JULY, 1885.]
that Sun, decorated with glorious beams, forked lightning. And other long buildings protect you, who shines day after day with on the roofs of the houses, with arbours in the mass of (his) rays flowing down over the them, are beautiful, being like the lofty sumwide and lofty summit of the lordly mountain mits of (the mountain) Kailasa; being vocal of dawn, (and) who is of a dark-red colour with songs (like those) of the heavenly chorislike the cheeks of intoxicated women !
ters; having pictured representations arranged (L. 3.)-From the district of L & ta, which is in them); (and) being adorned with groves of pleasing with choice trees that are bowed down waving plantain-trees. Here, cleaving asunby the weight of (their) flowers, and with tem- der the earth, there rise up houses which are ples and assembly-halls of the gods, and with decorated with successions of storeys; which viháras, (and) the mountains of which are are like rows of serial chariots; (and) which covered over with vegetation, to (this) city are as pure as the rays of the full-moon. This of Dasapura there came, full of respect, - (city) is beautiful (through) being embraced first, in thought; and afterwards (in person) in by two charming rivers, ** with tremulons waves, a band, together with (their) children and kins- as if it were the body of the god) Smara men, -men who were renowned in the world (embraced) in secrecy by (his wives) Priti and for (skill in their) craft (of sille-weaving), and Rati, possessed of (heaving) breasts. Like the who, being manifestly attracted by the virtues sky with the brilliant multitudes of planets, it of the kings of the country, gave no thought shines with Brâhmans endowed with truth, to the continuous discomforts produced by patience, self-control, tranquillity, religious the journey. And in course (of time) this (city) vows, parity, fortitude, private study, good became the forehead-decoration of the earth, conduct, refinement, and steadfastness, (and) which is adorned with a thousand mountains abounding in learning and penances, and free whose rocks are besprinkled with the drops of from the excitement of surprise. rut that trickle down from the sides of the (L. 8.)-So assembling together, (and) day by temples of rutting elephants, (and) which has for day received into greater friendship by (their) (its) decorative ear-ornaments the trees weighed constant. Associates, (and) honourably treated down with flowers. Here" the lakes, crowded like sons by the kings, in joy and happiness with kárandava-ducks, are beautiful, -having they settled in this) city. Some of them the waters close to (their) shores made varie. (became) excessively well acquainted with gated with the many flowers that fall down the science of archery, (in which the twanging. from the trees growing on the banks, (and) of the bow is) pleasing to the ear; others, being adorned with full-blown water-lilies. devoting themselves to hundreds of excellent The lakes are beautiful in some places) with achievements, (became) acquainted with wonder. the swans that are encaged in the pollen that ful tales; and others, unassuming in (their) falls from the water-lilies shaken by the tremul- | modesty (and) devoted to discourses of the true ons waves; and in other places with the water- religion, (became) able to say much that was lilies bent down by the great burden of their free from harshness (and yet was) salutary. filaments. Here the woods are adorned with some excelled in their own business (of silk. lordly trees, that are bowed down by the weight sceaving); and by others, possessed of high of their flowers and are full of the sounds of the aims, the science of astrology was mastered; flights of bees that hum loudly through intoxica- and even to-day others of them, valorous in tion (caused by the juices of the flowers that they battle, effect by force the destruction of (their) suck), and with the women from the city who enemies. So also others, wise, possessed of are perpetually singing. Here the houses have charming wives, (and) belonging to a famous waving flags, (and) are full of tender women, and mighty lineage, are decorated with achieve(and) are very white (and) extremely lofty, ments that befit (thoir) birth; and others, resembling the peaks of white clouds lit up with true to (their) promises (and) firm in friendship
* The original has, as far as line 8, the relative con struotion, which I have changod, for convenience of translation, into the absolute.
Of these rivers, one of ourse is the_Siwand, on the north bank of which the town stands. The other must
be the Sumll,' which now flows into the Siwand about 1 three milou to the north-east of the town.