FEBRUARY, 1880.]
GRANT OF VIRA-CHOLA. BY Rev. THOMAS FOULKES, F.L.S., M.R.A.S., CHAPLAIN OF SAINT JOHN'S, BANGALORE. Description.-Two plates of a copper-plate donation was made at the instigation of the grant, 10 in. long by 2 in. wide, of unoqual prince's religious teacher, the Brahman Nila. thickness, varying from tin. to to in., with a The grant is written in Sansksit verse of the ring-hole in each, but without the ring. They Anushtubh metre, except the incomplete verse are numbered 2 and 5 respectively; and there- at the beginning. The character is the old fore the document had originally six plates at Grantha. The letters are firmly and distinctly the least, and probably seven. They are well engraved: but the engraving is not neatly preserved. They record the donation of a executed. large village, called, after the father () of the Plate 2 contains a portion of the pedigree of donor, Parakesarichaturvedima n. the donor, tracing his descent from the Solar galam, situated on the river Kaveri, to Race of the Puranas through Raghu, the great150 Brahmaņs, by Vira-Chola, with the grandfather of the hero of the Rámáyana. consent of the reigning sovereign, Para ke- Plate 5, though only a fragment, contains the sarivarma, in order to obtain benefits for substance of the grant, and the circumstances his ancestors in the world of spirits. The of the donation.
Plate II a. [(v. 3 probably)].
1 bhavatâm bhavatát vibhůtyai trayi(yi)säravastu chaturânanaim aditejaḥ [ll*] Vidhâtus tasya putro bhût Marîchirmmâna* so mahân M ari(ri)ches cha tanûjo bhût Kaśyapa• khyo mahâmuni(h) [ll] Kåśyapasya munerasid åtma
jo bhanuman Ravirv(vih) visveshåñcha(chi) lokánam andha. • kârâpanodaksit [ll]
ViPlate II . . vasvatas cha suto Manuh â sîtkshitibhritâm âdyah pranavaś chhandaśam iva (Il*] Ikshvákuś cha mahậprajño .bbaktimân Garudadhvaje Manos sûnuḥ kshitim*) sa(s)sann âsi(si)d Akha10 ndalasamaḥ [ll] Ikshvakuvamsajâteshu
kshatriyeshu 11 bahushvapi pâlayitva bhuvan digdham yâteshu cha divam u prati [ll] Sagaro nama tadvamse játavân bhûpapa(purgavaḥ Bhagi15 rathopi tadvamse tato jậto jano(ne)svara(h*) [ll*] Raghur nnama
Plate Va. [v. 24, probably
Rakshamâne bhuvam vi(vi)ávalává)m Vi(Vi)ra-Choļenripesvare dhamodharmmo)
padesht tasyâbhât Ni(Ni)lanâmâ mahisuraḥ [ll*] Yushmadguruņam sas roveshâm svarggaprâpaņakâraņam brahmadeyan d vijendrebhyo • dehîtyenam adidiśat [ll] śrutvâ tadvachanam r âjâ gatva * Cholamahi(hi)patin namaskritya paras tasya sthitvaitad abravi• dvachah [ll*] Matde(dde)se tu mahågråmam dasyâmi tava sam.
Plate V.. jõaya bhûsurebhyo hantatká (kâr)yye mahyan dehîtyanugraham [ll] . Tadašu kurvvityanu(tyâ)jõâtah Parakesarivarmmaņa pañchâsa• dbhyas satebhyas cha Vi(Vi)raCholo nripeśvarah [ll] Parakesaricha19 turvvedimangalâhvayam pa(pur)qņam Kåveryyâ svat(88val) panadya11 g cha maddhyame supratishtha(shthi)tam savva(rvva)lakshanasampannam ka1 lyâdisasyabhúshitam [ll] Panasâmrådisamyuktam pågårâma