[APRIL, 1885.
There is one name, however, vis. Malaya, and manuscript G. reads simply 4 TEST about which he expresses himself with doubt. (H U ). The word occurs for the His remarks are :-"Malaya, if our read.
last time at page 221. Here the text reads ing is correct, is the only southern locality alluded to in the play. It is near the southern
49:-whereas manuscripts B. E. and N. most extremity of the Western Ghats." And,
give मलयनरपतिः-and G. gives मलयजनाधिपः a little further on, in concluding his examina
We must here consider what the word Malaya tion of the various elements that constituted
is commonly used to denote, as & name of a the armies of Chandragupta and Malayakētu,
locality. Mr. Télang observes that it is used the son and successor of Parvateśvara, in their
to signify either the mountain Malaya, or the successive attempts upon Pushpapura, he
country about it; it is never known to stand writes--"A review of all these names shews
for a partioular place or city. that, except the name Malaya, they, one and
If the reading #STUTTIT at at page 204 be all, belong to the northern parts, and most to accepted as correct, it must be taken to mean the northern frontier, of India."
either" the lord of the city of Malayanagara," These quotations seem to shew that Mr. Télangor, what is equally probable, "the lord of the has misgivings as to the correctness of the read- country so named after its capital Malayanaing of the name of Malaya, on the grounds-I. gara," In either case, the name Malayanagara that the localities, alluded to in the play, all must be interpreted as "the city of the Malaya belong to the country north of the Vindhyas ;- people." To interpret it as "the city named II, that there is no locality known by the name Malaya (H047147T)," goes against the of Malaya in the north ;-and III. that it is, fact that there was no place of that name. Nor therefore, identical with the Malaya which can it be understood to mean "the city situated is situated near the southern extremity of the on the Malaya mountain," or " in the country Western Ghâţs.
named after it"; for that way of interpretation If this statement be analysed, it will be
is unusual. Thus, then, it follows that the word found to involve two suppositions ;-- I. that the
Malaya is used to denote a particular tribe, and name Malaya, occurring in the play, is meant to not a locality. Independently of this, the be the name of a locality; and II. that, as there
readings of manuscripts P. M. and E. here, is no locality of this name in the north, it must
and of manuscript G. at page 221, prove the be identified with the country of that name ini same fact. They state in clear terms that southern India.
Simhanâda was the lord of the Malaya people Now the word Malaya is never used singly | (मलयजनाधिप). Hence the word मलयनरपति in the play. It is always found conjoined with
occurring in the text at page 48 and in the footothers, so as to form compound words. It
notes at page 221, and its equivalent o f occurs for the first time at page 48, in the
in the text at page 221, must be interpreted in compound Rila, which is the reading of the same way. And in support of this interall the copies consulted by the editor. The pretation, I would refer to page 207 of the play name of this Malayanarapati is Simhanada. itself. where the words Thala and 4919 The passage, where the word is next met with,
are used in a similar way. In conformity with occurs at page 204. The reading adopted there
this view, the reading HITECT of G., which by the editor is मलअणअराहिवो(मलयनगराधिपो) apparently stands alone, must be understood In its place, the manuscripts marked P. and M. I to mean "the lord of the Malayas." That this seem to read 45m (=H645999) is the meaning intended to be conveyed by it, which is softened to Sua in manu- is evident from the variant #4591 : given script E. The Bengal text of Professor Târânath by the copy for Huara: at page 221. The Tarka-Váchaspati, ie, the copy denoted by B., correctness of the text of B. is open to much gives 35cm ( 4594CUT); suspicion. Its reading #3TGTCT is not
The term is not so loosely used as the term It denotes something more, vis a king of particular 77,7914, eura, &c., which simply mean' king.' | tribe or people (7).