arm) of (the god) Sårigapapi,-the fore-arm of any other save (the god) Sthâņu;-he, through which is marked with callous parts caused the embraces of whose arms, (HimAlaya) the by the hard string of (his) bow, (and) which is mountain of snow carries no longer the pride steadfast in the successful carrying out of vows of the title of being a place that is difficult of for the benefit of mankind, -the earth betook access ;-he to whose two feet respect was paid, itself (for succour), when it was afflicted by with complimentary presents of the flowers kings of the present age, who manifested from the hair on the top of (his) head, by even pride; who were cruel through want of proper that (famous) king Mihirakula, whose training; who, from delusion, transgressed the forehead was pained through being bent low path of good conduct; (and) who were destitute down by the strength of (his) arm in (tho of virtuous delights:
act of compelling) obeisance :(L. 3.)-He who, in this age which is the (L. 7.)-By him, the king, the glorious ravisher of good behaviour, through the action Yasod harman, the firm beams of whose simply of his good) intentions shone gloriously, arms are as charming as pillars, this column, not associating with other kings who adopted which shall endure to the time of the destruc& reprehensible course of conduct, just as an tion of the world, has been erected here, -as if offering of flowers (is beautiful when it is not to measure out the earth; as if to enalaid down) in the dust; he in whom, possessed merate on high the multitude of the heavenly of a wealth of virtue (and so) falling but little lights; (and) as if to point out the path to the short of Mana and Bharata and Alarks and skies above of his own fame, acquired by (his) Mandhati, the title of “universal sovereign" good actions ;-(this column) which shines shines more than in any other), like a refulgent, as if it were a lofty arm of the resplendent jewel (set) in good gold :
earth, raised up in joy to write upon the surface (L. 4.)-He who, spurning (the confinement of the moon the excellence of the virtues of of) the boundaries of his own house, enjoys Yasodharman, to the effect that—" His those countries,-thickly covered over with birth (is) in a lineage that is worthy to be enlodeserts and mountains and trees and thickets | gised; there is seen in him a charming behaand rivers and strong-armed heroes, (and) viour that is destructive of sin; he is the haying (their) kings assaulted by (his) prowess, abode of religion; (and) the (good) customs - which were not enjoyed (even) by the lords of mankind continue current, unimpeded (in of the Guptas, whose prowess was displayed any way) by him." by invading the whole earth, (and) which the (L. 9.)-From a desire thus to praise this command of the chiefs of the Hiņas, that king, of meritorious aotions, (these) verses have established itself on the tiaras of (many) kings, been composed by Vásula, the son of Kakka. failed to penetrate :
(This eulogy has been) engraved by Govinda. (L. 5.) -He before whose feet chieftains, hav
No. 165.-MANDASOR DUPLICATE PILLAR ing (their) arrogance removed by the strength
INSCRIPTION OF YASODHARMAN. of (his) arm, bow down, from the neighbourhood of the (river) Lanhitya up to the mountain)
This is the remnant, mentioned above, of the Maböndra, the lands at the foot of which original duplicate copy of the inscription of are impenetrable through the groves of palmyra
Yabdharman on the second inscribed column trees, (and) from (Himalaya) the mountain of
at Manda sor, described at page 254 above. snow, the table-lands of which are embraced by
The writing, which covers a space of about the.(river) Gangå, up to the Western Ocean,
1' 1" broad by 1' 2 high, is in some respects in by which act (all) the divisions of the earth are
& state of rather better preservation than the made of various hues through the intermingling
entire copy; but nearly three-quarters of the of the rays of the jewels in the hair on the
fall inscription is lost here, through the tops of (their) heads :
column having cracked vertically and part (L. 6.)-He by whom (his) head has never
of it being now not forthcoming.-The size been brought into the humility of obeisance to
of the letters varies from * to ".-This » See page 255 above, note 7.
in connection with vahati, the negative partiolo na from " To complete the sense, we must apparently supply, the first pada of the verse.