(FEBRUARY, 1879.
came king. He was married to Karpurâ he heard this account of the misdeeds of Dê vi, who gave birth to a son as the east gives Shahâbu'd-din, his hand was raised to his birth to the cold-rayed beautiful disk of the moustache by the vehemence of his feelings, moon. This son was named Prithviraja and he declared to the assembled princes by the king his father. Day by day the child that he would force this Shahabu'd-dîn to beg throve, and grew up a strong and healthy boy. their pardon on his knees with his hands and After he had acquired proficiency in letters and feet heavily manacled and fettered, else he were arms, Some svara installed him on the gadi, no true Chohân. and himself retiring into the woods died in the After some days, Prithvirkja, with an practice of the yoga. As the eastern mountain efficient army, set out for Multán, and after shines beautiful by the rays that it receives several marches entered into the enemy's from the author of day, so did Prithviraja country. Shahâbu'd-din, when he heard of the shine in the royal insignia obtained from his king's approach, also advanced to encounter him. father.
In the battle which ensued, Prithviraja While Prithviraj a. was ruling over took Shahâbu'd-din captive, and was thus enhis subjects with justice, and keeping his ene- abled to fulfil his vow: for he obliged the mies in terror, Shahâbu'd-din was vigorously haughty Muhammadan on his knees to ask fortrying to subjugate the earth. The kings of the giveness of the princes whom he had despoiled. West, suffering greatly at his hands, chose Sri His vow now fulfilled, Prithviraja gave Chandra raja, son of Govindaraja, as rich presents and gifts to the suppliant princes, their spokesman, and in a body came to Prithvi. and sent them to their respective homes. He râja. After the customary presents had been also allowed Shah â bu'd-din to go to Mul. offered, the suppliant kings seated themselves in tân, bestowing on him like gifts. the presence of Prithviraja, who, seeing Shah â bu'd-d in, though thus well treated, the settled gloom of their countopances, asked the
felt bitterly mortified at the defeat he had susreason of their sorrow. Chandraraja replied tained. Seven times after this did he advance on to him that a Muhammadan named Shahâbu'd- Prithviraja to avenge his defeat, each time din had arisen for the destruction of kings, and with greater preparations than before, but each that he had pillaged and burnt most of their time was signally defeated by the Hindu monarch. cities, defiled their women, and reduced them | When Shah & b n'd-din saw that he could altogether to a miserable plight. "Sire," said not conquer Pșithviraja either by the he, “there is scarcely a mountain-pent valley force of his arms or by the ingenuity of his in the country but is filled to suffocation with stratagems and tactics, he communicated an acRajputs who have fled thither for protection count of his successive defeats to the king of from hís tyranny. A Rajput has but to appear the Ghataik a country and solicited his aid, before him in arms, when at once he is trans- This he obtained in the form of many horses and ferred to Yama's gloomy realm. Methinks men from the king's army. Thus reinforced, Shah & bu'd-din is Parasurama come Shaha bu'd-din rapidly advanced upon down to this earth again for the extirpation of Dehli, which he at once captured. The in. the warrior caste. The people are so panic- habitants were panic-stricken, and fled from the stricken that they abstain from rest, and, not city in every direction. Pșithviraja was knowing from what quarter he may appear, greatly surprised at this, and said that this circumspectly raise their eyes in every direc- Shahâbu'd-din was acting like a naughty child, tion. The noblest of the Rajput families have for he had already been defeated several times disappeared before him, and he has now estab- by him, and as often allowed to go unmolested lished his capital at Multâ n. The Rajas to his capital. Prithviraja, elated with now come to seek the protection of your his former victories over the enemy, gathered Majesty against this unrelenting enemy and the small force that was about him, and with his causeless persecution."
this handful of men advanced to meet the in, Prithviraja was filled with anger when vader.
10 Might not this be a name for the modern Kumbheri?