the territory back on pain of war. Prith'vi
CHAPTER VII. finally refused to give up the disputed land,
The battle of Kasaundi in Gujrat. and war ensued. Par'mal first laid siege to The king of Kasa and i was Gaj,"and his Sares'mit, and in the first battle defeated daughter was named Gaj'na. When she Pá rath. Then a larger army was sent became fit for marriage, her father sent notice from Dilli, but it also he defeated. Thus to the neighbouring kings, calling for a suitthe king of Mahubå got possession of Sa- able bridegroom. The candidate besides being res' mâ, and giving it to Mal'khâ returned to suitable in other respects, must be able to his capital.
bring all the tigers, scorpions and serpents CHAPTER VI.
within a distance of ten leagues under subjecThe rape of Saraj'vati-Údal's war with tion, and to cross-over two leagues of rocks so
Mộti, and marriage with his sister. close together that a peg could not be driven Once Par'mal went to bathe on the occasion between them, and a quicksand of similar of a festival, and his daughter Sûrâj'vati, extent which swallowed up elephants, riders,
nt of anlking. obtained permission on the land all. After that he must conquer three third of Sawan to go with Mah'la into the heroes named L â ha, Bunda, and Babbar. Naulak kh a orchard, and there swing with such must be the hero who would be permither companions. Thereupon Mah'lù sent ted to marry his daughter. word to MÔti Rao, king of Baido, of the The only king who agreed to the conditions fact, and suggested that he should come and was Mal'khá, who set out with his army and forcibly carry her off, which Môtî Râo, not camped on the borders of Gaj's territory. considering the result of his conduct, did. First with the aid of his tiger Land urâ he
When Mah'lå had thus managed the abduc- brought a forest of tigers under subjection. tion of his niece, he hurried to the seraglio, Then by means of a charm learnt from the and told what had happened. The child's ascetic Am'râ he destroyed the scorpions and mother, Mal'nå told it to Udal, who becoming snakes. Then he built a bridge over the quickfilled with a violent rage attacked Båndo un- sand and thus crossed over it, and finally aided, and defeated several of its armies. passed over the rocks by fastening in them Then Moti Rao acknowledged himself defeat- pegs of adamant, and pitched his camp at ed, begged for mercy, and promised to give Udal
the Moti Jhil. Then Ů dal disguised himBhanwar Kali in marriage. But self as a cloth-seller, and Mal'kh å as a bangleshortly afterwards, succeeding in making Udal seller, and the two entered the fort to spy it drunk, he made him prisoner, and confined him out. Entering into the seraglio, they were in a dungeon. When Suraj'vati heard this, allowed to put bangles on the wrists of the she sent a letter to her cousin, Mal'khî, calling princesses. When they did this to Gaj'na shame on him, for allowing Udal to be cap- they contided to her who they were. A maid. tured, and summoning him to the rescue. servant hearing this, went and told the king, When Mal'khâu arrived he released Udal from whose son Môti, becoming enraged, surroundthe dungeon with the help of a thief ed the seraglio with troops, and when the named Bauna Chôr and drew up his army cousins issued therefrom, attacked them. Moti in battle array," Môtî Râo issued out was, however, defeated, and they returned against him, and after a terrible battle was safely to their camp. defeated. Peace was then concluded, Môi RÃO
At Mah'la's instigation, Gaj then enticed giving Bhanwar Kalt in marriage to Udal, and
Mal'khå into the fort, under pretence of marryUdal giving Suraj'vati in marriage to Moth
ing him to his daughter. Having got him safely Ráo.
inside, he cant him into a dungeon. When
* (This custom of swinging for luck in the rainy month of Sawan is universal in Northern India, and has given rise to much pretty popular verse.-ED.)
* Malth sent for Bauna Chor, and asked him to help. The two sogled the wall, Baund throwing up grappling irons, and got into the seraglio. There they lound Surat'vati, who made Baun lie, it sleeping, in her place, and taking Mal'kh showed him the dun.
geon where taal was confined. Then she returned and sent Bauna to Malikh, and again want to bed. Banna got into the dungeon by means of his grappling irone: Udal at first took him for an excontioner oome to kill him, but Malikhl romanured him, and they all scaled the wall with the aid of the grappling irons and escaped.
" He is apparently the same me the Gaj who killed Bachh'rbj.