NOVEMBER, 1885.)
by Cunningham and others, the latter does not | dha sein Leben, p. 94) takes objection to this, and occur, so far as we know, in Sanskțit litera. | it must be evident that the forcing of names ture. Hi-lian occurs in Fa-hian (ch. xxiv.), like Rôhiņi and Kohana into unison must be and in the Fo-su-hing-tsang-king of Aáva. fatal to any scientific system of identification. ghosha, we are told that after Buddha had par- These two cases may show how careful it taken of Chunda's repast, he went onwards to is necessary to be in arriving at a conclusion the town of Kuśi crossing the rivers Tsae-kieuh on points of this kind. and Hi-lian; and when the Mallas went to his I now give a specimen of an alphabetical list cremation they passed through the Lung-tsiang such as might be formed of geographical names, (Naga) gate of Kasinkrå and crossed over but without giving many of the texts in full, the Hi-lian river (Sacred Books, Vol. XIX. pp. which ought to be done at least in every case 286, 323). Here Hi-lian is explained by Yeu- | where the identification is liable to any doubt. kin, as equivalent to Hiranya, -the old name, Abdas, a mountain: Hêmachandra's Anéaccording to the Chinese editor of the Si-yu-ki. kárthasarigraha, iv. 223. I know of no other mention of it, except that Abdhinagari-another name for Dvdin the Dul-va the same river is called Dvyig- raka : Trikándasésha, ii, 1, 15. dan, which is also equivalent to Hiranya. Abhik Ala,-a town: Ramayana, ii. 68, 17;
Unknown to Sanskrit writers as Ajitavati is, Lassen, Ind. Alterthum. 2nd ed. Vol. II. p. 530. Paņini (vi. 3, 119 and vi. 1, 220 schol.) has Åbhira or incorrectly Abhîra, people : Ajiravati, and the Pali texts make frequent Brihat-Samhita, v. 38—"Åbhiras, Sabaras, mention of the Achiravati,-eg. Buddha- Pahlavas," &c.; 42,-"Abhiras, Daradas," &c.; ghosha's Parables, p. 103; Abhidhanappadipikd, ix. 19,-"Abhiras, Dravidas, Ambashthas," 682; Oldenberg's Vinayapitakam, Vol. I. pp. &c.; xiv. 12, 18; xvi. 31, -"Sarashtrans, 191, 293 ; Vol. II. pp. 237, 239; Vol. III. p. Åb hiras, Sudras, Raivatakas," &c.; Mahd63 ; Vol. IV. pp. 111, 161, 259, 278; and bharata, ii. 1192, 1832; iii. 12840; xiv. 837; xvi. Rhys Davids' Buddhist Suttas, pp. 161, 178. 223, 270; Rámáy. iv. 43, 5, 19; Vishnu-Pur. The Tibetan Dul-va also mentions it.'
(Hall's ed.) Vol. II. pp. 133-4, 167-8, 184-5; It was on this river that Srâvasti was Vol. IV. pp. 202, 205-208,224; Vol. V. pp. 157situated, and General Cunningham agrees with 159, 162, 164 ; Panchatantra, i. 88; PrabalhaBurnoul and others in placing this city on the chandrðdaya (Brockhaus), 88, 1; Lassen, Ind. Rapti, and he calls it, after Hamilton (Mar- | Alt. Vol. I. pp. 652, 947; Vol. II. pp. 597f.; Ind. tin's Eastern India, Vol. II. p. 306), the ancient Ant. Vol. I. p. 230; Vol. VI. pp. 123, 184 Airavati;' and the Chôti Gandaki he (Ahir); Vol. VIII. p. 140 (Abêria of the Periidentifies with the Hiranyavati or Ajitavati, and plus); Vol. X. pp. 157-8; Vol. XII. p. 6; Vol. Mr. Carlley le agrees with him (Arch. Suru. Ind. XIII. pp. 188, 324 (Abiria of Ptolemy); inVol. XVIII. p. 98). Besides the mistake of a scriptions in Reports Arch. Sury. West. Ind. fictitious Ajitavatî for Ajiravatt, is it at all Vol. IV. pp. 103-4. certain that Hiranya vati was the name of Abhisâ ras or Abhisar a,-2 people, the same river as the Ajiravati? Prof. H. frequently mentioned in connexion with Darva; H. Wilson, simply following the Buddhist re- probably the same as the district of which the cords, placed Kapila vastu on the Rohini, Greek writers describe Abisa rês, A bisnorth of Gorakhpur, but General Cunningham sares or Embisaros as king; Arrian, Anab., places it about 39 miles due west, on the Ma- v. 8, 20, 29; Curtius, viii. 12, 13, 14 ; ix. 1;2.1; nurama, -on his map 16 miles west of the Diodorus, xvii. 90; Wilson, Ariana Ant. p. 190; K hana, though he says only "about 6 Asiat. Res. Vol. XV.p. 115; Brih. Sanh. xiv. 29; miles" from that stream, which he tries to xxxii, 19,-" Kiratas, Kiras, Abhisi ras, identify with the R8 hiņi. Oldenberg (Bred- Halas, Madras," &c.; Vishnu-Pur. Vol. II. p.
•The rivers in the kingdom of Bharata from west to Laseen, Ind. Alt. Vol. II p. 140 n. east were, according to Gorresio's test of the Ramiyani, Ariat. Res. Vol. XX. p. 59, where it is, however, (ii. 73, 8f), the Hiranyavati, UttArika, Kutil, Kapivati misprinted Ajirapati. and Gomatt. In Schlegel's text the Kuţik ehtika takes • Lotus de la bonne Loi, p. 491. the place of the Hiranyavati. A river of this name is Soe Mahabharata, viii. 2055, where a river of this also mentioned in Mthabh, xiii. 7651 ; and a Hiranvati name is mentioned. in Mahabh. vi. 333; and Vishnu-Pur. Vol. II. p. 149;