[APRIL, 1880.
ning from Sarepta to the Manytach are called the Tugali and on the mountains Bergbad (i.e. BurIrgene hills by the Kalmaks. Lastly, the western khan) and Bermi (?) writers make Burtechino belong to the tribe of So far the lists virtually agree, but at this the Kurulas called by the Mongols Khorlat (id. point there is a marked divergence. Rashid33), which, as I shall show further on, was a a'd-dîn makes Dubun Bayan the son and succesTurkish tribe. At all points, therefore, the legend sor of Khali Kharchu, while the Yuan-ch'ac-piproves itself to be Turkish. Burteohino and Goa shi, the Altan Topchi and Ssanang Setzen interMaral, the blue-grey wolf and white hind as we polate two names between them. That these have said, had a son Bêdêtsê. Ssanang Setzen names are interpolations seems probable. Acgives the latter a brother Bêdes, who is not cording to the authors last named Khali Kharknown to any of the other writers, and who is chu was succeeded by his son Borjigetei Merno doubt an interpolation of his own. Bêdêtsê gen. This name has been created out of borwas succeeded by his son Tamatsak, or, as the jighin, i. e. the blue-eyed, a term applied to the western writers give his name, Timaj (Abu'l. | Mongol Imperial family, and derived apparently glazi, p. 63). He had a son Kuoritsar Mergen, from the story of Alun Goa, to be referred to the Kichi Mergen of the western writers (id. presently. This Borjigetei is said to have p. 63). Rashidu'd-din makes him the eldest of married Mongholjin Goa, a name as artificially five sons of Timaj, the other four being the created out of the name Mongol, and which is uncestors of the tribe Durban-of which more ignored by the Altan Topchi. These two had a presently-in which be differs from the more east- son Torghaljin Bayan, which was perhaps created ern writers, as we shall see presently. Khorit- in a similar way out of the name Turak or Turk. sar was succeeded by his son Aghojim Bughurul, He had for his wife Borokshin Goa, which seems the Kuchum Baghrul of Rashidu'd-dîn (ib.). also compounded of the particle boro, meaning
I have adopted the orthography of these blue-grey already referred to. The last named names given by Ssanang Setzen, which is sub- pair are said in the Yuan-ch'ao-pi-shi to have stantially the same as that given in the Yuan- had two horses named Tair and Boro, and a ch'ao-pi-shi and the Altan Topchi, as I prefer to domestic named Boroldai. They also had two take Schmidt's direct transliteration of the sons, namely, Doa Sokhor and Dubo Mergen. Mongol words to one taken at second-hand This Dobo Mergen is the same person as the through the medium of Russian letters.
Dubun Bayan of Rashidu'd-dîn. As I have Aghojim Bughurul was succeeded by his son said, Rashidu'd-din ignores the names inserted Sali Khaljigho, who is not mentioned by Rashid by some authorities between Khali Kharchu u'd-din nor in the Bodhimar (vide infra). We and Duban Bayan. In this he is supported by a may remark that one of the Mongol tribes named very independent authority, namely, the Budby Ssanang Setzen in the 15th century was dhist book cited under the name of Bodhimer by called Khalighochin (op cit. pp. 175,191 and 259). Pallas. The list of names given in that work This fact, and the omission of the name from two under a corrupt orthography may be profitably independent lists, looks suspiciously like an compared with those we have discussed. It is interpolation for the purpose of flattering some as follows:tribe or family. Sali Khaljigho was succeed
Burudachi (i. e. Bartechino). ed by Yeke Nidün, i. e. the large-eyed, so Berohen (i.e. Bêdêtsé). called both in the Yuan-ch'ao-pi-shi and the Altan
Temana (i. e. Tamateak). Topchi, and by Rashidu'd-dîn, while Ssanang
Kakza Mergen (i. e. Khoritsar Mergen). Setzen has corrupted it into Nige Nidün, the one
Aiza Borogol (i. e. Aghojim Baghurul). eyed. Rashidu'd-din makes him the son of
Eke Dagun (i. e. Yeke Nidun). Kichi Bughurul. He had a son Samsuji, and he Sai Sunji (i. e. Sam Suji). had a son Khali Kharchu, who is ignored in
Tebzu (i. e. Kharchu). the Altan Topchi, but is named by the author of Derben Zargan(i. e. Dobo Mergen) * the Yuan-ch'ao-pi-shi by Ssanang Setzen and by Here we have the list as given by Rashid Rashidu'd-din. The last author tells us these u'd-din confirmed in two respects ; first, by the princes lived on the rivers Onon, Kerulon and omission of Sali Khaljigho between Yeke 10 Erdmann'rtomudschin der Unerschütterliche, p. 535. 17 Pallas, op cit. vol. I. p. 17