. It was a half-eaten corpse, in the stomach, which they are constantly that your son probably saw in the early morn- experiencing from life in this water; while the ing, and as he had very likely noticed my going finder of the treasure would be enriched beyond to the river in the middle of the night, he all want.' thought that I must be a rákshasi and there- On hearing this the girl went at once and fore have devoured the body. And so he fled.' told her father-in-law, who immediately came
Saying this, she laughed heartily. The to the stream and found the treasure. Having shikári, also, could not help laughing.
securely fastened it round their waists they And then again,' she continued, just proceeded on their journey." When they ar. now a crow perched on yonder branch, and by rived near the house the shikari asked his cawing said that much treasure was concealed daughter-in-law to go on ahead. She did so, near the roots of this tree. Understanding and while she approached the entrance of the the speech of birds also, I laughed and cried house her husband saw her; and observing from joy at the thonght that I should get that she was alone, he at once thought that farther treasure, and thus be able to bring ease she had killed his father and now she was and pleasure to my husband and family. coming to slay and eat him. And therefore Wasn't that quite rational ? Oplease do not he armed himself with a sword, and when she think me to be a rákshasi, or anything of that came up expecting to be welcomed by her
# Klímiris have various devices for carrying their money or other little valuables. Sometimea they conceal it in their turbans : sometimes in their kamarbanda;
sometimes in their sleeve cuffs ; sometimes in their ears, if the thing is small; and sometimes tie it up in a lot at the end of their Asadar, or wrap.