[JANUARY, 1886.
very night the thags quietly decamped from the city, and washed off their assumed forms at the first river that came in their way.
The Råvariya and his wife henceforward lived in peace and happiness, and the thags also turned over a new leaf and were reformed characters ever afterwards!
BY PROF. F. KIELHORN; GOTTINGEN. At the request of the Editors I have prepared when A. was issued Jay ach chandra was the following transcripts and translations of two Yuvarája, his father Vijayachandra copper-plate grants of Jayachchandra- being then alive, whereas in B. he is described de va of Kana aj from photolithographs as ruling sovereign. Of the six ancestors of supplied to me. A short aod very inaccurate Jayachchandra who are enumerated here as elseabstract of the contents of one of these grants where (Yaśðvigraha, Mahichandra, Chandra(marked by me A) will be found in Cole dôva, Madanapala, Govindachandra, and Vijayabrooke's Misc. Essays, Vol. II. p. 286; and the chandra), nothing specific is mentioned beyond other grant (marked B) has been edited and this, that Chandradê va acquired the translated in a most careless manner in the sovereignity over Kanyakubja and that his Jour. Beng. As. Soc. Vol. X. Part I. p. 98 ff. kingdom included Benares, Ayodhya and After finishing my own transcripts, I have another Tirtha, which probably was ancient compared the following grants of Jayach- Delhi; and that Vijayachandra conquered chandra and his predecessors :
one Hammira, " the abode of wanton destruction A grant of Madana på la, of Samvat to the earth." Attention may also be drawn 1154, edited and translated by Dr. F. E. Hall in to the fact that the sovereignty over KanyaJour. Beng. As. Soc. Vol. XXVII. p. 220 :- kabja is described as having been newly
A grant of Govinda chandra, of Samvat acquired, even when Govinda chandra, 1161, edited and translated by Dr. Rajendralal the grandson of Chandradêva, was reigning. Mitra in Jour, Beng. As. Soc. Vol. XLII. The grant recorded in A. was made on the Part I. p. 321; and re-edited by Mr. Fleet, full-moon day of the month Mágha in the ante, Vol. XIV. p. 103:
(Vikrama) year 1225 by the Yuvardja JayachA grant of the same, of Samvat 1174, chandra, who was then somewhere on the edited and translated by Dr. Rajendralal Mitra banks of the Yamunt, and who by this grant in Jour. Beng. As. Soc. Vol. XLII. Part I. made over the village of Nagalit in the
Dê ya hali Pattald to the two brothers, the A grant of the same, of Samvat 1177, partly Rauta Anate barman and the Rauta edited by Dr. F. E. Hall, id. Vol. XXXI. Dåd sarman, Brâhmans of the Kasyapa p. 123:
gôtra. The grant was written by Jayap Ala. A grant of the same, of Samvat 1182, The grant B. is dated Sunday, the 7th lunar edited and translated by Dr. F. E. Hall, it. day of the bright half of Ashadha of the Vol. XXVII. p. 242:
(Vikrama) year 1243, angwering it appears to And a grant of Jayachchandra (wrong. Sunday the 14th June A.D. 1187. The king ly called Jaya Chandra) of Samvat 1234, trans- Jayachchandra, when making the grant, lated by Captain E. Fell in Asiatic Researches, was at Benares; the donee was the Doda- Rauta Vol. XV. p. 447.'
Apa iga of the Bharadvaja gotra; and the Both inscriptions are composed in Sanskrit object granted was the village of Kam 011" and written in Devanagari characters. The in the Asurê sa Pattala. historical information afforded by them is the | I am not able to identify the places mentioned game in both grants, with this difference, that in either grant.
p. 324 :
See also F. E. Hall in Jour. Beng. As. Soc. Vol. XXXI. p. 8. Compare also Centenary Review, Beng. As. doc. Part II. p. 120f.
This grant deserves particular attention, because the wording of it entirely differs from that of all the
st of all the I
other grants enumerated above.
Other grants are mentioned by Captain Fell in the article mentioned above.
See note 15 below. See note 80 below.