MAY, 1835.)
partly Kanarese ; in addition to the orthography being very bad, the language is very corrupt throughout-60 mach so, that it is inexpedient to burden the text with corrections and footnotes pointing out the mistakes.
The inscription, if it is genuine, is one of Vira-Satyasraya, the son of Gô vinda- ra ya, of the very latest ChAlu kyas of Kalyanapura, and of the Sômavamsa or lineage of the moon. And it records the grant and specification of the classes and measures of the mánya-lands of the village of Selagrama in the Kongulavalli Twelve, which was in the kanpana called the Miriñji Three hundred, - on Monday, the seventh day of the dark fortnight of the month Jyêshtha, in the Bhâva samvatsara.
The year of the grant is not mentioned. But the characters are not of an earlier period than the twelfth centary A.D. It belongs to the same class of grants with the Bengalûr grant of Vira-Noņamba, of the very latest Chalukyas of Kalyanapura and of the Somavamsa, which purports to be dated in Saka 366 (A.D. 444-45), but which, like the present inscription, is not earlier than the twelfth century A.D.
In line 16 of this inscription, we have the expression kalakam utkalita, which, according to the Katapay adi numeral system,' has been interpreted in other grants of the same kind, as denoting the year 111. But it means nothing more than "a camp was pitched."
First plate. [') Namahs-tuga-sirabs-tamvi.
-chamdra-châmara-châravaiḥ [") trailokya-nagar-ahrambhal müla-stambhaya
Sambhavaih || [°] Svasti Samastabhuvanásrayah sriprithvivallabha m aha[] rajadhirajal para mêsvara
paramabhattaraka [10] Ka[] lyaņa-puravar-adhisvara
[bha]ga-datta! [°] ripu-raya-ka mtå-vairi-vaidhavya-datta [l*]
Chalukya[') kula-katuala-mårttaṁda
Kalingam-kôganda-ganda [l"] [!] gaṁdı-mirttamda samgrima-vijaya [lo] vairi-gharata ekâm['] ga! -viral Asrapati-| Gajapati- Narapati- / -vidhvamsita 80[""] varpaa-vârîhalamchhana-dhvajal
para-nåri-sahôdara (") ranågatå-vajrapamjara
samasta-râjâvali-vira. ("] chita-sama lamkrita
Sômavam-ôdbhava-sri-Govindara[") ya-suta- Vira-Satyasrayadeva-
chakravarti Kalyana [") purada nalaviļinalu sukha-samkath-1 -vinðdêna rajyain
Second plate; first side. [") karita vakshana-disa varð digu-vijaya-yâtre | vijayam kara [") vana () Kôpisvara-dévå-samnidhau katakam-utkalita | Mirin["] je-gampana
300-sata abhyamtarê
Selagkra-gråma[") mimneya kula-birudamka-Bhimaraya
madahasti-på[n] daraksha-pâlaka sapta-18ha-puta-dhimdhita
saigola-på[*] rtha esuvara divyatê Bhava-samvachharê Jêshta-mâsô krishna (") pakshê Sasi-vârê saptamyâm tithau tatha Komgala [") vali-dvádasagrêmê sarbk-vádhe-pariharam
sarba-namasya dattan Selagára-gråmå-manneya-stala-vritti |
grama-sa(P). ["] rva 2000 magilu griha hasta 40 ghåņê hattâ ma[*] A padiyade pårikshảya ashta-bhôga-têja-sâmya-sarba[") múliká-bhůmi 2000 grihê hasta 40 nârgâvunda-bhumi ("] 2000 grihê hasta 40 mülasta na-dôvå-bhami 600g[á]. [""] pa i padiyade 1 hattâ 1 mala i griha [ha]sta 24 Jinals-bhumi ["] 400 gu(Pkha)daraņd-bhami 300 bhalári-bhdmi 200 mêvini.
Published by Mr. Rice, ante Vol. VIII. p. 94. * ante Vol. IV. p. 207 1. See ante Vol. VIII. p.
From the original plates. . Read gaj-ardhaka.