JANUARY, 1885.]
who were ennobled by their prowess throughout Mahalingadeva of Gokage, MahAlakshmidovi the world, who were descended from the of Kaņagilêśvara, and Agastyesvara of original and auspicious lineage of Baladeva, Kollapura, and the gañas as many as seven Vasudeva, and Khandaļi ; whose origin was crores, met together in an assembly and estagreat ................. who had blished a connection between the Gonka-Jinacquired the excellent favour of the goddessalaya and Kalidova of the original place Padmavati,
Téridala, and saying, “this is the place of our (L. 58.)- At Téridaļa, & merchant-town jógavattige," gave jogavattiges to Prabhachansituated in the centre and the first in import- dra, the priest of the Gonka-Jinalaya, at the ance among the twelve (towns) in the glorious time of establishing that Néminatha. On the Kundi Three-thousand, adorned with villages, top of the basadi there were symbols of Sûdratowns, hamlets, villages surrounded by hills, ka, a lion, a discus, a trident, a bell, a drum, and groups of villages, sea-girt towns, and chief a serpent. Saying, "he, who is hostile to the cities, with elegant mansions, palaces and seven crores of sages, is an enemy of God," temples, and with shining agrahara-towns in the ascetics, who were seren crores in number, the country of Kuộtaļa, -
gave shining jogavattiges. Tējugi, the Danda(L. 59.)- In the Saka year 1104, being the nayaka, shone in the world, liberal and Plava sarrvatsara, on Sunday, the third day of the warlike, and at once attained to eminence, as if dark half of Ašvayuja, the people of the thirty- he were a wild elephant to the lotus-like two sea-side towns," the 18 towns, 62 seats power of the armies of the hostile king of of contemplation, and 64 religious centres, Gurjara, a thunder-bolt in breaking the moun. together with gavaro-gátrigas, settis, and setti- tain Simhaņaraya, and a lion to the elephant guttas from various countries, held a convoca- the brave Kaņingaraya. Tôja appeared like tion there, and, seeing the temple of Néminâtha the lustre of fire emitted by the most formiderected by the glorious Mandalika Gonkadêva, able thunder-bolt among the confederacy of went round it, bowed to it, and, being filled furious hostile kings, like the lustre of a with joy, made for the worship of the god with resistless wild fire in the forest of proud the eight materials a grant so that it might dynasties, and like the lustre of the dreadful continue as long as the sun, the moon, and the submarine fire in the ocean of hostile armies. stars might last. The details of the grant In this way this great warrior easily distin. are :-One hundred and twenty oxen, asses, he- guished himself through the whole world with buffaloes, carts, rafts," and boats, were given, the lustre of his own powerful arms. Tēja, 80 that they might carry, by land or water, the leader of forces and the admiration of the all things, including elephants and jewels, free world, won great renown over the earth from duties, within the limits of the four covered with the ocean, by his great liberality oceans. The tenants, also, without claiming in relieving the distress of learned men, by his exemption, gave one pana. In this way con- great power in overthrowing cruel foes, by his tributions were made in the shape of fields, soft and pleasing speech, virtue, truthfulness, houses, and gardens, free from all claims, with prosperity and wealth. His son, the glorious libations of water.
Bhayideva, endowed with modesty, was (L. 64.)-Hail! The Goñka-Jinalaya of distinguished in the world as a thunder-bolt to Téridaļa was connected with the basadi of the mountains which were the sons of the the glorious Rûpa-Narayana, erected by the hostile leaders of forces. Many sons are born Sdvanta Nimbadêva of Kollậpara, who belong- to other leaders of forces; but their birth is a ed to the Sarasvati-gachchha, the Debiya-gana,
forerunner of disgrace to their father and and the Mala-sangba, and who was of the family. When Bhayid dva, the son of Tēja, line of the glorious Kondakundáchêrya :- the leader of forces, was born, it proved, at that The priests of the religious centres, such as very moment, a source of infinite joy to his sa velavura is the same as veld-nagard :
» Bhaitra bahitra, or vahitra,-Kbirkja.
33 Nijaghatikasthana is used in this sense in Jains बंदरंतु तत्
si Jäga urtige is a corruption of yoga-paffaka, garment DETTE TATOT: TATO : 11-Rajavyavahdrakota. worn during contemplation.