[OCTOBER, 1886.
outside the BAIA Hişar, waiting for the oppor- of the name of Ghulam Muhammad Shahji tunity :-according to the proverb:
Nawashah Baqir Shah Faqir.' When fate uplifts its head above the sphere The Pådshah Shuja'au'l-Mulk was of a All wise men are but blind and deaf.
very mild but persevering character. He In the morning when the palanquin of the spent all his life in waging war, and underShah reached the ambush, which was half-way took during his reign not less than thirty between the BAIA Hişâr and the (British) station, campaigns against his foes. Although he Shuja'au'ddaulah and his adherents suddenly | was, by the decree of fate, worsted in most fired'a volley of bullets at it (from a distance of them, his firmness of purpose, as has been The illustrious Shah, perceiving this to be annarrated, never allowed him to abandon the attempt on his life, became frightened, and hope of ultimately subduing his enemies. He leaving the palanquin with great precipitancy, was possessed of good poetical talent, so that began to run, and the bearers also took to his Díván is replete with brilliant verses and their heels. Shuja'an'ddaulah himself, stagger- figures of speech composed in easy language, ed by what he had done, felt unequal to the and read to this day in. Hindüstân, Trån, and completion of the deed, and intended to return Afghánistán. Most beginners improve their without having effected his purpose; but one phraseology by a study of it. He was more than of his followers, a Muradkhâni, J'afir Khân sixty-five years old at his death, and when the by name, taking hold of the bridle of his news of it was, on the same day, brought to horse said :-"There is no other game breath- the Shahzadah Shahpûr, the shining daylight ing in this desert except the wounded one; became as dark as night to him, but he was what do you mean to do ? Return and finish nevertheless compelled to look to the defence of him, and do not abandon your first intention, the (Bala Hişar) fortress! When the Shahzadah As the wise have said :
Fath Jang, who was encamped at the múz'a Deb When you get hold of your foe and conquer him, Khudâdâd, received the distressing news he Wisdom ordains to spare not his life."
took refuge in the fort (of Mahmûd Khân) by Encouraged by these words, Shuja'au'd- the advice of Ghulam Haidar Khân, the son of daulah Khân hastened to the palanquin, and Mahmad Khân Bayât; but the wicked nature not finding the Shâh in it, he looked about of the latter suggested to him to deliver the till he perceived him by the side of a brook, Shahzadah in bonds to Muhammad Zaman Khan. prostrated on the ground from the shots he Meanwhile, Shah Zamân and the Shahzadah had received. The murderers now sent him Haidar intended to place the Shahzâdah Shahwith a few sword cuts to the mansion of eternity, púr upon the throne, and to read the khutbah in took some jewels from his diadem as well as his name. He, however, refused his consent, from other parts of his dress, and departed. and replied "At present we stand in need of A chamberlain, Shahnawaz Khân by name, union and not of hypocrisy, and the liberation whom the firing had scared away, and who of a brother is preferable to a high position." had concealed himself, came forth from his Accordingly through the Naib Aminu'llah hiding place when he perceived that the field Khân, and at the instance of Khwajah Khânji, a was clear, and observing that the Shah's two number of cavalry and infantry was despatched pockets were full of jewels and pearls, cut to the fort of Mahmúd Khân, whence they them both off and started in the direction of delivered the Shahzâdah Fath Jang from the the Bâld Hişir; but his over-reaching cove- grasp of his foes, and conveyed him to the tousness made him conceal his booty under Bala Hişar. a wall, so that instead of benefiting him, it be- Next day Aminu'llah Khân came with Mir came the prey of others. This dreadful event Haji and a number of Qizlbásh and Durrani took place on Wednesday the twenty-third Khâns to the Bâlâ Hişâr, where they took into of the above month,' and a chronogram of it consideration the age of Fath Jang, and imwas embodied in some verses by a durvesh mediately placing him on the throne offered him
• The above date gives the 8th April 1842, after apply. ing the rectification indicated in the preceding footnote; but Kaye (Vol. II. p. 379) states that Shah Shuja'a was
slain on the 5th of April.
3 The verses, consisting of a lament, are worthless in every respect, and are here omitted.