EAPRIL, 1886.
and on the occasion of a fête or "naming. Roman villa at Beading in the Isle of Wight, day" cakes and sweetmeats are sent arranged and the form of it known as the double in this very manner. I possess two or three Sun-snake of Scandinavia, exists on an Agham of the cloths used in Spain for covering stone at Pen Arthur in South Wales." It was the trays. They are bordered with old lace also apparently in use in England in the cinque and have conventional flower designs and cents, for when in 1883) examining the articles various wonderful animals worked upon them in in the Treasury of the Cathedral of Valencia in coloured silks. Like the Indian embroideries Spain, I saw two splendidly embroidered altar of the same nature the material which forms frontals, which were said to have formerly the groundwork is white linen or cotton belonged to the Church of Old St. Paul's in cloth and the embroidery is exactly the same London, and to have been sold into Spain by on both sides. One of my cloths has the Henry VIII. On each is represented a por. Svastika many times repeated upon it. On tion of the Church, and on one of them, which an ordinary cotton pocket handkerchief in depicts the crucifixion, a soldier of the Romans, Grenada I also saw the same symbol, forming or of one of their allies, is holding a standard its only ornamentation. I tried, but in vain, to procure one such, and even failed to ascertain
on which are embroidered two snakes where they were manufactured. This kind
entwined, forming a svastika. of embroidery, too, was evidently known in In Plate I. (p. 66 above) for obvious reasons, I early Jewish times, for in the Song of Deborah, have placed the Sun and Fire Symbols of Scandi. (Judges v. 30) mention is mado “of needle- navia side by side, and I now propose to work of divers colours; of divers colours of give illustrations of the different forms and needlework on both sides, meet for the necks modifications which the Swastika assumed in of them that take the spoil."
other parts of Europe and in the East. Plate V. The Scastika has been found in nearly fig. 1 represents the Hindu form of this every country in Europe. In a letter from symbol; and fig. 2 is the Buddhist and Jain Prof. Max Müller to Dr. Schliemann, quoted in form, both taken from drawings in Sir G.
form, both taken from draw the latter's Ilium, or the Cities of Troy, at which Birdwood's Industrial Arts of India. Fig. 3 place this symbol and also Sun symbols have is on a fragment of a Persian carpet now in been found in great numbers, the Professor the Museum at Gothenburg in Sweden. Fig. says :-" It is found in Bishop's Island near 4 is a mark on Japanese pottery, and fig. 5 on Königswalde on the right bank of the Oder; porcelain made only for magistrates in China. on a vase discovered at Reichersdorf, near Figs. 6, 7, 10 and 11 are examples from Dr. Gulben; a whole row of this emblem surrounds Schliemann's Ilium. Fig. 8 is on a slab of the pulpit of St. Ambrose at Milan; in the marble now in the Museum at Naples, which catacombs at Rome it occurs 1000 times; it was found in the Christian catacombs beneath is seen also on wall paintings at Pompeii; that city, and fig. 9 is a representation of on a Celtic urn found at Shropham in Norfolk the Trinacria, or Three-legged-mun, of the and now in the British Museum, also on arms of Sicily. In the Manix-daan the face ancient Athenian and Corinthian vases; on and the (? Sun's) rays of the Trinacria have the coins of Leucas of Syracuse, and in the disappeared, and only the three legs remain, large mosaic in the royal garden at Athens. Doubtless both have a common origin and It is found in Hungary and in China," as well are but an outcome of the Triskele, which as amongst the Ashantees and in Yucatan." was itself & debased form of the Svastika.
It will be observed that Professor Max Fig. 12 is taken from a fragment of pottery Müller here speaks of the Svastika as having found in what is believed to be a pre-Etruscan been only once found in England, but since cemetery at Bologna in Italy. The row of he wrote the above letter numerous examples Svastikas, the warrior, and the mythical animal, have been unearthed during the excavation of a have in this example to all appearance been
11 Where it is used as a mark on pottery made specially 46 It hae also been found on pottery in the Island of for the magistrates, and in Japan it is also & potter's Cyprus, & specimen of which is now in the Museum at mark
St. Germain in France.