[OCTOBER, 1886.
yet able, to depart with their families to bassador to Fath 'Ali Shah, who was satisfied, Lodiânâ, and gladly to accept their former and recalled Shuja-au's-Sultanat, so that Shah pensions from the English Government. Mahmud and his son again lived five or Accordingly, aided by the power of Sarfaraz six years in tranquillity. But in the Hijri Khân, brother of the Naib, and of Azim year'' 1241 dissensions arose between Shah Gul Khan Bamizâi 'Urzbigi and of 'Abdu'l-Mahmud and his son Kamran. The latter majid Khân, Mâmâi Popalzai, they departed usurped all the power, no longer obeyed his by way of Karakchah to Jallalâbâd with father, and requested Shuja-au's-Sultanat who their wives and children ; but, during the was at Khurâsân, to come to his assistance. journey they were robbed of their baggage by This request was granted, and the father was a band of the Jabar Khel tribe, who dwelt at removed from the throne. Shuja'au's-Sultanat Asarak, and even made the Shâzâdahs prison- then left his son Arghûn Mirza in Hirât ers. They and their harams were liberated and returned (to Khurâsân), after which Shih only at the instance of 'Aşim Gul Khan, who Mahmúd sat in the corner of retirement till he had some friends among the Ghiljais, and per- died a natural death in the Hijri years 1244, suaded them to convey the party to Jallalabad and his son Kâmrân carried on the government to Muhammad Usman Khân Nizâmu'ddaulah, of Hirât. who was still the Hakim of that place; whence Muhammad At Khân Alakzai, brother of they departed with his consent and that of Sardár 'Abdu'llah Khân the Hikim of Kaśmir, *Abdu'r-Rahmân to Peshawar, to which town perished in the general epidemic which raged *Aziz Khân of the Jabar Khel tribe conveyed throughout the whole of Afghanistan in 1244, also the ladies and children in litters with A.H. or 1828 A.D., and the Shahzâdah Kamran all honour. There they joined the Shahzâdâhs appointed Yar Muhammad Khân, the son of and all hastened together to Lodiâ nâ, where Sardar Abdu'llah Khân, late Hâkim of Kaśmir, the English Government assigned to them who was his own cousin, to be his Amiru'l-umrå. sufficient allowances, and there they lived in Yar Muhammad Khân was a valiant and opencontentment, renouncing their aspirations to handed man, and was on this account afterwards power, being convinced that their realization raised to an even higher station, and made wazir. was impossible."
In the Hijrl year 1248 Shâh Shuja'a arrived
(in Afghánistân) and was defeated at Qandahar APPENDIX ON THE APPAIRS OF HIRÂT.
by the Amîr Dôst Muhammad Khân. He took The remaining adventures of Shậh Mahmûd refuge in the forts of Lâsh and Jawain, and. and of the Shahzadah Kamran, who had gone to the Shahzâdah Kamran sent the earuch Haji Hirât and those parts, after being defeated Firûz Khân his favourite, with presents, and by the Amir Dôst Muhammad Khân, and go- a message, that although Hirât was even as his verned there, not having been recorded by the own house, it would be better for him to pen which traces musk characters, they will remain for some time in comfort and pleasure be narrated in detail in this place. Our trust in the muş'a Farrah. This fact is recorded in is in Allah:
the Memoirs of Shah Shujaʻa. In the year" 1235 Fath 'Ali Shah Qâjâr N ext year, A.H. 1249, Fath 'Ali Shâh deterdespatched Shuja'au's-Sultanat Hasan Ali mined to send the Nawab, 'Abbas Mirza, his heir Mirza with a powerful army to invade Khura- apparent, to conquer Khurasan, who in his turn sân, who committed great depredations around despatched Muhammad Shah, at that time known Hirât. Shâh Mahmûd therefore sent the by the name of Muhammad Mirza, with a large Afghan Abda's-Samad Khan with many army to conquer Hirât, which the latter thereon presents and the promise of allegiance, as am- beleagered. The Shahzâdah Kamran, not being
10 It wm now time that the British army should depart. Nothing remained to be done. Any longer continuance at KAbul would only have aggravated the sufferings of the people and increased our own difficulties. So on the 11th of October orders were issued for the commencement of the march on the following day. The unhappy Prince, Fath Jang, had claimed and sought permission to accompany Pollock's
camp to India, and to seek an asylum in the Company's dominions, &c. Kaye, Vol. II. p. 640.
11 Began on the 20th October 1819. * Began 16th August 1825. 13 Began 14th July 1829. ** Began 31st May 1832. 15 Began 21st May 1833.