[APRIL, 1885.
left hand, there will be gain; if on the right If any one sees two lizards fight and drop wrist, anguish and loss of wealth; if on the left down, all his troubles are at an end and his wrist, she will get ornaments; if on the middle household will become happy. If a lamp is of either hand, very great happiness; if on extinguished by the falling of a lizard, the to the back of either hand or of the fingers, household will be ruined, but this may be ornaments; if on the nails, destruction; if on averted by not living in the house for the next the breasts, great sorrow ; if on the heart, three months. If a lizard falls on any part of increase of happiness, and if on the parts the clothing, it destroys position in society, about the belly, she will be blessed with a and raises quarrels ; if on to a sword or other virtuous boy.
implement of war, enemies will perish; and If a lizard fall on to the belly of a girl, if on a horse or other riding animal, painful she will get married early; if on to the travelling will be the result. belly of a woman, it bodes luck; if on to If a lizard falls on a person on his birthday, the navel, an increase of good fortune; if on to birth-planet, on the day on which he has the anus, death; if on to the waist, clothes; and bárdvd-chandra, at the time of Vaidhfiti, if on to the private parts, she will suffer from Vyatipdta, the Utpáta day, eclipses, Yamaghanta, some disease.
Mrityuyoga, Dagdhayôga, Kalini, Sravana, or A woman will be blessed with a child, if a other unlucky stars, be sure that evil will befall lizard fall on her thighs; if on the knees she him. will suffer imprisonment; if on any part be- If a lizard falls upon any person, and rans tween the knees and the ankles, loss of wealth; towards the east, then any event he is lookif on the ankle-bone, death; if on the right ing for will end according to his expectafoot she will have to go to her native country. tions. If it runs towards the south-east Immense wealth and a son are hers on whose danger is to be apprehended from fire; if left foot a lizard falls, and she will be rich in towards the south, death; if towards the grain if one falls on her toe-nails.
south-west, strife; if towards the west, gain GENERAL.
of wealth; if towards the north-west, disease ; Should a lizard fall while a person is sleep if towards the north, much profit; and if ing on a bed, consider it lucky; while sitting towards the north-east, then any event down, either lucky or unlucky. If a lizard anxiously expected will end according to exfall on a dining plate, after the meal is over, it pectation. is a sign of friendship between brothers; if on the If a lizard falls on a person on the first day body of a person while walking, that will befall an of the moon, then all things will be propitious to enemy which was to have happened to himself. him; if on the second day, he gets a kingdom;
If a lizard fall on food after it is served, if on the third day, gain; if on the fourth, throw it away, and if one falls on a plate oni sickness; if on the fifth, sixth, and seventh which food has not yet been served, it brings days, wealth ; and if on the eighth, ninth, and fear, grief, and disease. If one fall on the fire tenth days, death. If it falls on the eleventh at which a man's food is about to be cooked, day, he will be blessed with a son; if on the his wife dies. If one fall in a temple, the twelfth day, with both son and wealth; if on king dies; if in an assembly, it causes the death the thirteenth day, he will sustain a loss; if of the president; if in the middle of the house, on the fourteenth, loss of wealth; and if at the death of the owner of the house; if the full moon or new moon, loss of brothers between two persons, the best one of the two
and wealth. dies. If one fall while a man and woman are If lizard falls on a person on a Monday, cohabiting, they become separated from each Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, he will gain other for the rest of their lives; but if one falls wealth; but if on a Sunday, Tuesday, or Satarwhile they are in coitu and on the man's day, he will lose it. private parts, it is lucky, and the woman is If a lizard falls on any one at the time of blessed with eight very beautiful sons.
the first two signs of the zodiac, vix. :-Mésha or . When the moon enters into the twelfth sign from his birth star.