or champion of (his) elder brother,' applied to Sena I., in line 7 of his Saundatti inscription;" the Sinda chieftain Achugi II. in line 9 of his -Tailana-singa, the lion of Taila,' applied to inscription of Saka-Samvat 1042; and-bhá. tbe Kadamba chieftain Kirttivarman II. of van-aikakára, the warrior or champion of (his) Banawasi, the son and successor of Taila I.;“— uncle or other relation of the same generation Tailaman-ankakára, the warrior or champion with his father,' applied to a Silahâra chieftain of Tailama,' applied to Kâmadêva of the game named Gonkidêva in line 46 of the Têrda! family, the son and successor of Tailama ;''inscription of Saka-Samvat 1042, etc. Other and Gonkan-aikakära, 'the warrior or champion similar titles, which help to explain the preced. of Gonka,' and Gáhéyana-singa, "the lion of ing, through the introduction of proper names Gûhêya,' applied to the Silâhâra chieftain instead of words of relationship, are-Sénana- | Marasimha, the son and successor of Goñka, singa, the lion of Séna,' applied to the Ratta and the nephew of G&hala or Gavala I., in line chieftain Kartavîrya II., the son and successor of 28 of his grant of Saka-Sarvat 980.
(Continued from p. 239). RED WAISTCOATS, -Lolle bengres, (Eng.)
RICHES,-Baravalipê, manghin, (Tch.); mandin, REDEEM, to,-Kinava aley, (Eng.)
(M.); mangin, (M. 8) REDNE88,-Lolip8, (Tch.)
RID, to get, of, -Skěpiâva, (M.) REED -Vázia, (Tch.)
RIDE, to,-Kisturkva, (Eng.); prastáva, (M.) REIN,-Salavar, (M.)
RIDE ROUND, to,-Enkunzhurisaráva, (M.) Rejoice, to,-Loshániováva, (Tch., Pep. M.); RIDER,-Kistri-mengro, kistro-mengro, (Eng.); bukurisard'ovåva, mongõikva, (M.)
kalar@ca, porizon, (M.) RELATIONS,-Fina, nAmur, (M.)
RIDICULE, to --Ķhokhavava, (Tch., M. 7); praskva, RELEABE, to,Izbovisaráva, (M.)
(Tch., Pep M.) RELIGIOU8,--Sherrafo, (Eng.)
RIDICULE --Prasaibe, (Tch.) REMAIN, to; ---Achava, têrghiovava, (Tch.); beshAva, RIDICULOUS,-Kesindia, (Tch.) ashÂva, (M.); acháva, (M. 7)
RIGHT, (subst.)-Chechipf, chechipf, kanonu, REMEMBER, to,-Rigava in zi, (Eng.); sherfva man,
trykba, (M.) (Tch.)
RIGHT, (adj.),-Orta, (M. 8) REMEMBER, to cause to-Sheravava man, (Tch.) RING,- Vangustri, wangustri, (Eng.); angrusti, Remove, to,-Duryováva, t'idáva, (M.)
angustrt, engusteri, (Toh.); angrusti, Renew, to,-Nev keráva, (Tch.)
ēngrusti, (M.); angushtri, (M. 7); angrusti RENT, to,Ushardva, (Tch.)
angustri, (Pep. M.) RENTED, -Ushardicano, (Tch.)
RINGS, pretended gold-Fashono wangustin, REPAY, to,-Pesäva apopli, (Eng.) REPENT, to,-Pokutuyiva, pěkėtuidva, (M.) RINGING THE CHANGES, -Hukni, (Eng.) REPORT,Raporto, voete, (M.)
Riot, to,-Koráva, (Eng.) Repose, ---Lutherum, (Eng.)
RIOTER,-Korgengro, (Eng.) Rest, to-Acháva, (Tch., Psp. M.); hodinihva, RIOTING, -Koring, (Eng.)
hodinisaráva, hodinisard'ováva, popasoba- RIP THE SEAMS, to, -Putráva, (Tch.); phutrava, råva, (M.)
(M. 8) REVILE,-Kush va, (Tch., Psp. M.)
RIPE,-Mulano, (Tch., Pep. M.) RIB,—Pashavrô, (Tch.)
RIPEN, to,-Mulano kerdve, (Tch., Pap. M.) RICE,-Rizos, (Tch.)
RIPPED, to be,-Patêrghiovava, putêrdovava, (Tch.) Rich-Bovalo, (Eng.); baravalo, (Pep, M., M. 7); Rise, to-Ukhkiâva, ufkiâva, uftiAva, ufchifva,
baravalô, barval8, (Tch.); barvaló, barvald, . (Tch.); ķhut'Ava, răpězēsard'ováva, (M.) (M.)
Cf. to STEP. Ricw, he who is.-Baravalicand, manghineskôro, River,--Leny (dim.) lenort, (Toh.); shat, sat, (As. (Tch.)
Tch.); len, (Pep. M., M. 8) Jour. Bo. Br. R. 48. Soc. Vol. XI. p. 947.
Sid. p. 86. * ante, Vol. XIV. p. 16.
No. 10 of the separate publiontions of the Archwo* Jour. Bo. Br. R. A., Bor. Vol. X. p. 913.
logical Survey of Western India, p. 103. "Dynasties of the Kanarese Districts, p. 85.