[OCTOBER, 1886.
as the moon, the sun, and the earth shall endure, merit (gained by gifts), (run) thus:-[Here in order to increase the spiritual merit and glory follow five of the customary imprecatory verses, of bis parents and of himself, to the divine which it is unnecessary to translate.) Siva-bhattáraka by the present) edict.
(V. 18.)-The messenger for this (grant (L. 44.)—"Therefore, you all shall approve was) the illustrious Bhattu, the Gurava Punof this gift; and future kings shall assent to ya kirtti. He knew the meaning of the idea it and preserve it, ont of regard for the of Brahman, which it is very difficult to under(heavenly) rewards of a gift of land, and out stand even with the help of the Védánta (books); of fear of sinking into the great hell, in case of he was extremely well read in all brutis (its) confiscation! And the cultivators residing together with the angas; and he performed (in Makutika) shall be obedient to (this) order sacrifices, in which great presents were on hearing it, and shall deliver to the donees), made. at the proper time, all suitable revenues, such (V. 19.)-The illustrious Mang hadise, as shares enjoyed, taxes, gold, etc.!"
a native of the excellent Samataţa," the son (L. 47.)-Samvat 17, on the 9th day of Vai- of Subhadása, has engraved this edict, śâkha. And the verses which praise the (The seal) of Sri-N & rây anapala de va.
(Continued from p. 278). RUMP, of a fowl,-Katia, (Tch.)
SANCTIFY, to,-Sfinciâva, (M.) RUMPLED,-Chandilo, (Tch.)
SAND,-Char, (M. 7) Run, to,-Plastrava, nasheva, (Eng.); najar, (Span. SANDAL-Chervůli, (Tch.)
Gip.); prastáva, (M.); prastáva, thavava, SATAN,--Wafodu guero, (Eng.) (M. 8)
SATIATED,-Chalo, (Tch. M. 7) RUN HARD, to, --Shabåva, (Eng); koshfa dáva,
SATIATE, to, -Chalarkva, (Tch.) (Tch.)
SATIATED, to be, -Chaliovava, (Tch., Pep. M.); RUNNER, -Nashimeskro, (Eng.)
chel'ovgva, (M.) RUSHES, a thicket of, -Tréstiy, (M.)
SATURDAY,-Kinnipen-divyus, (Eng.); skvato, RUSSIAN,-Moskovis, (Tch., Pap. M.); moskov,
(M.) mosköf, (As. Tch.)
SAUCEPAN, -Doti kiri, dron kiri, (As. Tch.) RUSTY,-Ruzhinimi, (M.)
SAUSAGE-Gôi, (Teh., M. 7). SAUSAGE, of or belonging to-Goikkoro, (Tch.). Saw,-Trivôni, triôni, (Tch.)
SAY, to, -Pukkerava, penáva, (Eng.); pendra, SABRE,-khanrů, palash, sabiya, sibie, sabd'iya, benåva, fiytzava, (Tch.); phengva, (M., såbd'ie, săbdie, (M.); kisi, (Psp. M.)
M. 8); motaváva, (M.8); bengva, phenava, SACK, -Gono, (Eng.); gono, (Tch.); burddhu,
(Pep. M.) gonô, gond, (M.)
SCALD-HEADED, -Khalê, aberêskoro, (Tch.) SAD, -Tug, tugno, (Eng.)
SCALES, pair of,-Kěntáre, (M.) SADDLE-Boshta, (Eng); zen, (Tch., M. 8., Pep. SCARCELY,-Abye, de abye, (M.) M.); zēn, (M.)
SCHOOL-Skhôale, shkola, (M.) SAFE, -Vestô, (Tch.)
SCISBOR8,-Katches, katsau, (Eng.); kat, (Tch., SAILOR-Pani-mengro, ber-engro, (Eng.); berês.
M. 7) koro, deryavákoro, devryalAkoro, (Tch.) SCOLD, to,-Kashara, (M.) SAINT, -Sfec, (M.)
Scoop, to,-KhandAva, khatáva, ghandava, khraSALE, -Bikhnipen, (Eng.); bit'inamas, (M.)
dáva, (Tch.) SALT, -Lon, lun, (Eng.) ; lon, (Tch.); lohn, (As. Scoop, to cause to,-Khanliaráva, khatava, ghanTch.); lon, (M., M. 8., Psp. M.)
dava, khradáva, (Tch.) SALT, (adj)Londo, (Tch.); pelonheri, (As. Tch.) SCOOPED, to be. --Khanliovava, (Tch.) SALT, to,-Londaráva, londiaráva (Tch., Pep. M.) SCORE-Bishêngoro, (Tch.) SALUTATION,-Paravên, (Tch.)
SCRAPER,-Pihtrt, rondiardo, (Tch.)
"On Samatata or Eastern Bengal, see Beal, B. R. W. W. Vol. II. p. 1906.