[JANUARY, 1886.
["] मुद्धः स्वसीमापर्यन्तः। विचत्वारिसरधिक वारशतसंवरसरे आषाढ मासि मह"पक्षे सप्तम्यां तिथी रविदिने
___ अत्तोप सम्बत् १२४३ आषाढसुदिर. ["] पो भयेह श्रीमहाराणस्थां गंगायां सात्वा विधिवन्मवदेवमुनिमनुजभूतपितृगणांस्तप्पयित्वा तिमिरपटल गदनप
दुमहसमुष्णरोचिषमुपस्थायौषधि["] पतिपालशेखर" समभ्यर्व विभुवनत्रातु(भ)गवतो (वास)देवस्य पूजां विधाय प्रचु(र)पायसेन हविषा हवि (ज)
-हत्वा मातापित्रोरास्मनश्च पुण्ययशोभिवृद्ध["] वे भस्माभिगोकर्णकुशलतापूतकरतलोदकपूर्वकं भारद्वाजगोत्राय भारद्वाजांगिरसवाहस्स"त्येतित्रिप्रवराय रा. .
उतश्रीमाढले(?)पौवाय राउतश्रीदूंटा["] पुवाय डोडराउतश्रीभणंगाय चंद्रा यापच्छासनीकृस्य प्रदत्तो मत्वा यथाहीयमानभागभोगकर(प्र)वणिकरप्रभृ.
तिनियतानियतसमस्तादायानाज्ञाविधे["] बीभूब दास्यथेति ।। ।। भवन्ति चाव (ओ)काः। भूमि यः प्रतिगृ(का)ति यश्च भूमि प्रयच्छति। उभौ तौ पुण्य
काणी निब(स) स्वर्गगामिनी॥ संख" भद्रासन छ()" वराचा वरवार[30] णाः। भूमिदानस्य चिहानि फलमेतत्पुरंदर ।। षष्ठि वर्षसहश्राणि (स्वर्गे) वसति भू(मि)दः । भाच्छेत्ता चानु
मन्ता च ताम्येव नरके वसेत् ।। वह"निर्वसुधा भुक्ता राजभिः सग["] रादिभिः। यस्य यस्य या भूमिस्तस्य तस्य तदा फल ।। स्वदत्तां परबत्तां वा यो ह(२)त व(सं)धरां। स
विष्ठायां कमिभूत्वा पिभिःसह मज्जति ॥ तडागा(नां) सहश्रेण" वाजपेयशतेन च [0] ["] गवां कोटिप्रदानेन भूमिहर्ता न सुध्यति ॥ वारिहीनेष्वरण्येषु शुष्ककोटरवासिनः। कृष्ण(स)श्चि जायन्ते
देवव्रह्म (स्वहारिणः॥ नविषं विषमित्याहुब्रह्म(स्व)" विषमुच्य["] | विषमेकाकिन हन्ति ब्रह्मस्वं"पुषपौत्रिक। वाताधवि(ध)ममिदं वसुधाधिपत्यमापातमाबमधुरा विषयोप
भोगाः । प्राणास्तृणा(प्र)ज(लोविंदुसमा नराणां धर्मः सखापर["] महो परलोकयाने ॥ यानीह दत्तानि पुरा नरैनानि धर्मार्थयशस्कराणि । निर्माल्यवान्तप्रतिमानि तानि को नाम साधुः पुनरावदीत । TRANSLATION.
I no check in its playfal course through the three Om! May it be well!-(Verses 1 to6 = verses |
worlds, (and) whose glory was sung by poets 1 to 6 of the preceding.)
of known renown, made intense the fear of king (V. 7.)-When he went forth to victory, the Bali when it strode along like Trivikrama." orb of the earth bent down beneath the excessive (Verse 12 = Verse 10 of the preceding). weight of the footsteps of his rutty elephants (V. 13.)-After him (i.e. Vijayachandra) marching along, tall as towering mountains : | possessed of wonderful valour, (comes) the lord then, as if suffering from cold, Sêsha, radiant of princes named Jayachchandra; he is with the clotted blood that trickled from his Nariyaņa, having become incarnate for the palate pierced by the crest-jewel, hid his face salvation of the earth. Having put aside (all) - for a moment in his bosom."
dissension (and) cursing (their own) liking for (Verses 8 to 10 = verges 7 to 9 of the pre- war, peacefully-disposed princes pay homage to ceding.)
him, seeking to rid themselves of the intense (V. 11.)-His bright fame which met with dread of the punishment (inflicted by him)." • Rand विशुद्धः स्वप्सीमापर्यन्तस्त्रिचत्वारिंशदधिक. nctual rending then is बैषवसादिव. My reasons tor pro" Rend . " Bond संवत्. " Bend °शकलशेखर. poning r e are: Sestra who carries the earth has " Read 'बार्हस्प. " Read शंख. - Rend उचं. his head actually hurt by the weight he has to bear, and
hides it therefore in his bosom; but the writer of the Rend पर्टि वर्षसहस्राणि. I Rend बी.
verse, wishing to employ the rhetorical figure Utprikas • Rond सहलेण. " Read शुध्यति.
(which is indicated by इब), assigna adifferent resson for ." Rend देवब्रह्म " Read प्रेमस्व. Read नमस्वं.
Sesha's action, vis. this, that Sesha is suffering from
cald. If we were to read पेषवशादिव, इव would have m "Motrs: Sardilavikrtaita. For the words which I have translated by "as if suffering from old" the editor
sense. It should be observed that in the present in
soription the two sibilants and at any rate are in Jour. Beng.asBoo., Vol. x. ha स्पर्शशादिव (whioh, I
several times confounded; and that शेषःशेष in just suppose, is meant tor स्पर्शवशादिव); Captain Fell trang- what one would expoot in a document the writers of lates "foraing him from the trituration." F. E. Hall
which delight in plays upon words. TT is given ma and Rajendralal rend पेषशादिव; the former translates "as it were, in consequence of being crashed," and
synonym of ET STT by Hêmachandra. the latter "crushed as it were, but Dr. Hall suggests ___n Metre: Vasantatilaks.-Bali became afraid lost he the reading d enize which would mean "for fear it should be deprived by the king even of that portion of were of being crushed." In the photolithograph before his dominions whiob had been left to him by Trivikrum me the first consonant is certainly (not) and above
1.e. Vishnu.-The original has the present tense. it the two strokes for ai seem to me clearly visible; the Metro: Sardalavikridita.