Rámânuja; by the Smritikálataramga his date is A.D. 1127 Rashtrakuta kings of the Kongudésa-Rajakkal, a suggestion as to the proper identification of the..... Rashtrakutas of Gujarat, genealogical inscription of the .......196ff Rashtrakutas, "tributary" ............................................ 197 Rathors of Kanauj, so-called, 99ff;-were an offshoot of the Gaharwar race............ 100 Ratnagiri District inscription................ 330f ratta is a Prakrit form of the Sanskrit rashtra 14 Raṭṭas of Saundatti. and Belgaum, an inscription of the .............. 14ff Raya-Koláhala, a biruda of a Western Châlukya king Ráya-Narayana, a title of the Yadavas of Devagiri 314 Rayanna of Sangolli, a Kanarese ballad on the insurrection of; edited 293ff Rêdi, near Vengurlêh, is probably the
ancient Rêvatidvipa............ reed, the Indian, of the Greeks, is the
Vengurlêm ....................
Rêvatidvipa, probably the modern Rêdî near 330 and note rhinoceros; see ass......... .......284f Rigarthada, a Brahmanical surname in the Southern Marâţhâ Country. 74 rings bearing the names of the planets....... 2,4 Rishi Saljang; see Saljang... 127 Rómaka-Siddhanta, MSS. containing portions
********** *********
bakhas mentioned in records:
Bahvricha Kauthumi.......
354 121
of the genuine...... 'root' in language, true nature of the Rodal; see Udal..............................209ff, 255ff Rudrasimha (Kshatrapa), a silver coin of...... 325 Ropa-Narayana, a Bengali poet, 188;-a name
of Bhairavasimhadêva, 193;-a name of a priest, 191;-a name of Śivasimhadeva...... 188 Russian Icons, Arabio ornaments on............ 238 Russians, Mongol attacks on the ...............117 Rusudan, Queen of Georgia ........ ..173ff
Sabæan inscription...... sacrifices, difference between Brahmans and Jains in respect of. 12 Sadr-i-Jahân sends Muḥammadan doctors to Chinghiz Khân..... ************* .............. 151 saha, sdha, séna, as the termination of the names of some of the Kshatrapas, is a mislection of stha (simha).... 325 Saif Rad resists the Mongols 117 Sailêsvara, a mountain king in the north of India..........
.... 107f
...... 315 202
Taittiriya........ Vaji-Madhyamdina Sakta worship in Bengal, decline of the......... 189 Saljang, a god of the Gâros (aborigines) ...... 127 sam, an abbreviation of sanwatsaranám... 10, 330 samarádhana custom....... 77 Samarkand, Ch'ang Ch'un at....... 147, 148, 149 Sámavédins in the Southern Marâṭhâ Country. 74 samaya used in the sense of Vaishnava religious mendicants invested with authority as censors of morals 234n Sambalaka of Ptolemy, identified with Saumelpur on the Koil.......... .... 291 Samjayanti, a town in the Dekkan.........333, 334 Samkaracharya; some remarks about his date 64 Samkaradêva (Lichchhavis of Nepal); his date was about A.D. 655 samvat, an abbreviation of samvatsaranám, 98, 103, 168, 351;-is sometimes used, without a qualifying name, for the dates in the Saka era; an instance.......... 63 samvatsara du cent, as used by Albirûnî, denotes the Lokakâla itself, not the year of the Lôkakala ............................... 332 samvatsaras of the sixty-year cycle mentioned in records :
Bhava ....................... 141 Isvara 76
Kilaka Plava.........
25 26 314
74 Saumya....... Subhakrit.... 24 62 Samvat Solah........ Sangli State inscription.......... ......... 14ff Sanskrit classical poetry, quotations from, in the Mahabhashya and Kdéikd-Vritti 326f Sanskrit MSS., notice of Dr. Peterson's Second Report on ************** ..................................................... 352ff Sanskrit MSS., notice of Prof. R. G. Bhandar
kar's Report (1882-83) on.......... 62ff Sanskrit was the current literary language in Bengal up to the 12th century A.D. Santipur as an ancient name of Bijayagadh, very doubtful Saptakôṭisa, Saptakôṭisvara, a god (a form of Šiva) of the Later Kadambas of Goa...... 288, 289 Sarnath inscription of Mahipala; edited 139f Sarvalékáéraya, an Eastern Chalukya title...... 53 Sarvamangalasattâ, a residence of Dhruva II. 202 sarvarájöchchhetta, a title of Samudragupta... 99 Sâtakampi, Satakarn, a biruda of several
Andhra kings and perhaps of other races... 333 ..102, 315 Satakarni-Hâritiputra, Banawasi Prakrit in108 scription of; edited ...331ff