APRIL, 1880.)
born] to this Siriy adê vi and king Cha
No. LXXII. munda; and who were considered the abiding. The last and latest of the Aihose inscriptions places of glory and the objects of praise, --were is the following's on a rock in the bed of the governing, with the delight of pleasing conversa- river, below the temple of Parasurama in Survey tions, the glorious Kisuka d Seventy, and the No. 75. It is hardly worthy of notice, except B à gadage Seventy, and the Keļa va di as an instance of the extent to which corruptThree-hundred, and were reigning :
ness of diction can be carried in the more (L. 23.)-Hail! On .............. recent inscriptions. The characters are of the
... of the Virôdhi fifteenth or sixteenth century ; but the insarivatsara, which was the ninety-fourth year of scription is not specifically dated. The inscripthe glorious Chalukya Vikrama-Varsha, .. tion contains no fact of any historical im
Transcription [*] Sva-dattam" dvi-gunaṁ pumạyam para-datt-ânupalanaṁ para-datta-pahårêņam sva-datam
nispalam [] bhavêtu (ID) [] Prajôtpatya-samhmacharada | Chayitra ba 1 lll | Srimatu râjê-sri Baregedévenâyaka-vodeyaru [*] Ramalingana stanika Måpêkhanara Chika-Sômamanayakarige Kotapadebenakanavore
grâma-made Tusabuka[9] Chikereya stala sahÂvagi kota pateya [ll] Yidake Avan-an-obba tappidare Himda tappidaCore Kâsiyali Akala koṁda pâtake hôbaru Musulamâna tappidare Makkedalli [') musâ pa bisâta pâtake hôharû [I] Yi dharmmake ârobbaru tappal-âgadû [P] Translation.
| notice. Among the latter, is a very interesting The preservation of the gift of another is fragment 'low down on the north side of a large twice as meritorious as making a gift oneself; and shapeless rock lying to the north-west of the by confiscating the gift of another, one's own temple of Teggina-Trappa, or Trappa of the gift becomes fruitless!
hollow,' which is on the north bank of the On the first day of the dark fortnight of tank at the back of the village. (the month) Chaitra, of the Prajøtpatti sarivat- A lithographs, from the estampage made by sara", the glorious and royal lord Baregedêva- myself, is published herewith. It includes nayaka gave a strip of land in the village of fragments of two inscriptions, which cover on Kotapadebenakanavore, together with the site the rock a space of 4' 2 broad by 3' 11" high. of the tank, or village, called) Tusabuka-Chik- The upper six lines are in beautifully-cut obarkere, to Mê pêk hanara-Chikka-Somannanayaka, acters of radically the same class with those who belonged to the shrine of (the god) Rama- of the early Chalukya and Kadamba grants liiga.
which I have published. They have, however, If any one offends against this (grant), --if he certain distinct peculiarities and refinements of be a Hindu, he incurs the guilt of killing a cow their own; and the only inscriptions known to at Kasi; and if he be a Musulman, he inours the me, the characters of which are of precisely the guilt of ..................... at same type, are-1, the Palla va grant of Makka! No one may offend against this (act of) Vishnugôpavarma, which I have published religion !
at Vol. V., p. 50,-and 2, the Pallava grant No. LXXIII.
of Attivarma, which I give below. But in In the season 1876-7, I thoroughly examined Plate XII. of his South Indian Paleography, all the inscriptions which were known to exist at Second Edition, Dr. Barnell gives an alphabet Badami in the Kalådgi District, and at the from a Palla va stone-inscription at the Seven same time succeeded in discovering a few new Pagodas, referred by him to about A.D. 700, the ones that had never previously been brought to | characters of which are of the same type, though
Concluded from Vol. VIII, pp. 237 to 246 and 284 to scription too ansightly, to correct the mistakes in this 298, and pp. 74 to 76 above.
inscription. 1 No. 84 of Pili, Sanskrit, and Old-Canarese, Inscrip
11 Probably Saka 1373 (A.D. 1451-2), or 1433, or 1493. tions.
15 No. 88 of Pali, Sanskrit, and old-Canarese, Inscrip** it would take up too much space, and make the trac tions.