JUNB, 1880.]
[२] पीनांसो विकचासितोत्पलदलप्रसर्द्धमानेक्षणः [*] साक्षात्काम इवाङ्ग वानरपतिः कान्ताविलासोत्सवः [1] १३ [1] [] यूपैश्यारुभिरुच्छूितैर्वसुमती पित्रा ममालङ्कता ["] क्षात्रेणाजिमखाश्रयेण विधिना दीक्षाश्रितोहं स्थितः 0]
[] यात्राम्प्रत्यरिसन्याय तरसा गच्छामि पूर्जान्दिशम . [२] ये चाज्ञावशवर्तिनो मम नृपाः संस्थापयिष्यामि तान् [॥१४॥]
[१] इत्येवजननीमपेतकलुषां राजा प्रणम्योचिवान् [१] नाम्बानृण्यमहन्तपोभिरमलैः शक्नोमि यातुम्पितुः ॥] ["] किन्वाप्तेन यथावदस्त्रविधिना तत्पादसंसेवया ["] यास्यामीति ततोम्बयातिमुदया दत्ताभ्यनुज्ञो नृपः [1][]] [1] प्रायात्पूर्वपथेन तत्र च शठा ये पूर्वदेशाश्रयाः [14] सामन्ताः प्राणपातबन्धुराशरम
प्रणिपातबन्धुरशिरःप्रभ्रष्टमौलिस्रजः [1] [1] तानाज्ञावशवर्तिनो नरपतिः संस्थाप्य · तस्मात्पुनः [1] निर्भीः सिंह इवाकुलोत्कटसटः पश्चादुवजग्मिवान [1]१६[1] ["] सामन्तस्य च तत्र दुष्टचरितं श्रुत्वा शिरः कम्पयन [19] बाहुं हस्तिकरोपमं स शनकैः स्पृष्टाब्रवीद्गावितम् [0] [१] आइतो यदि नैति विक्रमवशादेश्यत्यसौ मे वशं [2] कि वाक्यैर्बहुभिर्विधातृगदितैः संक्षेपतः कथ्यते [1]१७[1] Translation.
inconquerable in battle by his enemies, and who On the first day of the bright half of the gave . . . . . Through valour, presents, month Jyeshtha of Samvat 386, while the moon | honours bestowed (on his servants), and riches, stood in the constellation Rohini, in the ex. he gained great fame; comparable to a lion cellent Muhurta called Abhijit.
. . . . he protected the earth through 1. Hari conquers, whose resplendent, beau- approved ministers . . . . . . . . . tiful, broad and high chest is marked by the 4. His son also, illustrious king DharmaSrivatsa, . . . whose lotus-arms shed radiance, deva, who knew the most excellent doctrine, who increases the happiness of his worshippers, works, . . . . . who was righteous, virtuous, who is constantly busy with ..... the fond of modesty, possessed of excellent qualities machine for moving the three worlds, who is | . . . . . . according to the hereditary eternal, who dwells on Doladri,' and who is law . . . . . agreat kingdom. worshipped by the immortals.
2. There was a king called Vrishadeva, 7. But that king's faithful wife, Queen who . . . by his valour and wealth lessened | Rajyavati by name, was doubtless heavenly trouble, who was incomparable and prosperor's Sri, who had followed (her husband into this because he kept his word. As . . . . the entis world). From her was born illustrious king encircled by brilliant rays, so he was surrounded Månadeva, whose course of life in this world by his learned, proud, constant, famous and is unblamable, und who always gladdens the obedient sons.
world by his beauty, like the autumnal moon. 3. His son was truthful king Sankarn- 8. Approaching and sighing deeply, her dova, whose country prospered, who was eyes filled with tears, she (Rajyavatt) affec
•L. 19, read 'देष्यत्यसौ.
• The day is divided into fifteen Mahartas, the eighth of which is Abhijit.
"DolAdri or Dolaparvata is the name of the hill on which the temple of ChangunArdyans is situated.
• The meaning of this mutilated p&de probably is that his wealth and valour made his enemies keep quiet, and the his own and his subjecta' troubles were small.
. Probably the preceding verse 6 contained an identi. fication of the king with Vishnu.