JULY, 1886.]
4 [--- -------------] सदा गच्छतु कालयज्वा ॥ [१०] श्रीमान्व
भूव मथुराभिजनो विमायः कायस्थवंशविपिनांवुधरः प्रहृष्टाः। शिष्टास्त्रिवर्गपथगामिमनोरथस्य यस्याध्यगीषत मनोरथ इत्यभिख्याम् ।। [१२] भुवनपालनृपद्रविणव्ययागमनियोगनिधन्धन लेखिनः। गणि
ततस्वसमस्तलिपिज्ञतागुणकृतस्तवनेस्य गुरुलघुः ॥ [१२]. कांतानका5[000-00-~------ललिताड़यष्टिः । स्पष्टीकृतात्मकुलशी
लकलानुभावा भावानुरक्तिपरमास्य रमेव विष्णोः।। १३] यो मानिनां कैरवकुड्मलानां प्रहाद[नं त्तमधादिवन्तुः। स मानिचन्द्रश्चतुरणवान्तभ्रान्तोरुकीर्तिस्तनयोस्य जज्ञे । [१४] स्मरारिपूर्वामरमूर्तिम
न्दरोदरास्मस्मप्रकरार्पितध्वजैः। मरुद्भुतैस्त यदङ्गिनामधान्यचीकरत्कीर्तनमा- . 6--0-॥१५ --- -- -- -विधानेषु यतस्तदीया। शुचिस्मितो
लासितहारकान्तिस्ततो जनै रा[सगतिनिरूचे॥ [१६] विजगद्विततात्मयशोविसदीकृतदिवस तयोस्तनयोभिजनोजवलसवनिजान्वयजाजरविः। मधुसूदन इत्वजनिष्ट विशिष्टगुणप्रणयः स्तुतयोगुरुवारगुणं
प्रति संप्रति य विदुषाम् ॥ [१७] यशोविकासो मधुसूदनस्य मास्मन्मयूखा7 [ . - . -- * ---- -----.] चूर्यमाणः क्षयमापर्दिदुः ।। [२८] येन
बिलोकजनताशयथुद्धिहेतुर्द्धम्मोपि निर्मलतमः क्रियते स्म शस्वत्। तस्यावदातचरिताबुतवर्णनायामोजो विजृम्भितमहो यदि शारदायाः ॥ [१९] करांजलिपुटोद्धृतं जलमिवैष अस्वत्सुधीः समप्रजगदंगिनां
प्रगलवायुरालाचयन् । श्रुतेधितशावुसंशामितरागपात्रार्पि8 [--- -------------]। [२०] आशास यःशिष्टजगज्जनस्य श्रिवं
न्यधारात्मकरायकृष्टां। जना यदीयावरजं तमाशाचंद्र जगुः प्रीतगुरुं सवृत्तं ॥ [२१] पतितप्रपतत्पपतिष्यदमर्त्यगृहोद्धरणः स्वभुजार्जितशुद्धधनष्ययवृहितपुण्यनिधिः। यतिविप्रवरानविपनजनातिहरो भवनं
भवनाशकरस्य हरस्य स कारयति स्म कृती ।। [२२] विदांबुजवनरविः श्रीज9[---------00--] निग्र्मथनाथः । यः षड्भाषाविततकविताकेतु.
हम्म्य कलानां पूर्वामेतामकृत स मुनिः श्रीयशोदेवनामा ।। [२३] मनोभवांधकारातिविघातकरणो भवः। दद्यातः सम्पदो देवो यो गजाजिनभूतिभृत् ।। [२४] ॥ श्रीविक्रमार्कनृपकालातीतसम्वत्सराणां"मेकषष्टयधिकायामेकादशशत्यां माघशुरुषष्ठयाम्प्रतिष्ठाभूत् [1]
BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, GÖTTINGEN. 3.-ON SOME DOUBTFUL VARTTIKAS. regarded as Varttikas. With the permission of While trying to reconstruct the Vårttikas of the Editors, I intend in this Journal to discuss Katyayana from the Mahâbhâshya, I have some of those doubtfnl Vârttikas, and I hope never ventured to hope that my attempt would that scholars who are versed in the subject, from the beginning be successful in every and to whom ancient MSS. are more readily particular. I indeed feel convinced that the accessible than they are to myself, will take an general principles which I have followed are interest in the matter and assist in the final correct, and I believe that my edition is likely settlement of a question which is of some to present a fairly true picture of what Kamoment for the history of Sansksit grammar. tyayana's work was like, before it was embodied Not counting the 14 Pratyahara or Sivaby Patañjali in his own work. But I have satras, the total number of rules of Panini's always been ready to admit, that, in individual Ashtadhyâyi in the published text is 3983. cases, the comparison of older or better MSS. According to my edition of the Mahabhashya, than those are which I had at my disposal, the Kåtyâyana has appended notes to 1245 rules superior knowledge of other scholars, or my only, and Patañjali has, independently of Kiown researches, may prove that I have been tyayana, attached remarks of his own to 468 wrong; and there certainly are Vårttikas in my other rules. The remaining 2270 of Panini's edition, about whose right to be there I myself Sûtras are not directly treated of in the Mahafeel doubtful, just as in that portion of the bhâshya, but I may state incidentally that by text which I have assigned to Patañjali, there far the greater number of them have either occur some statements which may have to be been actually quoted by Patañjali, or can
" Read निबन्धन.
13 Cancel the anuevara.