NOVEMBER, 1886.)
dône," sacred to Zeus, and it was confirmed pitiate the gods, were called novendiales because by the Aryans, their brothers, whence the they lasted nine days. Is it not in this sense words ariolus, augur; ariolatio, divination; and that we (Roman) Catholics have our novenas ariolor, to augur. In the Valdimagra, the in which we glorify God, the all powerful and oak of Marriano (the Asiatic mariantola) was triune during nine days P And is not nine the under a rock, which was the place of assembly number of the orders of spiritual angels who for evil spirits. We have thus by degrees incessantly sing in Heaven before the Trinity ?" worked back to the memories of Northern I have faithfully transcribed the Abbate's Asia, to the times of the original ariologiani quaint conceits regarding this amulet, though or angars. There, in the courts of Nineveh on the whole they do not seem to throw much and Babylon, the worship of the sacred tree light on the subject. Daring a 25 years existed, which we may suppose to have had residence in Naples he had never before chanced its origin on historic soil ;-one may say in the to see this little charm; even now, he does traditions of Eden, where the tree flourished not enlighten us as to its name, but styles it a whose fruit man was intended to enjoy. Bat of fascino, or charm. It was only after some this enough. We have mentioned the name of searching and many inquiries in the quarter of Janus, which seems to come appositely into Naples called Old Naples, that I was able to this paper, in order to explain the significance hunt up the various forms given on Plate of the key, which is his ornament and domes- XVII." The people, at first, seemed ashamed tic badge. It may be remembered that it was of owning that they held such a superstition, Janus who taught men to build houses and but after several visits and much questioning, close them with doors (janua) and, neverthe- I elicited from them what I believe to be the less, he is also the sun, and therefore it is suit. true name for these little silver ornaments; vis., able that he should have the keys of both the cima-ruta, top or head of rue. The charm is doors of heaven. He opens the door at dawn bound over the heart of a newly born child, and closes it at sunset."
thence, most probably, its name. The two voids or open spaces in the form Whatever be the value of the Abbate's opi. of a heart still remain to be discussed. With nions as to the meaning of the amulet, he has regard to these, the Abbate Bastiani is of struck a key note in alluding to the custom of opinion that they indicate the bulla, which strewing rue round the couch of a woman and was made round and like & cord, in order to her newly born infant and the hanging of this hang it round the throats of young people. He charm on the child. We have here a distinct considers that the second space was intended connection between the customs of the East and to point out to them that they should reflect the West. In India rue is in various ways a that they were men, and also that young charm against evil, and when describing a persons ought to act with discretion and good native wedding in that country, Colebrooke says, sense, which is always the most certain and “The bridegroom goes in procession to the safe antidote against peril." Finally," he adds, house where the bride's father resides, and is "we must not omit to observe the number nine there welcomed as a guest. The bride is given in the elements of the amulet. We are induced to him by her father in the form usual at every to touch upon this when we reflect that the solemn donation, and their hands are bound month of November was sacred to Diana the together with grass. He clothes the bride with goddess of sorceresses, and that the sacrifices, an upper and better garment; the skirts of which were held to avert calamities and pro- her mantle and of his are tied together. The
13 The wintry Dôdône, one of the further summits of the Pindos range in Albania.
14 (This is a very dangerous derivation. Although the word Aryan" is really aria, the derivation of ariolus, &c. from it is exceedingly doubtful. Ariolus, &o. should be hariolus, the root of which more than probably, like that of the kindred words haruspea, haruga, harviga, &o., lies in hira, the intestines.-ED.)
1 A boss of gold worn upon the neok by the children of free-born Romans to distinguish them from those of freedmen, who wore leather ones..
16 [It is always unsafe to theorize upon the meaning
of charms fashioned and originated by the humble and ignorant as if they were the work of highly educated and intelligent minds. It is a much safer course to seek for natural and very mundane origing for such things. These lucubrations appear to be pure theory and to attribute to Christian ideas the origin of objects supposed to have a pre-Christian descent. These must be taken for what they may be worth.-ED.]
17 Specimens of these otarms are in the possession of Dr. E. B. Tylor, F.R.S., at Oxford, who has had them several years. They also osime diroot from Naples.-ED.