AUGUST, 1885.]
Then spake she with her mouth, O Lord vati slept. The betel-dresser was preparing betel, Radal, listen to me. Many and many a time and other (nurses) were standing by in reverent have I warned you, but, my boy, you did not attitude. (185) Some nurses were opening heed my words. Mighty is the king of Naine- the plaits of her hair, and others stood by with garh, whose name is Indar'man. Fifty-two water in their hands. At that time Dêvi arrived minarets has his fortress, and fifty-three and showed Son'vati a dream, saying, thousand markets. There are fifty-two police- O Son'vatî, hear my words! King Bagh Radal stations in Nainagarh, which extends from has come and is camping in the garden. He wishes heaven to hell. (155) The wedding crowns of to marry Son'vati by force. (190) (If he does fifty-two suitors has he cast away to float upon not succeed) he will assuredly take my life, so, the river at Guraiya Ghat. Lord Rodal, you Son'vatî save me from death. When Son'vati will be killed. For nothing will you lose your heard Rudal's name she was delighted, and life. You will not be left to offer pindás for called out, Nurse, nurse, nurse Mangiya, your ancestors, and your whole family will be consent to do something for me. Last night I aprooted.' So much heard Rûdal, and from | saw in a dream that I went to worship in Siva's the soles of his feet blazed up fire throngh his temple. Bring me my casket of jewels and body. He seized Devi by her top-knot and my clothes. (195) Bring it hither.' The box cast her to the ground. (160) (The baleful of clothes was opened and a heap of apparel star) Sanichar was in his eye; O gentlemen, taken out. She put on a petticoat of western his eyes were dread as death itself! Twice or (cloth), embroidered with a hem of velvet. thrice did he slap and thump Devi, as he She put on a bodice of mus'ruf which was pressed her down under his knee. She scream- fastened with fifty-two ribbons. On every ed • Rám, Râm,' and weeping cried, O Radal, 1 joint of her fingers she put rings, and the tinkspare my life! I will bring you and Son'vati ling of her bangles (became audible). (200) A together.' (165) Rädal heard this much and was nagind stone adorned her little finger, and her delighted. He spared Devi's life and she ranteeth shone like diamonds. The spangle on away in terror to Indra's paradise. The five her forehead was worth seven lakhs. Her Pândavas were there, and their eyes fell upon plaited hair was loosened and meandered down her. (170) Wept they, 'O Devi, hear our words ! her back like black snakes. She took out her You are the mistress of the three worlds, why
mirror, and looked at herself, and became per. do you weep so bitterly.' Then shouted Devî, | plexed in mind. May my brother Indar"O Pandavas, hear my words! The son of man die the death, for ho keeps his sister a Jasar, by name Rûdal, has come, and wishes maiden in his house. (205) My youth has passed to marry Son'vati by force. (175) Even away. And I am still a maiden in Nainagarh. I, Dêvî, could not save my life from his hands. Cursed be this beauty of mine, for I dwell a Do you protect me, O Pandavas.' The Panda- maiden in Nainagarh.' The litter of Son'vati vas heard this much and wept tears of pearls. issued forth (from the castle), and she set out They all began to tremble, O Dêvi, hear our to worship Siva : and the eyes of Indar'man words ! Powerful is king Bagh Rûdal, and fell upon it, and he called his guards. Ho, mighty is he in arms.
there! Of what country is this king so mighty, Dôvi fled from Indra's paradise congratulat- who has mounted a litter? (210) Cut off his ing herself that she had not lost her life (180) head and cast it into the field'.“ King Indar'. and went to Nainagarh. Inside fifty-two man grasped his naked sword, and leaped doors was Son'vati sleeping. The bed was fifty-two cubits in the air. Son'vati's eyes of silver and the side planks of gold. Four fell upon him, and the soul of her inner hearts nurses sat round her, and in their midst Son'- took fire. No longer will I keep up the
40 The five Pandavas (Yudhishthira and his brothers) have not met the word at in any other connection. continually appear in folktales of this character as a Natives connect the word with t, a virgin, hence, a species of demi-gods.
field which has not been sown. Is there any connection A mixed stuff of silk and cotton. A corruption of with Kurukshetra, in the way of a field too sacred by
association to be used for ordinary purposes -Ed.] ATT U is field in which crops are not growing,
* I have only met the word nie in the phrase 377 but not necessarily a barren one. It may be ploughod i e, which is not uncommon. The phrase means the and otherwise prepared, as long as it is not gown. I inmost heart,
مشروع the Arabic