[FEBRUARY, 1879.
[] matri(tri)bhir=abhivarddhitanam
Kârttikêya-parirakshana-prapta-kalya[ ] ņa-paramparânâm
bhagavan-Narayana-prasada-samas&[] dita-varaha-lañchhan-êkshana kshana-vasikrit-aśêsha-mahibhritán [°] Chalukyânâm
kulam-alankarishnôr=asvamêdh-avabhritha-snâna-pavitri[') k[r]i(kri)ta-gâtrasya
Second plate ; first side. [] sya prapeutrah
paråkram-akrânta-Vanavâsy-di-para-nții(nri)pati-manda[°] la-praņibaddha-visuddha-kirtti-Śri-Kirttivarmma-pri(pri)thivivallabha-maha[no] râjasya
pantras=samara-samsakta-sakal-ottarâ path-eśvara-Sri-Harshsha[") varddhana-parajay-Opalabdha-paramosvar-Apara-námadhe. ["] yasya
Satyasraya-sri-pri(pri)thivivallabha-maharaj-adhiraja[") paramêśvarasya priya-tanaya(y) raņa-sirasi ripu-narendrân=[a]i
Second ptate ; second side. [*] si disi jitvå sva-vansa-" jam lakshmim prâpya cha paramêśvaratâm=a["] nivârita-Vikramadityas-tasya jyêghthô bhrâtâ Sri-Chandraditya[") pri(pri)thivivallabha-mahârâj-adhirajas-tasya
pra(pri)ya-mahi["] shi Kali-kala-pratipaksha-bhûtâ
Sri-Vijayamaha(ha)de["] vi boddi(? ddi)podhi(? thi) sarvvân=&jāâpâyati [1] . Viditam=astu v8 Vaisakha[] sukla-dvâdaśyam spavasa (Pa)sya Vatsa-ssa (sa)gôtrảya Kékha["]".... va?)gôla-svâmine -
VakulakaThird ptate. ["] chha(chchha)-kshetra-nâma-khajjana-samhitam udaka-purvvan=dattam" apara-pů. [] rvvênô(rvvatah) sêtuna niväryyatê (I*] Yô=smad-vansa-jô=nyô v=ånupala[] yati sa punya-bhag=bhavati y as-ch=&paharttâ sa pañcha-mahậpå[] taka-sa (sam)yuktô bhavati [lo] Shashtim varsha-sahasråņi svarggê [19] môdati bhůmi-da(dah) achchhêttâ ch=anumanta cha tany=éva naraka(kê) va[") se[t] (II) Sva-dattam para-dattâttâm) và yê harêta Vasundharam shashti-varsha["") sahasråņi vishthâyâr jậyatê kri(kri)mi(mih) || Pagðlihikbandikâdró(?)sa(?) [ll-1 Translation.
the supreme lord, Satyasraya, who was Hail! The great-grandson of the Great possessed of the second name of 'Supreme King Śr 1-Pula ke si-Vallabha, whose Lord' (&c., as in No, XLI.) ;-(was) Vikrabody was purified by ablutions performed after maditya, the unrepulsed, who, having celebrating horse-sacrifices, and who adorned the conquered the hostile kings in country after family of the Chalukyas, who are glorious, country in the van of war, and having acquired and who are of the lineage of Mâna vya the (regal) fortunes of his family, (attained)" which is praised over the whole world, and the position of a supreme lord. who are the descendants of Hârîtî, and who His elder brother (was) rl-Chandra have been preserved (&c., as in No. XLI.) ;- ditya, the favourite of the world, the Great the grandson of the Great King Sri-Kirtti. King, the supreme king. varma, the favourite of the world, whose His dear queen, Sri-Vijayama hadê vi, pure fame (&c., as in No. XLI.):--the dear son ..............", who was opposed of the favourite of the world, the Great King, to (the vices of the Kali age, commands all
* These four letters are very faint, the rá being almost entirely effaced, and they are spaced out so wide as to oocupy nearly a third of the whole line in the original.
* See para. 4 of the introductory remarks to No. LII.
* One letter is barely discernible herb, and is altogether uncertain
# The finalm is very faint. It must have been much
more distinct when the plates were examined by General Jacob's Pandit; for it is shown in the hand-copy annexed to his paper.
95 In the original text there is no verb to complete this sentence and to govern puramesuaratam. We have to supply prapa, from prdpya.
18 Boddi ? adip&dni (the), 1.18; meaning unknown. See the introductory remarks. General Jacob's Pandit offers no explanation of this word.