(JUNE, 1880.
No. 4.- An inscription dated Sasivat 595. of the medial i is drawn deeper down between On a broken slate-slab, lying in a street of the lines, and the left hand stroke of the va Lagantol, Katmandu, near to some stones becomes round. Preservation bad. Greater part ameared with red paint.
defaced, and seven or eight lines at the top are Characters,-Gupta, but the carved stroke ' lost.
Transcript. ---देव------- ----पुण्यो ----
रायावः प्रसादीकृतः] - -ज्ञा पृथक्षेत्रम् पूर्व-लस्य क्षेत्रम् ततो भरतश्च
-तुलाक्षेत्रम् ततस्तेग्वल्पा -- -----आदित्यगुप्तस्य क्षेत्रम् । पूर्वद -- [७] ---क्षेत्रम् ततस्तेग्वलनारायण ---- [१] -स्तेग्वल प्रदीपगौष्टिकानाम् तस्या भूमेर्दक्षिण --- [१] ---[दक्षिण राजकुलस्य दक्षिणपश्चिमेन--- [1] ---पञ्चालिकानाम् पश्चिमेन पर्वत ---- [14] -----[पश्चिमोत्तरेण . पर्वतभूमि------ [1] ----- [परि]क्षिप्तेयं भूमिरित्यवगम्य न कैश्चि[दप्य] [1"] स्मत्पादोपजीविभिरयं प्रसादोन्यथा करणीयो यः-- [15] -माज्ञामनादत्यान्यथाकुर्यात्कारयेद्वा तमह मुत्पथ गा] [७] [मिनं नियतमनुशासितास्मि भविष्यद्भिरपि भूपति[भ] [1] - - कृतप्रसादानुवर्तिभिरेव भवितव्यमिति दूत को] [19] त्र राजपुत्रविक्रमसेनः संवत् ५३५ श्राव
[1] [M] शुक्ल दिवा सप्तम्याम् ॥ ४ ॥ A translation of the main part of this inscrip- masena, and the date the seventh day of the tion is impossible. It appears, however, that bright half of Sravana Samvat 535. it refers to the grant of a piece of land, the No. 5.-An inscription of Sivadeva. boundaries of which were accurately described. On a broken slab of hard sandstone fixed In the last lines, which are tolerably well | in a wall near a boll at Budda Nilkanth, near preserved, the king declares his determination the Sivapuri hill, five miles north of Kat. to punish persons interfering with the donees. måņdu. The characters closely resemble those of We also learn from lines 17 and 18 that the the procoding inscription. The language is Dataka or executive officer was Prince Vikra- I Sanskrit.
Transeript. [1] स्वस्ति
__ मानगृहाच्छूतनयविनयशौर्यधैर्यवीर्य्याद्यशेष[१] सणगणाधारो लिच्छविकुलकेतुर्भट्टारकमहाराजश्रीशि
["] वदेवः कुशली ---- पिता नरसिंहो भय ---- 19 Budda Nilkanth is a small tank about forty feet square, the name of the place is Budda Nilkanth, i. e. 'submerged fed by a spring which passes through three stone sankhus Siva,' and as the name of the brook which flows from the held by three images, which are placed in ita north-eastern
tank is Rudramati, it seems probable that the tank originally corper. In the middle of the tank lies an image of Vishnu; contained a Linga, and that one of the later Vaishnavs reclining on the waters,' made of black stone. According kings placed the image of Vishnu in it. In support of to the chronicle of Nepal this image was dedicated by
this conjectare I may also adduce the fact that the neighkine Harivarman of the Solar race. But from its appear b ouring village is called Sivapurt. ance and workmanship I conclude that it is not so old. As