p. 73a, noto', last line, jor! read! p. 81a, I. 38, for Sivasitras read Sivasitras. p. 816, last line, for li read U.
► note, > >> p. 87a, 1. 8, for on authoritative read unauthoritative.
p. 97, transcription 1. 4, for ndina, read nitnap. 100a, 1. 22, insert a comma after Pallava. p. 101, transcription 1. 7, for dêva-ku lasså, read
dêra-kulassa. p. 1186, 1. 30, for paranakambam read purņakumbba. p. 119a, note: 1.2, for Bhadrakati read Bhad
rakali. . note, 1. 6, for Bakshira read Dak.
shins. p. 131a, note, for da(dha)kka, read da(dha)kka.
p. 145, 1.2, the Chinese letter is printed sideways; it should be thus
p. 145a, 1. 13, for (phalam) read (phalam). p. 147a, last line, for (kshanti) read (kahdnti). p. 1476, 1. 2, for (prajna) read (prajña).
, 1. 8, for (sitavana) read (sítavana or bitavana). p. 1486, 1. 30, for Sitavana read Sttavana.
last 1., for Sravasti read Śr&vasti. p. 149a, 1. 19, for Mahaloma read Mahaloma.
. 1. 24, for Mahatyaga read Mahâty&ga. p. 1496, 1. 14, for Mahirakula read Mihirakula. p. 150a, 1. 15, for Chandar read Chandan.
» Iļ. 30 and 43 for Lamb&dies read Lam
p. 1536, 1. 28, for Kouli and Tchikislar read Kali and Cbikislar.
p. 192a, 1. 29, for Matszendranatha read Matsyêndranatha. p. 1949, 1. 14, from bottom, for Prithvinaragana,
read Prithvinarayana. 1. , from bot. for Girvånayuddhavik
rana read Girvân&yuddhavikrama. p. 231a, 1. 2, for Persian Gulf accumulated read
Persian Gulf, accumulated. 1. 32, for Guptas he regards as dated
from read Guptas, he re
gards as dating from. , 1. 31, for Hans whom read Hnne, whom, . 1. 38. for follows and read follows, and.
, 1. 44, for Houtem read Houtum, p. 2316, 1. 47, for Ruhistan read Kuhistan.
p. 232a, 11. 42 and 43, for trained philologist by the scientific method and-read philologist trained by the scientific method, and
p. 2326, 1. 3, from bottom insert, after Gujarati p. 233a, 1. 8, for Marathi read Marathi.
» 1. 12, for its read their. p. 236a, 1. 2, for known that road known, that.
p. 2544, note, for 18° 28 N. long. 55° 26' E. read 24° 55' N. long. 49° 11' E. (see p. 308). p. 2866, note , 1. 1, for from read form. ,
1. 4, for Jaar tell read Jaartell. 2876, note 5, 1. 4, for i.e. read (i.e. p. 2882, 1. 7, for pitaka read pitaka.
, 1. 14, for atthakatha, it read atthakaths. It p. 289a, 1. 10, for Angas read Angas.
» 1. 13. for Brahmanis read Brahmanas. . 1. 23, add commas after Brahmana and
after Itihdsa. , 1. 36, for applies, as read applies. As . 1. 49, for anguttara-rikuya read anguttara
skaya. p. 2896, 1. 6, for G&taka read Játaka. p. 290a, 1. 12, for Viśravana read Vaisravana.
» 1. 14, for Mahotsdha read mahotsdha. p. 2966, note, 1.5, for Arabas read Arahats.
► 1. 33, for Kampalamma read Kampa
lamma. » 1. 36, for Kaveripuram read Kaveri
puram. ► 1. 45, for whether of the same read whether they are of the same.
p. 1506, 1. 34, for Dindigul read Dindigal. p. 151a, 1. 34, for recent work Turkestan, reaa
recent work on Turkestan. , 1. 87, for ramshorns read ram's horns. p. 1516, note for Taiyuanfu, read Tai-yuan-fu.