My object in investing this fort is simply to get greatly prejudiced against him, and he advised the fame of its capture. I hope now (as you him to go over to the enemy on the first alarm; have condescended to see me) I shall gain my for he said Hammira had resolved to make object, and I may trust you for a little help in the him a prisoner that very night. He also told fulfilment of my desire. I do not wish for any him the hour at which he might expect to be more kingdoms and forts for myself. When I visited by the king for this purpose. Having take this fort, what better can I do than bestow done this, Ratip â la quietly waited to see the it on a friend like you? My only happiness issue of the mischief he had no industriously will be the fame of its capture." With blan- sown. dishments such as these, Ratip a la was won Virama, the brother of Hammira, was over, and he gave 'Alau'd-d in to understand with him when Ratipala paid him the visit, 80. Thereapon 'Alau'd-dîn, to make his game and he expressed his belief to his brother that donbly, sure, took Ratipal a into his harem, and Ratipala had not spoken the truth, but had there left him to eat and drink in private with been seduced from his allegiance by the enemy. his youngest sister. This done, Ratipala left | He said he could smell liquor when Ratipala the Muhammadan camp and came back into the was speaking, and a drunken man was not to be fort.
believed. Pride of birth, generosity, discernRatipa la wasthus gained over by 'Alau'd- ment, shame, loyalty, love of truth and cleanlidin. Therefore, when he saw the king, he did ness, were qualities, said Virama, that were not give him a true account of what he had seen not to be expected to be the possessions of in the Muhammadan camp, and of what 'Alau'd- those that drink. In order to stop the further din had said to him. Instead of representing progress of sedition among his people, he 'Alau'd-dîn's power as fairly broken by the advised his brother to put Ratipala to death. repeated and vigorous attacks of the Rajputs, But the king objected to this proposal, saying and he himself as willing to retire upon a that his fort was strong enough to resist the nominal surrender of the fort, he represented enemy under any circumstances; and if by him as not only bent upon exacting the most any unforeseen accident, it should fall into the humiliating marks of submission on the part of hands of the enemy after he had killed Ratithe king, but as having it in his power to make pâla, people would moralize on the event, good his threats. 'Alau'd-din confessed, and attribute their fall to their wickedness in said Ra tipala, that the Rajputs had succeeded putting to death an innocent man. in killing some of his soldiers; but that mattered In the mean time, Ratipala caused a rumour little, for no one could look upon the centipede to be spread in the king's Ranawâs that 'Alau'das lame for the loss of a foot or two. Under din only asked for the hand of the king's these circumstances he advised Hammirato daughter, and that he was ready to conclude a call upon Ranamalla in person that night, and peace if his desires in this respect were granted. persuade him to do his best in repelling the as he wanted nothing else. Hereupon the assailants; for Raņa malla, said the traitor king's wives induced his daughter to go to her Ratipala, was an uncommon warrior, but that father and express her willingness to bestow hedid not, it appeared, use his atmost endeavours
her hand on 'Alau'd-din. The girl went where in chastising the enemy, as he was offended her father was sitting, and implored him to give with the king for something or other. The her to the Muhammadan, to save himself king's visit, alleged Ratipala, would make and his kingdom. She said she was as a piece matters all right again.
of worthless glass, whilst her father's life and After this interview with the king, Ratipala kingdom were like the chintamani, or the wishhastened to see Ranamalla, and there, as if granting philosopher's stone; and she solicited to oblige and save from utter destruction an old him to cast her away to retain them. comrade and associate, informed him that, for The king's feelings quite overcame him as some unknown reason, the king's mind was the innocent girl, with clasped hands, thus
"At first sight this statement might seem to be slipper at the door of his wife's room is a sign well underfancy of the author, intended to blacken the character of stood by a husband in this tribe, at sight of which he imthe victor. But we read that such things were quite mediately takes care to retire from the house. See Tod, possible in the tribe to which the conqueror belonged. A vol. I. p. 56.